#pragma once //std
#include <string>
#include <map> //cocos
#include "cocos2d.h"
#include "cocostudio/CocoStudio.h"
#include "ui/CocosGUI.h" //self
//#include "studioUi/StudioUiBase.h" using namespace std; USING_NS_CC;
using namespace cocos2d::ui;
using namespace cocostudio;
using namespace cocostudio::timeline; //列表项
class ElasticItem
virtual ~ElasticItem();
void Clear();
static ElasticItem* Create(Node *pRoot, Widget::ccWidgetTouchCallback callback,int itemIndex);
static void SetIsHaveExtTxt(bool isHave){ IsHaveExtTxt = isHave; } //初始化
virtual bool Init(Node *pRoot, Widget::ccWidgetTouchCallback callback,int itemIndex); public:
void SetValue(int value){ _ElasticItemValue = value; }
int GetValue(){ return _ElasticItemValue; }
void SetItemName(const char *pName);
void SetItemNameColor(const Color3B& color);
void SetExtTxt(const char *pName);
void SetSetExtTxtColor(const Color3B& color);
void SetExtTextVisible(bool bset);
Node *GetRootNode(){ return _pElasticItemBtn; }
void SetPos(Vec2 &pos){ _pElasticItemBtn->setPosition(pos); }
void Show(bool bShow){ _pElasticItemBtn->setVisible(bShow); }
void OnSelect();
void OnCancleSelect();
void UpdateItemTxtPos(); protected: //
static bool IsHaveExtTxt; //是否有扩展Txt int _itemIndex; //列表项索引
int _ElasticItemValue; //列表项值 //ui
Text* _pItemNameTxt; //ItemNameTxt
Text* _pExtTxt; //扩展Txt
ui::Button* _pElasticItemBtn; //列表项按钮
}; typedef map<int, ElasticItem*> ElasticItemMap; //列表子项 class ElasticListView;
class ElasticList
enum ActionType
ActionNone=, //没有动作
ActionOut, //弹出
ActionIn, //弹入
}; //item list 状态
enum ItemListState
ListStateOut = , //弹出
ListStateIn, //弹入
}; public:
virtual ~ElasticList();
static ElasticList* Create(int listIndex, ElasticListView *pElasticListView);
virtual bool Init(int listIndex, ElasticListView *pElasticListView);
void SetValue(int value){ _elasticListValue = value; }
int GetValue(){ return _elasticListValue; }
void SetListIndex(int value){ _listIndex = value; }
int GetListIndex(){ return _listIndex; }
void SetListName(const char *pName);
Node *GetRootNode(){ return _pListPanel; }
Size GetListSize(){ return _pListPanel->getContentSize(); }
float GetListHeight(){ return _totalHeight; }
void SetPos(Vec2 &pos){ _pListPanel->setPosition(pos); }
void UpdateElasticItem();
//更新ElasticItem txt pos
void UpdateElasticItemTxtPos();
void Update(float dt);
//item touch callback
void OnItemTouch(Ref* pSender, Widget::TouchEventType touchuType);
//listname touch callback
void OnListNameTouch(Ref* pSender, Widget::TouchEventType touchuType);
//改变list state
void ChangeListState(ItemListState tarState);
bool IsElasticing();
void Clear(); //选中item
void SelectItem(ElasticItem *pItem);
ElasticItem *GetItem(int itemIndex);
ElasticItem *AddItem(int itemIndex);
void DelItem(int itemIndex); protected:
void ActionOutUpdate(float dt);
void ActionInUpdate(float dt); protected: //data
static const int NameVerticalPanding = ; //listname上方间距
static const int ItemVerticalPanding = ; //ElasticItem上方间距
static float ScaleSteep; //缩放系数 bool _needUpdateUi; //需要更新ui
int _elasticListValue; //列表值
int _listIndex; //list索引
float _totalHeight; //总高度 ElasticListView *_pElasticListView; //ElasticListView指针 //action
ActionType _curActionType; //当前动作类型
ItemListState _curListState; //当前list状态 //ui
Layout *_pListPanel; //列表容器
ui::Button *_pListName; //列表名
ElasticItemMap _itemList; //子项列表
}; typedef map<int, ElasticList*> ElasticListMap; //列表map typedef std::function<void(int)> ElasticItemListener; //弹出式列表视图,内含多个ElasticList
