
由于误操作在erlcron设置了一个超过3个月后的定时任务。然后第二天之后发现每天的daily reset没有被执行,一些定时任务也没有被执行。瞬间感觉整个人都不好了,怎么无端端就不执行了呢。


2016-03-22 16:54:32.014 [error] gen_server ecrn_control terminated with reason: no case clause matching {ok,[<0.14123.1577>,<0.13079.1576>,<0.25254.1569>,<0.13402.1577>,...]} in ecrn_control:internal_cancel/1 line 111
2016-03-22 16:54:32.015 [error] CRASH REPORT Process ecrn_control with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no case clause matching {ok,[<0.14123.1577>,<0.13079.1576>,<0.25254.1569>,<0.13402.1577>,...]} in ecrn_control:internal_cancel/1 line 111 in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744



internal_cancel(AlarmRef) ->
case ecrn_reg:get(AlarmRef) of
undefined ->
{ok, [Pid]} ->

发现调用ecrn_reg:get(AlarmRef)被返回了{ok, List},而且这个List的数据远不止一个。明显在设置那个超过3个月的定时任务的时候,ecrn_reg被注册进了脏数据。



erlcron:cron({{once, 1000}, {io, fwrite, ["Hello, world!~n"]}}).
erlcron:cron({{once, 1000}, {io, fwrite, ["Hello, world!~n"]}}).
erlcron:cron({{once, 1000}, {io, fwrite, ["Hello, world!~n"]}}).

查看observer:start() 可以看到进程树如下:


erlcron:cron({{once, 4294968}, {io, fwrite, ["Hello, world!~n"]}}).


22:49:16.818 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.5822.64> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: timeout_value in gen_server:loop/6 line 358
22:49:16.818 [error] Supervisor ecrn_cron_sup had child ecrn_agent started with ecrn_agent:start_link(#Ref<>, {{once,4294968},{io,fwrite,["Hello, world!~n"]}}) at <0.5822.64> exit with reason timeout_value in context child_terminated
22:49:16.819 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.5701.64> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: timeout_value in gen_server:loop/6 line 358
22:49:16.821 [error] Supervisor ecrn_cron_sup had child ecrn_agent started with ecrn_agent:start_link(#Ref<>, {{once,4294968},{io,fwrite,["Hello, world!~n"]}}) at <0.5701.64> exit with reason timeout_value in context child_terminated
22:49:16.821 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6237.64> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: timeout_value in gen_server:loop/6 line 358
22:49:16.821 [error] Supervisor ecrn_cron_sup had child ecrn_agent started with ecrn_agent:start_link(#Ref<>, {{once,4294968},{io,fwrite,["Hello, world!~n"]}}) at <0.6237.64> exit with reason timeout_value in context child_terminated
22:49:16.821 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.5862.64> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: timeout_value in gen_server:loop/6 line 358
22:49:16.821 [error] Supervisor ecrn_cron_sup had child ecrn_agent started with ecrn_agent:start_link(#Ref<>, {{once,4294968},{io,fwrite,["Hello, world!~n"]}}) at <0.5862.64> exit with reason timeout_value in context child_terminated ...(总共有25条)


我擦,为毛原来的 scrn_agent 进程也没有了。

可以发现,erlcron 在尝试了25次设置 这个定时任务之后,也就是 scrn_agent 崩溃了25次之后,原来设置的三个正常的定时任务的scrn_agent 进程也没有掉了。 也就是说,不但我新设置的定时任务没有成功,而且我原来正常的定时任务也没有掉了。





loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, hibernate, Debug) ->
proc_lib:hibernate(?MODULE,wake_hib,[Parent, Name, State, Mod, Debug]);
loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, Debug) ->
Msg = receive
Input ->
after Time ->
decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, Debug, false).


自测了一下,的确如果receiveafter后面如果是大于等于2^32的数值就会出现bad receive timeout value的报错。查看官方解释,已经明确说明不能大于32位大小。

ExprT is to evaluate to an integer. The highest allowed value is 16#FFFFFFFF, that is, the value must fit in 32 bits. receive..after works exactly as receive, except that if no matching message has arrived within ExprT milliseconds, then BodyT is evaluated instead. The return value of BodyT then becomes the return value of the receive..after expression.


再回到erlcron, 在 ecrn_agent:start_link的时候,ecrn_agent:init执行完ecrn_reg:register(JobRef, self())返回{ok, NewState, Millis}gen_server之后,Millis如果超过2^32gen_server:loop就会引起gen_servertimeout_value异常退出。

%% @private
init([JobRef, Job]) ->
State = #state{job=Job,
{DateTime, Actual} = ecrn_control:datetime(),
NewState = set_internal_time(State, DateTime, Actual),
case until_next_milliseconds(NewState, Job) of
{ok, Millis} when is_integer(Millis) ->
ecrn_reg:register(JobRef, self()),
{ok, NewState, Millis};
{error, _} ->
{stop, normal}




%% This module is simply a stub which abstract code gets included in the result
%% of compilation of prim_eval.S, to keep Dialyzer happy. -export(['receive'/2]). -spec 'receive'(fun((term()) -> nomatch | T), timeout()) -> T.
'receive'(_, _) ->


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