
有一幅以二维整数数组表示的图画,每一个整数表示该图画的像素值大小,数值在 0 到 65535 之间。

An image is represented by a 2-D array of integers, each integer representing the pixel value of the image (from 0 to 65535).

给你一个坐标 (sr, sc) 表示图像渲染开始的像素值(行 ,列)和一个新的颜色值 newColor,让你重新上色这幅图像。

Given a coordinate (sr, sc) representing the starting pixel (row and column) of the flood fill, and a pixel value newColor, "flood fill" the image.


To perform a "flood fill", consider the starting pixel, plus any pixels connected 4-directionally to the starting pixel of the same color as the starting pixel, plus any pixels connected 4-directionally to those pixels (also with the same color as the starting pixel), and so on. Replace the color of all of the aforementioned pixels with the newColor.


At the end, return the modified image.

示例 1:

image = [[1,1,1],[1,1,0],[1,0,1]]
sr = 1, sc = 1, newColor = 2
输出: [[2,2,2],[2,2,0],[2,0,1]]


  • imageimage[0] 的长度在范围 [1, 50] 内。
  • 给出的初始点将满足 0 <= sr < image.length0 <= sc < image[0].length
  • image[i][j]newColor 表示的颜色值在范围 [0, 65535]内。


The length of image and image[0] will be in the range [1, 50].

The given starting pixel will satisfy 0 <= sr < image.length and 0 <= sc < image[0].length.

The value of each color in image[i][j] and newColor will be an integer in [0, 65535].


​ 与01矩阵类似,在图的数据结构内找到所有旧的像素点改成新的新素值。无非是图的遍历,BFS和DFS。

就这道题而言,不涉及路径长度,明显DFS深度优先遍历更适合。因为BFS广度优先遍历需要记录每个相邻符合要求的位置,并且不能添加重复的点。 DFS可以用栈或递归实现,如果用栈来解虽然比递归更好理解一些,但是每次依然要存储每个点的索引位置,并且出入栈也会消耗时间。所以这道题的最优解应该是用递归实现的深度优先遍历解题。



class Solution {
private boolean withinBounds(int[][] img, int i, int j) {//判断指针是否溢出
return (i < img.length && i >= 0) && (j < img[0].length && j >= 0);
} private void floodFillProcess(int[][] img, int sr, int sc, int oc, int nc) {
if (withinBounds(img, sr, sc) && img[sr][sc] == oc) {//指针不溢出且像素值为旧值时
img[sr][sc] = nc;//改为新值
floodFillProcess(img, sr - 1, sc, oc, nc);//递归上下左右四个点
floodFillProcess(img, sr + 1, sc, oc, nc);
floodFillProcess(img, sr, sc - 1, oc, nc);
floodFillProcess(img, sr, sc + 1, oc, nc);
} public int[][] floodFill(int[][] image, int sr, int sc, int newColor) {
int oc = image[sr][sc];
if (newColor == oc) return image;
floodFillProcess(image, sr, sc, oc, newColor);
return image;


class Solution:
def floodFill(self, image: List[List[int]], sr: int, sc: int, newColor: int) -> List[List[int]]:
oldColor = image[sr][sc]
if oldColor == newColor:
return image
self.dfs(image, sr, sc, oldColor, newColor)
return image def dfs(self, image: List[List[int]], sr: int, sc: int, oldColor: int, newColor: int):
if image[sr][sc] == oldColor:
image[sr][sc] = newColor
if sr-1 >= 0:#先判断是否溢出再决定是否递归
self.dfs(image, sr-1, sc, oldColor, newColor)
if sr+1 < len(image):
self.dfs(image, sr+1, sc, oldColor, newColor)
if sc-1 >= 0:
self.dfs(image, sr, sc-1, oldColor, newColor)
if sc+1 < len(image[0]):
self.dfs(image, sr, sc+1, oldColor, newColor)



class Solution {
public int[][] floodFill(int[][] image, int sr, int sc, int newColor) {
int oldColor = image[sr][sc];
if (oldColor == newColor) return image;//旧像素值与新像素值相等时,无需修改
int rows = image.length;
int columns = image[0].length;
bfs(image, sr * columns + sc, rows, columns, newColor, oldColor);//进入BFS辅助函数
return image;
} private void bfs(int[][] img, int loc, int row, int column, int nc, int oc) {
Set<Integer> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(); //set(),避免添加重复点
Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
int tmp = queue.poll();
int r = tmp / column, c = tmp % column;//拆解位置
if (img[r][c] == oc && !set.contains(tmp)) {//像素值为旧值,并且该点未被计算过
img[r][c] = nc;//改为新值
if (r + 1 < row) if (img[r + 1][c] == oc) queue.add((r + 1) * column + c);
if (r - 1 >= 0) if (img[r - 1][c] == oc) queue.add((r - 1) * column + c);
if (c + 1 < column) if (img[r][c + 1] == oc) queue.add(r * column + c + 1);
if (c - 1 >= 0) if (img[r][c - 1] == oc) queue.add(r * column + c - 1);

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