class ElasticListView
virtual ~ElasticListView();
Widget *GetElasticListClone(){ return _pElasticListClone; }
Widget *GetElasticItemClone(){ return _pElasticItemClone; } //创建ElasticList
void AddElasticList(ElasticList *pElasticList);
ElasticList * GetElasticList(int index); public:
bool Init(Node *pRoot);
void RigisterUpdate();
void Update(float dt);
void UpdateElasticList();
bool IsElasticingList(){ return _isElasticing; }
void SetIsElasticingList(bool bSet);
void SaveScrollViewPercent();
void RecoveryScrollViewPercent();
void PrepareElastic();
bool CanElasticList();
void SetCurSelectItem(ElasticItem *pItem);
void SetCurSelectItem(int listIndex, int itemIndex);
ElasticItem *GetCurSelectItem(){ return _pCurSelectItem; }
void SetItemListener(const ElasticItemListener &listener){ _pSelItemListener = listener; }
void Clear(); protected: ElasticListMap _elasticListMap; //列表map
static const int VerticalPanding = ; //ElasticList垂直间距
float _totalHeight; //总高度
bool _isElasticing; //正在缩放list
float _scrollViewPercent; //ScrollView百分比位置 ElasticItemListener _pSelItemListener; //选中item事件
ElasticItem *_pCurSelectItem; //当前选中的item //ui
Widget *_pElasticListClone; //elasticList clone
Widget *_pElasticItemClone; //elasticItem clone
ui::ScrollView *_pConScrollView; //ScrollView容器
#include "ElasticListView.h" //self
#include "studioUi/commonFun/ComUiFun.h" using namespace StudioComFunSpce; //-------------ElasticItem--------------------------------------------- bool ElasticItem::IsHaveExtTxt=false; ElasticItem::ElasticItem()
_ElasticItemValue = ;
_itemIndex = ; _pElasticItemBtn = nullptr;
_pItemNameTxt = nullptr;
_pExtTxt = nullptr;
} ElasticItem::~ElasticItem()
void ElasticItem::Clear()
{ _pElasticItemBtn->removeFromParentAndCleanup();
} ElasticItem* ElasticItem::Create(Node *pRoot, Widget::ccWidgetTouchCallback callback, int itemIndex)
ElasticItem * pRet = nullptr; ElasticItem * pElasticItem = new (std::nothrow) ElasticItem();
if (pElasticItem && pElasticItem->Init(pRoot, callback,itemIndex))
pRet = pElasticItem;
} return pRet;
} bool ElasticItem::Init(Node *pRoot, Widget::ccWidgetTouchCallback callback, int itemIndex)
bool ret = false; do
_pElasticItemBtn = static_cast<ui::Button*>(pRoot);
CC_BREAK_IF(!_pElasticItemBtn || !callback); Node *pNode = nullptr; //
_itemIndex = itemIndex; //btnTxt
pNode = FindUiChildNode(_pElasticItemBtn, "btnTxt");
_pItemNameTxt = static_cast<Text*>(pNode);
if (IsHaveExtTxt)
pNode = FindUiChildNode(_pElasticItemBtn, "extBtnTxt0");
_pExtTxt = static_cast<Text*>(pNode);
} //UserData
_pElasticItemBtn->addTouchEventListener(callback); ret = true;
} while (); return ret;
} void ElasticItem::SetItemName(const char *pName)
if (_pItemNameTxt)
} void ElasticItem::SetItemNameColor(const Color3B& color)
if (_pItemNameTxt)
} void ElasticItem::SetExtTxt(const char *pName)
if (_pExtTxt)
} void ElasticItem::SetExtTextVisible(bool bset)
if (_pExtTxt)
} void ElasticItem::SetSetExtTxtColor(const Color3B& color)
if (_pExtTxt)
} void ElasticItem::OnSelect()
} void ElasticItem::OnCancleSelect()
} void ElasticItem::UpdateItemTxtPos()
bool bOnelyNameTxt = true;
Size itemSize = _pElasticItemBtn->getContentSize();
Size nameTxtSize = _pItemNameTxt->getContentSize();
Size extTxtSize;
Vec2 naemPos(itemSize.width / , itemSize.height / );
Vec2 extPos = naemPos; if (_pExtTxt&&_pExtTxt->isVisible())
bOnelyNameTxt = false;
extTxtSize = _pExtTxt->getContentSize();
} //只有ItemNameTxt
if (bOnelyNameTxt)
naemPos.x = (itemSize.width - nameTxtSize.width) / ; _pItemNameTxt->setPosition(naemPos);
