China International Industry Fair 2019
Today i visit the CIIF 2019, as a "professional visitor" since i have made an appointment online in advance. I visited 5 exhibition halls which are H5 ( about factory automation, FA), H7&8 ( about industrial robots) and H3&4 ( about machine tool and CNC systems).
Firstly, i found that the application of robots in factories did not exceed the fields of the gripping, polishing with simple force control, collibrative robots and vision dection. It seems that the well-known algorithms and control methodogies have mere application in industries, or maybe it is because i do not have enough knowledge and experiments to find and acknowledge the key parts of the industrial robots in exhibition. Secondly, based on the overviewing of the introductions of different robots, i found that the re-positioning accuracy of open chain industrial robots are among 0.015 mm(UR certain version robot) ~ 0.03mm(normal) ~ 0.1mm (not desirable). The collebrative robots have higher re-positioning accuracy, and the cumbersome giant industrial robots have lower re-positioning accuracy. Thirdly, the force control accuracy of collibrative robots are about 3N, of polishing and finishing robots are about 10N (always accompany with the force/moment sensor module). Besides, the polishing and finishing processes of blades is a quite well-explored field with the whole system well-developed by UR, FANUC and ABB. And in the sub-fields of robotic vision, grabbing and collibrative robot, there are so many young companies trying their best to survive, the foreground of robotics is not that brillant.
Well, as master student in robotics field, i think i need to learn and master the fundamental theoretical theories, such as dynamics, control, optimization, simulation and machine learning which are important for my study, and at the same time try my best to use them to handle with the problems in industrial applications.
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