Python中魔法(前后又下划线)会在对象的生命周期被回调. 借助这种回调, 可以实现AOP或者拦截器的思想.

Method        Overloads        Call for
__init__        构造函数        X=Class()
__del__        析构函数        对象销毁
__add__        +                X+Y,X+=Y
__or__        |                X|Y,X|=Y
__repr__        打印转换        print X,repr(X)
__str__        打印转换        print X,str(X)
__call__        调用函数        X()
__getattr_   限制            X.undefine
__setattr__    取值            X.any=value
__getitem__    索引            X[key],
__len__        长度            len(X)
__cmp__        比较            X==Y,X<Y
__lt__        小于            X<Y
__eq__        等于            X=Y
__radd__        Right-Side +        +X
__iadd__        +=                X+=Y
__iter__        迭代            For In
7.1    减法重载


  1. class Number:
  2. def __init__(self, start):
  3. = start
  4. def __sub__(self, other): #minus method
  5. return Number( - other)
  6. number = Number(20)
  7. y = number – 10 # invoke __sub__ method

[python] view plaincopy

  1. <span style="font-family: 宋体;">class Number:
  2. def __init__(self, start):
  3. = start
  4. def __sub__(self, other): #minus method
  5. return Number( - other)
  6. number = Number(20)
  7. y = number – 10 # invoke __sub__ method</span>

7.2    迭代重载


  1. class indexer:
  2. def __getitem__(self, index): #iter override
  3. return index ** 2
  4. X = indexer()
  5. X[2]
  6. for i in range(5):
  7. print X[i]

[python] view plaincopy

  1. <span style="font-family: 宋体;">class indexer:
  2. def __getitem__(self, index): #iter override
  3. return index ** 2
  4. X = indexer()
  5. X[2]
  6. for i in range(5):
  7. print X[i]</span>

7.3    索引重载


  1. class stepper:
  2. def __getitem__(self, i):
  3. return[i]
  4. X = stepper()
  5. = 'Spam'
  6. X[1] #call __getitem__
  7. for item in X: #call __getitem__
  8. print item

[python] view plaincopy

  1. <span style="font-family: 宋体;">class stepper:
  2. def __getitem__(self, i):
  3. return[i]
  4. X = stepper()
  5. = 'Spam'
  6. X[1] #call __getitem__
  7. for item in X: #call __getitem__
  8. print item</span>

7.4    getAttr/setAttr重载


  1. class empty:
  2. def __getattr__(self,attrname):
  3. if attrname == 'age':
  4. return 40
  5. else:
  6. raise AttributeError,attrname
  7. X = empty()
  8. print X.age #call__getattr__
  9. class accesscontrol:
  10. def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
  11. if attr == 'age':
  12. # Self.attrname = value loops!
  13. self.__dict__[attr] = value
  14. else:
  15. print attr
  16. raise AttributeError, attr + 'not allowed'
  17. X = accesscontrol()
  18. X.age = 40 #call __setattr__
  19. = 'wang' #raise exception

[python] view plaincopy

  1. <span style="font-family: 宋体;">class empty:
  2. def __getattr__(self,attrname):
  3. if attrname == 'age':
  4. return 40
  5. else:
  6. raise AttributeError,attrname
  7. X = empty()
  8. print X.age #call__getattr__
  9. class accesscontrol:
  10. def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
  11. if attr == 'age':
  12. # Self.attrname = value loops!
  13. self.__dict__[attr] = value
  14. else:
  15. print attr
  16. raise AttributeError, attr + 'not allowed'
  17. X = accesscontrol()
  18. X.age = 40 #call __setattr__
  19. = 'wang' #raise exception
  20. </span>

7.5    打印重载


  1. class adder:
  2. def __init__(self, value=0):
  3. = value
  4. def __add__(self, other):
  5. += other
  6. class addrepr(adder):
  7. def __repr__(self):
  8. return 'addrepr(%s)' %
  9. x = addrepr(2)  #run __init__
  10. x + 1 #run __add__
  11. print x     #run __repr__

[python] view plaincopy

  1. <span style="font-family: 宋体;">class adder:
  2. def __init__(self, value=0):
  3. = value
  4. def __add__(self, other):
  5. += other
  6. class addrepr(adder):
  7. def __repr__(self):
  8. return 'addrepr(%s)' %
  9. x = addrepr(2)  #run __init__
  10. x + 1 #run __add__
  11. print x     #run __repr__</span>

7.6    Call调用函数重载


  1. class Prod:
  2. def __init__(self, value):
  3. self.value = value
  4. def __call__(self, other):
  5. return self.value * other
  6. p = Prod(2) #call __init__
  7. print p(1) #call __call__
  8. print p(2)

[python] view plaincopy

  1. <span style="font-family: 宋体;">class Prod:
  2. def __init__(self, value):
  3. self.value = value
  4. def __call__(self, other):
  5. return self.value * other
  6. p = Prod(2) #call __init__
  7. print p(1) #call __call__
  8. print p(2)</span>

7.7    析构函数重载


  1. class Life:
  2. def __init__(self, name='name'):
  3. print 'Hello', name
  4. = name
  5. def __del__(self):
  6. print 'Goodby',
  7. brain = Life('Brain') #call __init__
  8. brain = 'loretta' # call __del__


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