naemPos.x = (itemSize.width - nameTxtSize.width - extTxtSize.width) / ;
extPos.x = naemPos.x + nameTxtSize.width + ; _pItemNameTxt->setPosition(naemPos);
} } //-------------ElasticList--------------------------------------------- float ElasticList::ScaleSteep=0.04f; ElasticList::ElasticList()
_pListPanel = nullptr;
_pListName = nullptr;
_pElasticListView = nullptr; _needUpdateUi = false; _listIndex = ;
_elasticListValue = ; _totalHeight = ; _curListState = ListStateOut;
_curActionType = ActionNone;
} ElasticList::~ElasticList()
ElasticItemMap::iterator it;
ElasticItem* pElasticItem = nullptr;
for (it = _itemList.begin(); it != _itemList.end();)
pElasticItem = it->second;
it = _itemList.erase(it);
} void ElasticList::Clear()
{ _needUpdateUi = true;
_curListState = ListStateOut;
_curActionType = ActionNone; //更新容器高度
_totalHeight = _pListName->getContentSize().height + NameVerticalPanding * ;
Size panelSize = _pListPanel->getContentSize();
panelSize.height = _totalHeight;
_pListPanel->setContentSize(panelSize); //释放内存
ElasticItemMap::iterator it;
ElasticItem* pElasticItem = nullptr;
for (it = _itemList.begin(); it != _itemList.end();)
pElasticItem = it->second;
it = _itemList.erase(it);
} _itemList.clear();
} ElasticList* ElasticList::Create(int listIndex, ElasticListView *pElasticListView)
ElasticList * pRet = nullptr; ElasticList * pElasticList = new (std::nothrow) ElasticList();
if (pElasticList && pElasticList->Init(listIndex, pElasticListView))
pRet = pElasticList;
} return pRet;
} bool ElasticList::Init(int listIndex, ElasticListView *pElasticListView)
bool ret = false; do
CC_BREAK_IF(!pElasticListView); _listIndex = listIndex;
_pElasticListView = pElasticListView; //变量
char tc[] = {};
Node *pNode = nullptr;
Widget *pElasticItemClone = nullptr;
int itemHeight = ; //获取克隆控件
Widget *pElasticListClone = pElasticListView->GetElasticListClone();
CC_BREAK_IF(!pElasticListClone); //ElasticList克隆控件
Widget *pElasticListTemp = pElasticListClone->clone();
pElasticListTemp->setVisible(true); //修改控件名
sprintf(tc, "elasticList%d", _listIndex);
pElasticListTemp->setName(tc); //elasticList
_pListPanel = static_cast<Layout*>(pElasticListTemp);
CC_BREAK_IF(!_pListPanel); //elasticListName
pNode = FindUiChildNode(pElasticListTemp, "elasticListName");
_pListName = static_cast<ui::Button*>(pNode);
Widget::ccWidgetTouchCallback nameCallback = CC_CALLBACK_2(ElasticList::OnListNameTouch, this);
_pListName->addTouchEventListener(nameCallback); //更新高度
_totalHeight = _totalHeight + _pListName->getContentSize().height + NameVerticalPanding* ; //elasticItem
pNode = FindUiChildNode(pElasticListTemp, "elasticItem");
pElasticItemClone = static_cast<Widget*>(pNode);
//itemHeight = pElasticItemClone->getContentSize().height + ItemVerticalPanding; //设置更新标记
_needUpdateUi = true; //删除item
pElasticListTemp->removeChild(pElasticItemClone); ret = true;
} while (); return ret;
} ElasticItem *ElasticList::AddItem(int itemIndex)
ElasticItem* pElasticItem = nullptr; do
char tc[] = { };
Node *pNode = nullptr;
Widget *pElasticItemClone = nullptr;
int itemHeight = ; //elasticItem克隆控件
pElasticItemClone = _pElasticListView->GetElasticItemClone();
itemHeight = pElasticItemClone->getContentSize().height + ItemVerticalPanding; //更新高度
_totalHeight = _totalHeight + itemHeight; Widget *pElasticItemTemp = pElasticItemClone->clone();
CC_BREAK_IF(!pElasticItemTemp); //callback
Widget::ccWidgetTouchCallback callback = CC_CALLBACK_2(ElasticList::OnItemTouch, this); //创建ElasticItem
