March 11 2017 Week 10 Saturday
Wisdom outweighs any wealth.
Wisdom can create wealth if used in proper ways, it can help us start up our own enterprises to accumulate our own wealth.
Please note that we say it can create wealth only if we use it in some proper ways, if we can't do it, then our wisdom may be worthless.
From this point, wisdom may not always outweigh any wealth.
And wealth can give us the ability to make use of others' wisdom, in such ways, we can make the wealth we own increase at a considerable pace.
Besides, in this day and age, wealth may play much more important role in our life.
So, the conclusion is very clear, make good use of our wisdom, with the help of wealth from others, then we can magnify the value both in wisdom and wealth.
When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.
Yesterday, I know from my colleague that one of my pervious fellows has been promoted as the deputy manager of the very important department in the parent company, supervising and leading a team with about tens of engineers.
He indeed has done a good job.
Of course, I should congratulate him on his achievements.
And I also feel envious of him, and have a depressed feeling about myself.
Where does the gap lie in?
Can I close the gap in the coming days?
I don't know, maybe the answer is I can't, because I am lack of both enthusiasm and skills in my job.
You miserable worm.
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