
继承 spring-boot-starter-parent

当我们在 pom 里面继承 spring-boot-starter-parent 的时候,我们将自动的获得一些默认值,这些默认值都是 spring-boot-starter-parent 里面默认配置的;


  • JDK8 将作为默认的编译器;
  • 所有的编码,都将自动的使用 UTF8


A Dependency Management section, inherited from the spring-boot-dependencies pom, that manages the versions of common dependencies. This dependency management lets you omit <version> tags for those dependencies when used in your own pom.

An execution of the repackage goal with a repackage execution id. Sensible resource filtering.

Sensible plugin configuration (exec plugin, Git commit ID, and shade).

Sensible resource filtering for application.properties and application.yml including profile-specific files (for example, application-dev.properties and application-dev.yml)

Note that, since the application.properties and application.yml files accept Spring style placeholders (${…​}), the Maven filtering is changed to use @..@ placeholders. (You can override that by setting a Maven property called resource.delimiter.)



我们只需要在 <properties> 里面配置,我们想要覆盖的属性的具体版本,即可:

例如,覆盖 spring-data-releasetrain 的默认版本:


和上一篇,使用没有 <parent>pom,而使用 spring-boot-dependencies 一样,都可以覆盖默认配置;



比如我们需要 Spring Framework 框架的缓存功能,则可以在 <dependencies> 里面添加 spring-boot-starter-cache 启动器 依赖;


官方的启动器名字格式都是 spring-boot-starter-* ,在 IDEA 配置好 Maven 以后,可以使用 Ctrl + 空格键 进行智能提示;

官网给出了启动器的列表,以及说明,地址 :Spring Boot 启动器

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