hdu3404 Switch lights
int T,n;
int mp[][];
int nim_mul(int x,int y)
if(x<=&&~mp[x][y])return mp[x][y];
if(!y)return mp[x][y]=;
if(x==)return mp[x][y]=;
int t = ;
int c1 = nim_mul(x/t,y/t);
int c2 = nim_mul(x/t,y%t)^nim_mul(x%t,y/t);
int c3 = nim_mul(x%t,y%t);
int ret = (c1^c2)*t^c3^nim_mul(t/,c1);
return ret;
int main()
int ans = ;
int x,y;
puts(ans?"Have a try, lxhgww.":"Don't waste your time.");
return ;
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