
Yar is a RPC framework which aims to provide a simple and easy way to do communication between PHP applications

It has the ability to concurrently call multiple remote services.


  • Fast, Easy, Simple
  • Concurrent RPC calls
  • Multiple data packager supported (php, json, msgpack built-in)
  • Multiple transfer protocols supported (http implemented, tcp/unix will be supported later)
  • Detailed debug informations


Install Yar

Yar is an PECL extension, thus you can simply install it by:

pecl install yar

Compile Yar in Linux

$./configure --with-php-config=/path/to/php-config/
$make && make install

Install Yar with msgpack

first you should install msgpack-ext

pecl install msgpack

or , you can get the github source here:


$configure --with-php-config=/path/to/php-config/ --enable-msgpack
$make && make install

Runtime Configure

  • yar.timeout //default 5000 (ms)
  • yar.connect_timeout //default 1000 (ms)
  • yar.packager //default "php", when built with --enable-msgpack then default "msgpack", it should be one of "php", "json", "msgpack"
  • yar.debug //default Off
  • yar.expose_info // default On, whether output the API info for GET requests
  • yar.content_type // default "application/octet-stream"
  • yar.allow_persistent // default Off

NOTE yar.connect_time is a value in milliseconds, and was measured in seconds in 1.2.1 and before.




It's very easy to setup a Yar HTTP RPC Server

class API {
* the doc info will be generated automatically into service info page.
* @params
* @return
public function some_method($parameter, $option = "foo") {
} protected function client_can_not_see() {
} $service = new Yar_Server(new API());

Usual RPC calls will be issued as HTTP POST requests. If a HTTP GET request is issued to the uri, the service information (commented section above) will be printed on the page:


It's very easy for a PHP client to call remote RPC:

Synchronous call

$client = new Yar_Client("http://host/api/");
/* the following setopt is optinal */
$client->SetOpt(YAR_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 1000); /* call remote service */
$result = $client->some_method("parameter");

Concurrent call

function callback($retval, $callinfo) {
} function error_callback($type, $error, $callinfo) {
} Yar_Concurrent_Client::call("http://host/api/", "some_method", array("parameters"), "callback");
Yar_Concurrent_Client::call("http://host/api/", "some_method", array("parameters")); // if the callback is not specificed,
// callback in loop will be used
Yar_Concurrent_Client::call("http://host/api/", "some_method", array("parameters"), "callback", "error_callback", array(YAR_OPT_PACKAGER => "json"));
//this server accept json packager
Yar_Concurrent_Client::call("http://host/api/", "some_method", array("parameters"), "callback", "error_callback", array(YAR_OPT_TIMEOUT=>1));
//custom timeout Yar_Concurrent_Client::loop("callback", "error_callback"); //send the requests,
//the error_callback is optional


Yar Header

Since Yar will support multi transfer protocols, so there is a Header struct, I call it Yar Header

#ifdef PHP_WIN32
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _yar_header {
unsigned int id; // transaction id
unsigned short version; // protocl version
unsigned int magic_num; // default is: 0x80DFEC60
unsigned int reserved;
unsigned char provider[32]; // reqeust from who
unsigned char token[32]; // request token, used for authentication
unsigned int body_len; // request body len
#ifndef PHP_WIN32
__attribute__ ((packed))
#ifdef PHP_WIN32
#pragma pack(pop)

Packager Header

Since Yar also supports multi packager protocl, so there is a char[8] at the begining of body, to identicate which packager the body is packaged by.


When a Client request a remote server, it will send a struct (in PHP):

"i" => '', //transaction id
"m" => '', //the method which being called
"p" => array(), //parameters


When a server response a result, it will send a struct (in PHP):

"i" => '',
"s" => '', //status
"r" => '', //return value
"o" => '', //output
"e" => '', //error or exception

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