



所以写一个can(int m, int s)函数,来判断是否存在一个m位数其各位数字之和为s


bool can(int m, int s)
return (s >= && s <= m*);




 #include <cstdio>

 using namespace std;

 const int maxn =  + ;

 char a[maxn], b[maxn];

 bool can(int m, int s)
return (s >= && s <= m*);
} int main()
int m, s;
scanf("%d%d", &m, &s);
if(!can(m, s))
puts("-1 -1");
return ;
} int sum = s, p = ;
for(int i = ; i < m; ++i)
for(int d = ; d < ; ++d)
if((i > || d > || (m == && d == )) && can(m-i-, sum-d))
a[p++] = '' + d;
sum -= d;
if(p != m)
puts("-1 -1");
return ;
for(int i = ; i < p; ++i) putchar(a[i]);
putchar(' '); sum = s; p = ;
for(int i = ; i < m; ++i)
for(int d = ; d >= ; --d)
if(can(m-i-, sum-d))
b[p++] = '' + d;
sum -= d;
if(p != m)
puts("-1 -1");
return ;
for(int i = ; i < m; ++i) putchar(b[i]);
puts(""); return ;


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