题解报告:poj 2689 Prime Distance(区间素数筛)
Your program is given 2 numbers: L and U (1<=L< U<=2,147,483,647), and you are to find the two adjacent primes C1 and C2 (L<=C1< C2<=U) that are closest (i.e. C2-C1 is the minimum). If there are other pairs that are the same distance apart, use the first pair. You are also to find the two adjacent primes D1 and D2 (L<=D1< D2<=U) where D1 and D2 are as distant from each other as possible (again choosing the first pair if there is a tie).
Sample Input
2 17
14 17
Sample Output
2,3 are closest, 7,11 are most distant.
There are no adjacent primes.
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const int maxn=1e6+;
LL L,U,prime[maxn];bool isp1[maxn],isp2[maxn];
int segment_sieve(LL L,LL R){//区间筛法
memset(isp2,true,sizeof(isp2));//isp2标记区间[L,R]中的素数,其中isp2[j-L]=true <=> j是素数
for(LL i=;i*i<=R;++i){//枚举不大于sqrt(R)即可(埃氏筛)
for(LL j=i*i;j*j<=R;j+=i)isp1[j]=false;//筛[2,sqrt(R)],选出这个区间的所有素数,然后去筛掉区间[L,R]的所有合数
for(LL j=max(2LL,(L+i-)/i)*i;j<=R;j+=i)isp2[j-L]=false;
int cnt=;//记录区间[L,R]中素数的个数
for(LL i=;i<=R-L;++i)//0~R-L
return cnt;
int main(){
int num=segment_sieve(L,U);
if(num<)printf("There are no adjacent primes.\n");//如果个数小于2,说明没有相邻的素数,直接输出
LL mlt=,mrt=,nlt=,nrt=,f1=,f2=maxn;
for(int i=;i<num;++i){
printf("%lld,%lld are closest, %lld,%lld are most distant.\n",nlt,nrt,mlt,mrt);
return ;
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