The previous challenges covered how to use some of the animation properties and the @keyframes rule.

Another animation property is the animation-iteration-count, which allows you to control how many times you would like to loop through the animation.

Here's an example:

animation-iteration-count: 3;

In this case the animation will stop after running 3 times, but it's possible to make the animation run continuously by setting that value to infinite.



To keep the ball bouncing on the right on a continuous loop, change the animation-iteration-count property to infinite.

练习代码: (不需要全部写,填空进去)

  1. <style>
  3. #ball {
  4. width: 100px;
  5. height: 100px;
  6. margin: 50px auto;
  7. position: relative;
  8. border-radius: 50%;
  9. background: linear-gradient(
  10. 35deg,
  11. #ccffff,
  12. #ffcccc
  13. );
  14. animation-name: bounce;
  15. animation-duration: 1s;
  16. animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  17. }
  19. @keyframes bounce{
  20. 0% {
  21. top: 0px;
  22. }
  23. 50% {
  24. top: 249px;
  25. width: 130px;
  26. height: 70px;
  27. }
  28. 100% {
  29. top: 0px;
  30. }
  31. }
  32. </style>
  33. <div id="ball"></div>



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