Calculate A * B.
Each line will contain two integers A and B. Process to end of file. Note: the length of each integer will not exceed .
For each case, output A * B in one line.
Sample Input Sample Output


using namespace std;
const int maxn=;
const double pi=acos(-1.0);
struct complex
double r,i;
complex(double rr,double ii):r(rr),i(ii){}
complex friend operator +(complex a,complex b){ return complex(a.r+b.r,a.i+b.i); }
complex friend operator -(complex a,complex b) { return complex(a.r-b.r,a.i-b.i);}
complex friend operator *(complex a,complex b) { return complex(a.r*b.r-a.i*b.i,a.r*b.i+a.i*b.r);}
struct DFT{
complex a[maxn];
void fft(int sz,int bg,int step,int opt){
if(sz==) return; int m=sz>>;
fft(m,bg,step<<,opt); fft(m,bg+step,step<<,opt);
complex w=complex(,),t=complex(cos(2.0*pi/sz),sin(2.0*pi*opt/sz));
for(int k=;k<m;k++)
int pos=*step*k;
for(int i=;i!=sz;i++) a[i*step+bg]=tmp[i];
char c[maxn]; int ans[maxn+];
int main()
int L1=strlen(c),L2,len=;
for(int i=;i<L1;i++) A.a[i].r=c[L1-i-]-'',A.a[i].i=;
scanf("%s",c); L2=strlen(c);
for(int i=;i<L2;i++) B.a[i].r=c[L2-i-]-'',B.a[i].i=; while(len<L1+L2+) len<<=; for(int i=L1;i<=len;i++) A.a[i].r=A.a[i].i=;
for(int i=L2;i<=len;i++) B.a[i].r=B.a[i].i=; A.fft(len,,,); B.fft(len,,,);
for(int i=;i<len;i++) A.a[i]=A.a[i]*B.a[i];
A.fft(len,,,-); int head=;
for(int i=;i<len;i++) ans[i]=(int)(A.a[i].r/len+0.5);
for(int i=;i<len;i++){
ans[i+]+=ans[i]/; ans[i]%=;
if(ans[i]>) head=i;
} for(int i=head;i>=;i--) printf("%d",ans[i]);
return ;

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