- #include<iostream>
- #include<vector>
- //get namespace related stuff
- using std::cin;
- using std::cout;
- using std::endl;
- using std::flush;
- using std::string;
- using std::vector;
- //struct Observer, modeled after java.utils.Observer
- struct Observer
- /*
- * AK: This could be a template (C++) or generic (Java 5),
- * however the original Smalltalk MVC didn't do that.
- */
- {
- //update
- virtual void update(void*)=;
- };
- //struct Observable, modeled after java.utils.Observable
- struct Observable
- {
- //observers
- vector<Observer*>observers;
- //addObserver
- void addObserver(Observer*a){observers.push_back(a);}
- //notifyObservers
- void notifyObservers()
- {
- for (vector<Observer*>::const_iterator observer_iterator=observers.begin();observer_iterator!=observers.end();observer_iterator++)
- (*observer_iterator)->update(this);
- }
- /*
- AK: If you had a method which takes an extra "ARG" argument like this
- notifyObservers(void* ARG), you can pass that arg to each Observer via
- the call (*observer_iterator)->update(this,ARG);
- This can significantly increase your View's reusablity down the track.
- I'll explain why below in the View.
- */
- };
- //struct Model, contains string-data and methods to set and get the data
- struct Model:Observable
- {
- //data members title_caption, version_caption, credits_caption
- string title_caption;
- string version_caption;
- string credits_caption;
- //data members title, version, credits
- string title;
- string version;
- string credits;
- //constructor
- Model() :
- title_caption("Title: "),
- version_caption("Version: "),
- credits_caption("Credits: "),
- title("Simple Model-View-Controller Implementation"),
- version("0.2"),
- credits("(put your name here)")
- { }
- //getCredits_Caption, getTitle_Caption, getVersion_Caption
- string getCredits_Caption(){return credits_caption;}
- string getTitle_Caption(){return title_caption;}
- string getVersion_Caption(){return version_caption;}
- //getCredits, getTitle, getVersion
- string getCredits(){return credits;}
- string getTitle(){return title;}
- string getVersion(){return version;}
- //setCredits, setTitle, setVersion
- void setCredits(string a){credits=a;notifyObservers();}
- void setTitle(string a){title=a;notifyObservers();}
- void setVersion(string a){version=a;notifyObservers();}
- /*
- * AK notifyObservers(a) for credit, title and version.
- * All as per discussion in View and Observer *
- */
- };
- /*
- AK:
- Great stuff ;-) This satisfies a major principle of the MVC
- architecture, the separation of model and view.
- The model now has NO View material in it, this model can now be used in
- other applications.
- You can use it with command line apps (batch, testing, reports, ...),
- web, gui, etc.
- Mind you "MVC with Passive Model" is a variation of MVC where the model
- doesn't get even involved with the Observer pattern.
- In that case the Controller would trigger a model update *and it* could
- also supply the latest info do the Views. This is a fairly common MVC
- variation, especially with we apps.
- */
- //struct TitleView, specialized Observer
- struct TitleView:Observer
- {
- /*
- * AK:
- * I like to get a reference to the model via a constructor to avoid
- * a static_cast in update and to avoid creating zombie objects.
- *
- * A zombie object is instantiated but is unusable because it
- * is missing vital elements. Dangerous. Getting model via the
- * constructor solves this problem.
- Model model;
- // Cons.
- TitleView (Model* m) ....
- Some views are better off working with the full Model, yet others are
- better off being dumber.
- I like to have two kinds of Views. Those that work with full Model (A)
- and those that only work with a limited more abstract data type (B).
- Type A.
- Complex application specific views are better off getting the full
- model, they can then just pick and choose what they need from the full
- model without missing something all the time. Convenient.
- Type B.
- These only require abstract or generic data types.
- Consider a PieChartView, it doesn't really need to know about the full
- Model of a particular application, it can get by with just float
- *values[] or vector<float>;
- By avoiding Model you can then reuse PieChartView in other applications
- with different models.
- For this to be possible you must use the 2 argument version of
- notifyObservers. See comments on Observer class.
- See my Java example NameView. That view only knows about a String, not
- the full Model.
- */
- //update
- void update(void*a)
- /*
- *AK:void update(void*a, void*arg) is often better. As per discussion
- above.
- */
- {
- cout<<static_cast<Model*>(a)->getTitle_Caption();
- cout<<static_cast<Model*>(a)->getTitle();
- cout<<endl;
- }
- };
- //struct VersionView, specialized Observer
- struct VersionView:Observer
- {
- //update
- void update(void*a)
- {
- cout<<static_cast<Model*>(a)->getVersion_Caption();
- cout<<static_cast<Model*>(a)->getVersion();
- cout<<endl;
- }
- };
- //struct CreditsView, specialized Observer
- struct CreditsView:Observer
- {
- //update
- void update(void*a)
- {
- cout<<static_cast<Model*>(a)->getCredits_Caption();
- cout<<static_cast<Model*>(a)->getCredits();
- cout<<endl;
- }
- };
- //struct Views, pack all Observers together in yet another Observer
- struct Views:Observer
- {
- //data members titleview, versionview, creditsview
- TitleView titleview;
- VersionView versionview;
- CreditsView creditsview;
- /*
- * AK:
- * Views are often hierarchical and composed of other Views. See
- Composite pattern.
- * vector<View*> views;
- *
- * Views often manage (create and own) a Controller.
- *
- * Views may include their own Controller code (Delegate).
- *
- */
- //setModel
- void setModel(Observable&a)
- {
- a.addObserver(&titleview);
- a.addObserver(&versionview);
- a.addObserver(&creditsview);
- a.addObserver(this);
- }
- //update
- void update(void*a)
- {
- cout<<"_____________________________";
- cout<<"\nType t to edit Title, ";
- cout<<"v to edit Version, ";
- cout<<"c to edit Credits. ";
- cout<<"Type q to quit./n>>";
- }
- };
- //struct Controller, wait for keystroke and change Model
- struct Controller
- /*
- * AK: Controller can also be an Observer.
- *
- * There is much to say about Controller but IMHO we should defer
- * that to another version.
- */
- {
- //data member model
- Model*model;
- //setModel
- void setModel(Model&a){model=&a;}
- //MessageLoop
- void MessageLoop()
- {
- char c=' ';
- string s;
- while(c!='q')
- {
- cin>>c;
- cin.ignore(,'\n');
- cin.clear();
- switch(c)
- {
- case 'c':
- case 't':
- case 'v':
- getline(cin,s);
- break;
- }
- switch(c)
- {
- case 'c':model->setCredits(s);break;
- case 't':model->setTitle(s);break;
- case 'v':model->setVersion(s);break;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- //struct Application, get Model, Views and Controller together
- struct Application
- {
- //data member model
- Model model;
- //data member views
- Views views;
- //data member controller
- Controller controller;
- //constructor
- Application()
- {
- views.setModel(model);
- controller.setModel(model);
- model.notifyObservers();
- }
- //run
- void run(){controller.MessageLoop();}
- };
- //main
- int main()
- {
- Application().run();
- return ;
- }
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