nova cell配置
Configuration option = Default value | Description |
[cells] | |
call_timeout = 60 |
(IntOpt) Seconds to wait for response from a call to a cell. |
capabilities = hypervisor=xenserver;kvm, os=linux;windows |
(ListOpt) Key/Multi-value list with the capabilities of the cell |
cell_type = compute |
(StrOpt) Type of cell |
cells_config = None |
(StrOpt) Configuration file from which to read cells configuration. If given, overrides reading cells from the database. |
db_check_interval = 60 |
(IntOpt) Interval, in seconds, for getting fresh cell information from the database. |
driver = nova.cells.rpc_driver.CellsRPCDriver |
(StrOpt) Cells communication driver to use |
enable = False |
(BoolOpt) Enable cell functionality |
instance_update_num_instances = 1 |
(IntOpt) Number of instances to update per periodic task run |
instance_updated_at_threshold = 3600 |
(IntOpt) Number of seconds after an instance was updated or deleted to continue to update cells |
manager = nova.cells.manager.CellsManager |
(StrOpt) Manager for cells |
max_hop_count = 10 |
(IntOpt) Maximum number of hops for cells routing. |
mute_child_interval = 300 |
(IntOpt) Number of seconds after which a lack of capability and capacity updates signals the child cell is to be treated as a mute. |
mute_weight_multiplier = -10000.0 |
(FloatOpt) Multiplier used to weigh mute children. (The value should be negative.) |
name = nova |
(StrOpt) Name of this cell |
offset_weight_multiplier = 1.0 |
(FloatOpt) Multiplier used to weigh offset weigher. |
reserve_percent = 10.0 |
(FloatOpt) Percentage of cell capacity to hold in reserve. Affects both memory and disk utilization |
topic = cells |
(StrOpt) The topic cells nodes listen on |
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