pElasticItem = ElasticItem::Create(pElasticItemTemp, callback, itemIndex);
CC_BREAK_IF(!pElasticItem); //修改控件名
sprintf(tc, "elasticItem%d", itemIndex);
pElasticItemTemp->setName(tc); //添加
_itemList[itemIndex] = pElasticItem; //设置更新标记
_needUpdateUi = true; } while (); return pElasticItem;
} void ElasticList::DelItem(int itemIndex)
ElasticItemMap::iterator it = _itemList.find(itemIndex);
if (it != _itemList.end())
_itemList.erase(it); //设置更新标记
_needUpdateUi = true;
} } void ElasticList::SetListName(const char *pName)
CC_BREAK_IF(!pName); Node *pNode = nullptr;
Text *pText = nullptr; //btnTxt
pNode = FindUiChildNode(_pListName, "btnTxt");
pText = static_cast<Text*>(pNode);
CC_BREAK_IF(!pText); pText->setString(pName); } while ();
} void ElasticList::UpdateElasticItemTxtPos()
{ //更新ElasticItem txt位置
ElasticItemMap::iterator it;
for (it = _itemList.begin(); it != _itemList.end();it++)
ElasticItem* pElasticItem = it->second;
if (pElasticItem)
} void ElasticList::UpdateElasticItem()
int totalHeight = _totalHeight; Size panelSize = _pListPanel->getContentSize();
Size nameSizes = _pListName->getContentSize(); Vec2 pos(panelSize.width/,); //更新ListName位置
pos.y = totalHeight - NameVerticalPanding;
totalHeight = totalHeight - NameVerticalPanding - nameSizes.height; //更新ElasticItem位置
ElasticItemMap::iterator it;
for (it = _itemList.begin(); it != _itemList.end();it++)
ElasticItem* pElasticItem = it->second;
if (pElasticItem)
Size itemSizes = pElasticItem->GetRootNode()->getContentSize(); pos.y = totalHeight - ItemVerticalPanding;
pElasticItem->SetPos(pos); totalHeight = totalHeight - ItemVerticalPanding - itemSizes.height;
} //更新容器高度
panelSize.height = _totalHeight;
_pListPanel->setContentSize(panelSize); //更新ElasticList
} void ElasticList::OnListNameTouch(Ref* pSender, Widget::TouchEventType touchuType)
ui::Button *pBtn = static_cast<ui::Button*>(pSender);
CC_BREAK_IF(!pBtn); if (touchuType == Widget::TouchEventType::BEGAN)
else if (touchuType == Widget::TouchEventType::CANCELED)
else if (touchuType == Widget::TouchEventType::MOVED)
else if (touchuType == Widget::TouchEventType::ENDED)
pBtn->setScale(1.0f); //
if (_itemList.size()>)
if (_curActionType == ActionNone&&_pElasticListView->CanElasticList())
if (_curListState == ListStateIn)
else if (_curListState == ListStateOut)
} } } } while ();
} void ElasticList::OnItemTouch(Ref* pSender, Widget::TouchEventType touchuType)
ui::Button *pBtn = static_cast<ui::Button*>(pSender);
CC_BREAK_IF(!pBtn); if (touchuType == Widget::TouchEventType::BEGAN)
else if (touchuType == Widget::TouchEventType::CANCELED)
else if (touchuType == Widget::TouchEventType::MOVED)
else if (touchuType == Widget::TouchEventType::ENDED)
void *p = pBtn->getUserData();
//int *pValue = (int*)p;
ElasticItem *pItem = (ElasticItem*)p;;
CC_BREAK_IF(!pItem); //选中
SelectItem(pItem); } } while ();
} void ElasticList::SelectItem(ElasticItem *pItem)
ElasticItem *pLastItem = _pElasticListView->GetCurSelectItem();
if (pItem != pLastItem)
if (pLastItem)
} } while (); } bool ElasticList::IsElasticing()
bool ret = false; if (_curActionType != ActionNone)
ret = true; return ret;
} ElasticItem * ElasticList::GetItem(int itemIndex)
ElasticItem *pRet = nullptr;
ElasticItem* pItem =;
CC_BREAK_IF(!pItem); pRet = pItem;
} while (); return pRet;
} void ElasticList::ChangeListState(ItemListState tarState)
if (_curActionType == ActionNone&&_curListState != tarState)
if (tarState == ListStateIn)
_curActionType = ActionIn; //设置正在缩放
