
  1. DGMGRL> edit configuration set protection mode as maxAvailability;
  2. Succeeded.


  1. DGMGRL> show database verbose xiaohe 'LogXptMode'
  2. LogXptMode = 'ASYNC'
  3. DGMGRL> show database verbose xiaohedg 'LogXptMode'
  4. LogXptMode = 'ASYNC'
  5. DGMGRL> edit database xiaohe set property LogXptMode = 'SYNC';
  6. Property "logxptmode" updated
  7. DGMGRL> edit database xiaohedg set property LogXptMode = 'SYNC';
  8. Property "logxptmode" updated
  9. DGMGRL>
  10. DGMGRL> show database verbose xiaohe 'LogXptMode'
  11. LogXptMode = 'SYNC'
  12. DGMGRL> show database verbose xiaohedg 'LogXptMode'
  13. LogXptMode = 'SYNC'


  1. DGMGRL> show database verbose xiaohe 'FastStartFailoverTarget';
  2. FastStartFailoverTarget = 'xiaohedg'
  3. DGMGRL> show database verbose xiaohedg 'FastStartFailoverTarget';
  4. FastStartFailoverTarget = 'xiaohe'

这里已经不用配置了, 如果需要配置, 使用如下的命令:
edit database xiaohedg set property FastStartFailoverTarget='xiaohe';


DGMGRL> start observer
Observer started


可以看到Observer: xiaohe_dg1, 这里监控的就是主库。

  1. DGMGRL> show fast_start failover
  2. Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED
  3. Threshold: 30 seconds
  4. Target: (none)
  5. Observer: xiaohe_dg1
  6. Lag Limit: 30 seconds
  7. Shutdown Primary: TRUE
  8. Auto-reinstate: TRUE
  9. Configurable Failover Conditions
  10. Health Conditions:
  11. Corrupted Controlfile YES
  12. Corrupted Dictionary YES
  13. Inaccessible Logfile NO
  14. Stuck Archiver NO
  15. Datafile Offline YES
  16. Oracle Error Conditions:
  17. (none)


  1. DGMGRL> enable fast_start failover;
  2. Enabled.


(1)、将主库给shutdown abort
  1. SQL> shutdown abort;
  2. ORACLE instance shut down.

(2)、等一两分钟, 查看observer的日志
  1. DGMGRL> start observer
  2. Observer started
  3. 23:56:08.19 Saturday, March 18, 2017
  4. Initiating Fast-Start Failover to database "xiaohe"...
  5. Performing failover NOW, please wait...
  6. Failover succeeded, new primary is "xiaohe"
  7. 23:56:11.64 Saturday, March 18, 2017

  1. SQL> select open_mode from v$database;
  3. --------------------

  1. SQL> startup
  2. ORACLE instance started.
  3. Total System Global Area 839282688 bytes
  4. Fixed Size 2233000 bytes
  5. Variable Size 494931288 bytes
  6. Database Buffers 339738624 bytes
  7. Redo Buffers 2379776 bytes
  8. Database mounted.
  9. ORA-16649: possible failover to another database prevents this database from
  10. being opened


  1. DGMGRL> start observer
  2. Observer started
  3. 23:56:08.19 Saturday, March 18, 2017
  4. Initiating Fast-Start Failover to database "xiaohe"...
  5. Performing failover NOW, please wait...
  6. Failover succeeded, new primary is "xiaohe"
  7. 23:56:11.64 Saturday, March 18, 2017
  8. 00:05:46.24 Sunday, March 19, 2017
  9. Initiating reinstatement for database "xiaohedg"...
  10. Reinstating database "xiaohedg", please wait...
  11. Operation requires shutdown of instance "xiaohedg" on database "xiaohedg"
  12. Shutting down instance "xiaohedg"...
  13. ORA-01109: database not open
  14. Database dismounted.
  15. ORACLE instance shut down.
  16. Operation requires startup of instance "xiaohedg" on database "xiaohedg"
  17. Starting instance "xiaohedg"...
  18. ORACLE instance started.
  19. Database mounted.
  20. Continuing to reinstate database "xiaohedg" ...
  21. Reinstatement of database "xiaohedg" succeeded
  22. 00:06:42.78 Sunday, March 19, 2017

等了几分钟后, 数据库自动恢复正常了。

经测试, 但故障的库只需要启动到mount状态, failover就能自动将库打开。


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