///<param name="intLength">Length of the int.</param>
///<param name="booNumber">if set to <c>true</c> [boo number].</param>
///<param name="booSign">if set to <c>true</c> [boo sign].</param>
///<param name="booSmallword">if set to <c>true</c> [boo smallword].</param>
///<param name="booBigword">if set to <c>true</c> [boo bigword].</param>

public string getRandomizer(int intLength, bool booNumber, bool booSign, bool booSmallword, bool booBigword)
Random ranA = new Random();
int intResultRound = 0;
int intA = 0;
string strB = "";
while (intResultRound < intLength)
intA = ranA.Next(1, 5);
if (intA == 1 && booNumber)
intA = ranA.Next(0, 10);
strB = intA.ToString() + strB;
intResultRound = intResultRound + 1;
if (intA == 2 && booSign == true)
intA = ranA.Next(1, 5);
if (intA == 1)
intA = ranA.Next(33, 48);
strB = ((char)intA).ToString() + strB;
intResultRound = intResultRound + 1;

if (intA == 2)
intA = ranA.Next(58, 65);
strB = ((char)intA).ToString() + strB;
intResultRound = intResultRound + 1;

if (intA == 3)
intA = ranA.Next(91, 97);
strB = ((char)intA).ToString() + strB;
intResultRound = intResultRound + 1;

if (intA == 4)
intA = ranA.Next(123, 127);
strB = ((char)intA).ToString() + strB;
intResultRound = intResultRound + 1;

if (intA == 3 && booSmallword == true)
intA = ranA.Next(97, 123);
strB = ((char)intA).ToString() + strB;
intResultRound = intResultRound + 1;

if (intA == 4 && booBigword == true)
intA = ranA.Next(65, 89);
strB = ((char)intA).ToString() + strB;
intResultRound = intResultRound + 1;
return strB;


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