May 31st 2017 Week 22nd Wednesday
No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess.
When our ancestors saw the birds flying in the sky, they wondered that can people fly in the sky like birds.
Then some of them started to try. After hundreds of thousands of times of trials, and the process had lasted for thousands of years, in the 19th century, people eventually managed to fly in the sky by balloons and planes.
If there is no bold guess, then there is definitely no great invention and discovery.
There are plenty of possiblities in our life, sometimes a crazy thought may lead to a thorough change.
Actually, most of us are not lack of imaginations, we always wonder what our life will be if we can do something different. However, the reason that most of us can't become the lucky one is just due to the lack of activities that can uphold our dreams.
For myself, I often feel boring of my current life and work, I really want to make some changes, but that often stops at the stages of imagination.
Enthusiasm, persistence, efficiency, that are the very things I need, and only with their helps can I make something realized.
Food is the most primitive form of comfort.
From Sheila Graham.
A lot of people say that when they feel depressed, a big meal can make them feel better.
And when we are hungry and tired, we often feel frustrated if the results of our efforts are not as good as we have expected. Then a big meal or several bottles of beer can save us from the awful feelings.
To have a big meal, we must have to earn the money to affort it.
Today, I vow to turn my life around and make something good accomplished in the latter half of this year.
First, there is a small goal: get up a little earlier and never be late to work.
Recently, a round of heavry rainfall hit the central China, and left many people dead or missing, triggering the most serious floods on record in many rivers.
Many houses were destroyed by the flood, many people lost their homes and their wealth in the disaster.
I expect the weather can be improved and our compatriots who were affected by the floods can be rescued and properly relocated.
Heaven bless us.
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