else if (tarState == ListStateOut)
_curActionType = ActionOut; //设置正在缩放
_pElasticListView->SetIsElasticingList(true); //ElasticItem处理
ElasticItemMap::iterator it;
for (it = _itemList.begin(); it != _itemList.end();it++)
ElasticItem* pElasticItem = it->second;
if (pElasticItem)
pElasticItem->Show(true); }
} void ElasticList::Update(float dt)
if (_needUpdateUi)
UpdateElasticItem(); _needUpdateUi = false;
} if (_curActionType != ActionNone)
if (_curActionType == ActionIn)
else if (_curActionType == ActionOut)
} } void ElasticList::ActionOutUpdate(float dt)
int count = _itemList.size();
CC_BREAK_IF(count == );
ElasticItemMap::iterator it = _itemList.begin();
ElasticItem* pFirstItem = it->second;
CC_BREAK_IF(!pFirstItem); //scale
static float totalScale = 0.01f;
totalScale += ScaleSteep; float verticalPanding = ItemVerticalPanding*totalScale;
// Size panelSize = _pListPanel->getContentSize();
Size nameSizes = _pListName->getContentSize();
Size itemSize = pFirstItem->GetRootNode()->getContentSize();
float totalHeight = (itemSize.height + ItemVerticalPanding)*totalScale*count + (nameSizes.height + NameVerticalPanding * );
Vec2 pos(panelSize.width / , ); //更新容器高度
panelSize.height = totalHeight;
_pListPanel->setContentSize(panelSize); //更新ListName位置
pos.y = totalHeight - NameVerticalPanding;
totalHeight = totalHeight - NameVerticalPanding - nameSizes.height; //更新ElasticItem位置
for (it = _itemList.begin(); it != _itemList.end(); it++)
ElasticItem* pElasticItem = it->second;
if (pElasticItem)
Node *pItemRoot = pElasticItem->GetRootNode();
Size itemSizes = pItemRoot->getContentSize(); pos.y = totalHeight - verticalPanding;
pElasticItem->SetPos(pos); totalHeight = totalHeight - verticalPanding - itemSizes.height*totalScale;
} //结束处理
if (totalScale >= 0.95f)
for (it = _itemList.begin(); it != _itemList.end(); it++)
ElasticItem* pElasticItem = it->second;
if (pElasticItem)
Node *pItemRoot = pElasticItem->GetRootNode();
} //更新ElasticItem
UpdateElasticItem(); //更新ElasticListView
_pElasticListView->SetIsElasticingList(false); //状态设置
_curActionType = ActionNone;
_curListState = ListStateOut;
totalScale = 0.01f;
} } while ();
} void ElasticList::ActionInUpdate(float dt)
int count = _itemList.size();
ElasticItemMap::iterator it =_itemList.begin();
ElasticItem* pFirstItem = it->second;
static float totalScale = 1.0f;
totalScale -= ScaleSteep; float verticalPanding = ItemVerticalPanding*totalScale;
// Size panelSize = _pListPanel->getContentSize();
Size nameSizes = _pListName->getContentSize();
Size itemSize = pFirstItem->GetRootNode()->getContentSize();
float totalHeight = (itemSize.height + ItemVerticalPanding)*totalScale*count + (nameSizes.height + NameVerticalPanding * );
//totalHeight = (_totalHeight - nameSizes.height - VerticalPanding)*totalScale; Vec2 pos(panelSize.width / , ); //更新容器高度
panelSize.height = totalHeight;
_pListPanel->setContentSize(panelSize); //更新ListName位置
pos.y = totalHeight - NameVerticalPanding;
totalHeight = totalHeight - NameVerticalPanding - nameSizes.height; //更新ElasticItem位置
for (it = _itemList.begin(); it != _itemList.end(); it++)
ElasticItem* pElasticItem = it->second;
if (pElasticItem)
Node *pItemRoot = pElasticItem->GetRootNode();
Size itemSizes = pItemRoot->getContentSize(); pos.y = totalHeight - verticalPanding;
pElasticItem->SetPos(pos); totalHeight = totalHeight - verticalPanding - itemSizes.height*totalScale;
} //结束处理
if (totalScale <= 0.01f)
for (it = _itemList.begin(); it != _itemList.end(); it++)
