The normal way of deploy clojure files is using leiningen. But if we have no leiningen, or the script is small and unnecessary to pack as a leiningen project, we can build a "bare" clojure script in the following way.

  1. Get the dependency jar files, 2 options:

    i. download the jar file directly;

    i. if the dependency project provide the dependency as leiningen dependency items in porject.clj (for example, "[org.clojure/data.json "0.2.3"]" in data.json), you can build the leiningen project following Parse Sonarqube Data via Web API in Clojure , then copy the denpendency jar files from the ~/.m2/repository folder;

  2. Build srcipt: get-sonar-data.clj

    (require '[ :as json])

    (def url "")

    (def data (json/read-str (slurp url)))

    (println ((first data) "name"))

    (println ((first ((first data) "msr")) "val"))

  3. Run script: java -cp './*:.' clojure.main get-sonar-data.clj

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