【Leetcode】【Easy】Add Binary
Given two binary strings, return their sum (also a binary string).
For example,
a = "11"
b = "1"
Return "100"
1、建立返回string、从后向前遍历的idx:idx_a / idx_b、进位量
(1)临时整形sum = 进位值;
(2)如果idx_a不为0,则加上a[idx_a - 1],idx_a--;同理对idx_b;
class Solution {
string addBinary(string a, string b) {
int len_a = a.size();
int len_b = b.size();
int sig_flag = ;
string ret; while (len_a || len_b) {
int curd = sig_flag;
if (len_a) {
curd += a[len_a - ] - '';
} if (len_b) {
curd += b[len_b - ] - '';
} sig_flag = curd / ;
curd = curd % ;
ret.insert(, , '' + curd);
} if (sig_flag)
ret.insert(, , ''); return ret;
int char string
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