ElasticItem* pElasticItem = it->second;
if (pElasticItem)
pElasticItem->Show(false); } //更新容器高度
//_totalHeight = nameSizes.height + NameVerticalPanding * 2;
panelSize.height = nameSizes.height + NameVerticalPanding * ;
_pListPanel->setContentSize(panelSize); //更新ListName位置
pos.y = panelSize.height - NameVerticalPanding;
_pListName->setPosition(pos); //更新ElasticListView
_pElasticListView->UpdateElasticList(); //设置结束缩放
_pElasticListView->SetIsElasticingList(false); //状态设置
_curActionType = ActionNone;
_curListState = ListStateIn;
totalScale = 1.0f;
} } while ();
} //-------------ElasticListView--------------------------------------------- ElasticListView::ElasticListView()
_totalHeight = ;
_isElasticing = false; _pCurSelectItem = nullptr;
_pSelItemListener = nullptr;
_pElasticListClone = nullptr;
} ElasticListView::~ElasticListView()
{ //取消更新
Director::getInstance()->getScheduler()->unschedule("ElasticListView::Update", this); //释放内存
ElasticListMap::iterator it;
ElasticList* pElasticList=nullptr;
for (it = _elasticListMap.begin(); it != _elasticListMap.end();)
pElasticList = it->second;
it = _elasticListMap.erase(it);
} void ElasticListView::Clear()
{ _pCurSelectItem = nullptr;
_totalHeight = ;
_isElasticing = false; int count = _elasticListMap.size(); _totalHeight = ;
for (int i = ; i < count; i++)
ElasticList* pElasticList =;
if (pElasticList)
} } bool ElasticListView::Init(Node *pRoot)
bool ret = false; do
{ CC_BREAK_IF(!pRoot); //
Node *pNode = nullptr; //elasticListView
pNode = FindUiChildNode(pRoot, "elasticListView");
_pConScrollView = static_cast<ui::ScrollView*>(pNode);
//_pConScrollView->setBounceEnabled(false); //elasticListClone
pNode = FindUiChildNode(_pConScrollView, "elasticListClone");
_pElasticListClone = static_cast<Widget*>(pNode);
_pElasticListClone->setVisible(false); //elasticItem
pNode = FindUiChildNode(_pElasticListClone, "elasticItem");
_pElasticItemClone = static_cast<Widget*>(pNode);
CC_BREAK_IF(!_pElasticItemClone); ret = true;
} while (); return ret;
} void ElasticListView::RigisterUpdate()
ccSchedulerFunc updateCall = CC_CALLBACK_1(ElasticListView::Update, this);
Director::getInstance()->getScheduler()->schedule(updateCall, this,, false, "ElasticListView::Update");
} void ElasticListView::AddElasticList(ElasticList *pElasticList)
{ do
CC_BREAK_IF(!pElasticList); //char tc[128] = { 0 }; int index = pElasticList->GetListIndex(); ////set list name
//sprintf(tc, "ElasticList%d", index);
//pElasticList->SetListName(tc); //添加
_pConScrollView->addChild(pElasticList->GetRootNode()); _elasticListMap[index] = pElasticList; } while ();
} ElasticList* ElasticListView::GetElasticList(int index)
ElasticList* pRet = nullptr; ElasticListMap::iterator it = _elasticListMap.find(index);
if (it!=_elasticListMap.end())
pRet = it->second;
} return pRet;
} void ElasticListView::UpdateElasticList()
{ int count = _elasticListMap.size();
Size panelSize = _pConScrollView->getContentSize();
float totalHeight = ;
Vec2 pos(panelSize.width / , ); //更新_totalHeight,itemtx pos
_totalHeight = ;
for (int i = ; i<count; i++)
ElasticList* pElasticList =;
if (pElasticList)
_totalHeight = _totalHeight + pElasticList->GetListSize().height + VerticalPanding; //itemtx pos
} //高度保护
if (_totalHeight < panelSize.height)
_totalHeight = panelSize.height+;
totalHeight = _totalHeight; //更新ElasticList位置
for (int i = ; i<count; i++)
ElasticList* pElasticList =;
if (pElasticList)
pos.y = totalHeight - VerticalPanding;
