Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
/dev/vg00/lvol3 10485760 225552 10180096 2% /
/dev/vg00/lvol1 4194304 390200 3774448 9% /stand
/dev/vg00/lvol8 31457280 2128008 29102256 7% /var
/dev/vg00/lvol7 10485760 3205264 7223672 31% /usr
/dev/vg00/lvol4 10485760 6576408 3879176 63% /tmp
/dev/vg00/lvol11 41943040 23159923 17611782 57% /oracle
/dev/vg00/lvol6 12582912 7165312 5376864 57% /opt
/dev/vg00/lvol5 20971520 75992 20732400 0% /home
/dev/vg00/lvol10 41943040 14004604 26192355 35% /grid
fabdb1$[/home/oracle]man bdf bdf(1M) bdf(1M) ## bdf ## NAME
bdf - report number of free disk blocks (Berkeley version) #报告磁盘的剩余空间块 SYNOPSIS #简介
/usr/bin/bdf [-b] [-i] [-l] [-s] [-t type | [filesystem|file] ... ] bdf [-b] [-i] [-l] [-s] [-t type | [filesystem | file]… ] DESCRIPTION #描述
The bdf command displays the amount of free disk space available bdf命令展示了在指定的文件系统中可以使用的磁盘空间大小,如果
either on the specified filesystem (/dev/dsk/c0d0s0, for example) or 没有文件系统被指定,则打印所有正常安装的文件系统的可以利用的
on the file system in which the specified file (such as $HOME), is 空间,打印的单位是kilobytes(千比特,kb)
contained. If no file system is specified, the free space on all of 注意:1Gb=1000 000kb
the normally mounted file systems is printed. The reported numbers
are in kilobytes. Options #选项
The bdf command recognizes the following options: bdf命令有以下选项: -b Display information regarding file system -b 展示有关文件系统交换信息
swapping. -i Report the number of used and free inodes. -i 展示可利用的空闲空间的大小 -l Display information for local file systems only -l 仅仅展示本地文件系统的信息
(for example, HFS and CDFS file systems). -s Do not sync the file system data on the disk -s 在报告使用前不同步文件系统的数据,注意得到的数据可能
before reporting the usage. Note that the data 不是最新的
reported by bdf may not be up to date. -t type Report on the file systems of a given type (for
example, nfs or hfs). RETURN VALUE #返回值
The bdf command returns 0 on success (able to get status on all file 成功返回0,失败返回1
systems), or returns 1 on failure (unable to get status on one or more
file systems). WARNINGS #警告
If file system names are too long, the output for a given entry is 如果文件系统名字太长,将分成2行输出展示。
displayed on two lines. bdf命令不会计算磁盘保留用于交换的空间… The bdf command does not account for any disk space reserved for swap 小结:bdf命令与其它查看空间的命令在计算空间的方法上有所区别,
space, or used for the HFS boot block (8 KB, 1 per file system), HFS 命令得到的结果也会有一些出入。
superblocks (8 KB each, 1 per disk cylinder), HFS cylinder group
blocks (1 KB - 8 KB each, 1 per cylinder group), and inodes (currently
128 bytes reserved for each inode). Non-HFS file systems may have
other items not accounted for by this command. AUTHOR
bdf was developed by the University of California, Berkeley. Hewlett-Packard Company - 1 - HP-UX 11i Version 3 Feb 2007 bdf(1M) bdf(1M) FILES
/etc/fstab Static information about the file systems.
/etc/mnttab Mounted file system table.
/dev/dsk/* File system devices. SEE ALSO
df(1M), fstab(4), mnttab(4).
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