#include<vector> //get namespace related stuff
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::flush;
using std::string;
using std::vector; //struct Observer, modeled after java.utils.Observer
struct Observer
* AK: This could be a template (C++) or generic (Java 5),
* however the original Smalltalk MVC didn't do that.
virtual void update(void*)=;
}; //struct Observable, modeled after java.utils.Observable
struct Observable
vector<Observer*>observers; //addObserver
void addObserver(Observer*a){observers.push_back(a);} //notifyObservers
void notifyObservers()
for (vector<Observer*>::const_iterator observer_iterator=observers.begin();observer_iterator!=observers.end();observer_iterator++)
} /*
AK: If you had a method which takes an extra "ARG" argument like this
notifyObservers(void* ARG), you can pass that arg to each Observer via
the call (*observer_iterator)->update(this,ARG); This can significantly increase your View's reusablity down the track.
I'll explain why below in the View.
*/ }; //struct Model, contains string-data and methods to set and get the data
struct Model:Observable
//data members title_caption, version_caption, credits_caption
string title_caption;
string version_caption;
string credits_caption; //data members title, version, credits
string title;
string version;
string credits; //constructor
Model() :
title_caption("Title: "),
version_caption("Version: "),
credits_caption("Credits: "),
title("Simple Model-View-Controller Implementation"),
credits("(put your name here)")
{ } //getCredits_Caption, getTitle_Caption, getVersion_Caption
string getCredits_Caption(){return credits_caption;}
string getTitle_Caption(){return title_caption;}
string getVersion_Caption(){return version_caption;} //getCredits, getTitle, getVersion
string getCredits(){return credits;}
string getTitle(){return title;}
string getVersion(){return version;} //setCredits, setTitle, setVersion
void setCredits(string a){credits=a;notifyObservers();}
void setTitle(string a){title=a;notifyObservers();}
void setVersion(string a){version=a;notifyObservers();}
* AK notifyObservers(a) for credit, title and version.
* All as per discussion in View and Observer *
}; /*
Great stuff ;-) This satisfies a major principle of the MVC
architecture, the separation of model and view. The model now has NO View material in it, this model can now be used in
other applications.
You can use it with command line apps (batch, testing, reports, ...),
web, gui, etc. Mind you "MVC with Passive Model" is a variation of MVC where the model
doesn't get even involved with the Observer pattern. In that case the Controller would trigger a model update *and it* could
also supply the latest info do the Views. This is a fairly common MVC
variation, especially with we apps.
*/ //struct TitleView, specialized Observer
struct TitleView:Observer
* AK:
* I like to get a reference to the model via a constructor to avoid
* a static_cast in update and to avoid creating zombie objects.
* A zombie object is instantiated but is unusable because it
* is missing vital elements. Dangerous. Getting model via the
* constructor solves this problem. Model model;
// Cons.
TitleView (Model* m) .... RE-USABILITY.
Some views are better off working with the full Model, yet others are
better off being dumber. I like to have two kinds of Views. Those that work with full Model (A)
and those that only work with a limited more abstract data type (B). Type A.
Complex application specific views are better off getting the full
model, they can then just pick and choose what they need from the full
model without missing something all the time. Convenient. Type B.
These only require abstract or generic data types. Consider a PieChartView, it doesn't really need to know about the full
Model of a particular application, it can get by with just float
*values[] or vector<float>; By avoiding Model you can then reuse PieChartView in other applications
with different models. For this to be possible you must use the 2 argument version of
notifyObservers. See comments on Observer class. See my Java example NameView. That view only knows about a String, not
the full Model.
*/ //update
void update(void*a)
*AK:void update(void*a, void*arg) is often better. As per discussion
}; //struct VersionView, specialized Observer
struct VersionView:Observer
{ //update
void update(void*a)
}; //struct CreditsView, specialized Observer
struct CreditsView:Observer
{ //update
void update(void*a)
}; //struct Views, pack all Observers together in yet another Observer
struct Views:Observer
//data members titleview, versionview, creditsview
TitleView titleview;
VersionView versionview;
CreditsView creditsview;
* AK:
* Views are often hierarchical and composed of other Views. See
Composite pattern.
* vector<View*> views;
* Views often manage (create and own) a Controller.
* Views may include their own Controller code (Delegate).
void setModel(Observable&a)
} //update
void update(void*a)
cout<<"\nType t to edit Title, ";
cout<<"v to edit Version, ";
cout<<"c to edit Credits. ";
cout<<"Type q to quit./n>>";
}; //struct Controller, wait for keystroke and change Model
struct Controller
* AK: Controller can also be an Observer.
* There is much to say about Controller but IMHO we should defer
* that to another version.
//data member model
Model*model; //setModel
void setModel(Model&a){model=&a;} //MessageLoop
void MessageLoop()
char c=' ';
string s;
case 'c':
case 't':
case 'v':
case 'c':model->setCredits(s);break;
case 't':model->setTitle(s);break;
case 'v':model->setVersion(s);break;
}; //struct Application, get Model, Views and Controller together
struct Application
{ //data member model
Model model; //data member views
Views views; //data member controller
Controller controller; //constructor
} //run
void run(){controller.MessageLoop();}
}; //main
int main()
return ;


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