pElasticList->SetPos(pos); totalHeight = totalHeight - VerticalPanding - pElasticList->GetListSize().height;
} //更新容器高度
panelSize.height = _totalHeight;
} void ElasticListView::Update(float dt)
bool bUpdateList = false;
ElasticListMap::iterator it;
for (it = _elasticListMap.begin(); it != _elasticListMap.end();it++)
if (it->second->IsElasticing())
} if (bUpdateList)
} void ElasticListView::SetIsElasticingList(bool bSet)
_isElasticing = bSet;
//if (bSet)
// SaveScrollViewPercent();
// RecoveryScrollViewPercent();
//} } void ElasticListView::SaveScrollViewPercent()
CCLOG("-----------------SaveScrollViewPercent--------------------"); Size panelSize = _pConScrollView->getContentSize();
Size innerSize = _pConScrollView->getInnerContainerSize();
Vec2 innerlPos = _pConScrollView->getInnerContainerPosition(); float minY = panelSize.height - innerSize.height;
float h = -minY; float percent = innerlPos.y* / h; if (percent < )
percent = -percent; _scrollViewPercent = percent; CCLOG("--panelSize:(%f,%f)", panelSize.width, panelSize.height);
CCLOG("--innerSize:(%f,%f)", innerSize.width, innerSize.height);
CCLOG("--innerlPos:(%f,%f)", innerlPos.x, innerlPos.y);
CCLOG("--minY=%f,percent=%f", minY, percent);
} void ElasticListView::RecoveryScrollViewPercent()
CCLOG("-----------------RecoveryScrollViewPercent--------------------"); Size panelSize = _pConScrollView->getContentSize();
Size innerSize = _pConScrollView->getInnerContainerSize();
Vec2 innerlPos = _pConScrollView->getInnerContainerPosition(); float minY = panelSize.height - innerSize.height;
float h = -minY; float percent = innerlPos.y * / h; if (percent < )
percent = -percent; CCLOG("--panelSize:(%f,%f)", panelSize.width, panelSize.height);
CCLOG("--innerSize:(%f,%f)", innerSize.width, innerSize.height);
CCLOG("--innerlPos:(%f,%f)", innerlPos.x, innerlPos.y);
CCLOG("--minY=%f,percent=%f", minY, percent); //_pConScrollView->scrollToPercentVertical(_scrollViewPercent, 0.5f,false);
} void ElasticListView::PrepareElastic()
Size panelSize = _pConScrollView->getContentSize();
Size innerSize = _pConScrollView->getInnerContainerSize();
Vec2 innerlPos = _pConScrollView->getInnerContainerPosition(); float minY = panelSize.height - innerSize.height; //if (innerlPos.y>)ISAutoScrolling
//} } bool ElasticListView::CanElasticList()
bool ret = false;
bool isScrooling = _pConScrollView->ISAutoScrolling();
bool isElasticing = IsElasticingList(); if (!isScrooling)
if (!isElasticing)
ret = true;
} return ret;
} void ElasticListView::SetCurSelectItem(ElasticItem *pItem)
_pCurSelectItem = pItem; //选中item事件
if (_pSelItemListener)
} } while (); } void ElasticListView::SetCurSelectItem(int listIndex, int itemIndex)
ElasticList* pList =;
ElasticItem *pItem=pList->GetItem(itemIndex);
CC_BREAK_IF(!pItem); _pCurSelectItem = pItem; //选中item事件
if (_pSelItemListener)
} } while (); }
//char tc[128] = { 0 }; ElasticItem::SetIsHaveExtTxt(true); //初始化ElasticListView
CC_BREAK_IF(!_elasticListView.Init(pConWinNode)); int langId[EUiTaskTypeCount]; //创建ElasticList
for (int i = ; i < EUiTaskTypeCount; i++)
ElasticList* pElasticList = ElasticList::Create(i, &_elasticListView);
CC_BREAK_IF(!pElasticList); pElasticList->SetListName(GetStaticLangTxt(langId[i]).c_str());
pElasticList->SetValue(i); //add
} //更新ElasticList
ElasticItemListener listener = CC_CALLBACK_1(TaskUiLayer::OnSelItem, this);
_elasticListView.SetItemListener(listener); //创建设置ElasticItem
ElasticItem *pItem = pElasticList->AddItem(pTblInfo->m_missionid);
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