ASP FSO操作文件(复制文件、重命名文件、删除文件、替换字符串)
FSO的意思是FileSystemObject,即文件系统对象。FSO对象模型包含在Scripting 类型库 (Scrrun.Dll)中,它同时包含了Drive、Folder、File、FileSystemObject和TextStream五个对象,用来操作文件和文件夹十分方便。 (请注意后面的常用函数)
DateCreated 返回该文件夹的创建日期和时间
DateLastAccessed 返回最后一次访问该文件的日期和时间
DateLastModified 返回最后一次修改该文件的日期和时间
Drive 返回该文件所在的驱动器的Drive对象
Name 设定或返回文件的名字
ParentFolder 返回该文件的父文件夹的Folder对象
Path 返回文件的绝对路径,可使用长文件名
ShortName 返回DOS风格的8.3形式的文件名
ShortPath 返回DOS风格的8.3形式的文件绝对路径
Size 返回该文件的大小(字节)
Type 如果可能,返回一个文件类型的说明字符串
FSO文件对象方法 用途
CopyFile 拷贝一个或者多个文件到新路径
CreateTextFile 创建文件并且返回一个TextStream对象
DeleteFile 删除一个文件
OpenTextFile 打开文件并且返回TextStream对象,以便读取或者追加

Function reName(sourceName,destName)
dim oFso,oFile
set oFso=server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set oFile=oFso.getFile(Server.mappath(sourceName))
Set oFso=Nothing
Set oFile=Nothing
End Function

Function FSOdel(fileName)
dim fso,f
set fso = server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
if fso.FileExists(f) then
fso.DeleteFile f,true
end if
set f = nothing
set fso = nothing
End Function

Function FSOreplace(fileName,Target,repString)
Dim objFSO,objCountFile,FiletempData
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objCountFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(fileName),1,True)
FiletempData = objCountFile.ReadAll
Set objCountFile=objFSO.CreateTextFile(Server.MapPath(fileName),True)
objCountFile.Write FiletempData
Set objCountFile=Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function


'作 用: 创建目录
'参 数:sPath : 创建的相对目录路径
'返回值:成功 true , 失败 false
'response.Write createfolder("/dgsunshine/UploadFile/demo1/")
Function CreateFolder(sPath)
On Error Resume Next

Dim Fso,Arrfolder,Folder,i,j

If sPath="" then
CreateFolder = False
Exit Function
End If

If Left(sPath,1) = "/" Then
Folder = "/"
sPath = Mid(sPath,2,Len(sPath))
Folder = "./"
End If

if Right(sPath,1) = "/" then sPath = Left(sPath,Len(sPath)-1)

ArrFolder = Split(sPath,"/")

Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

For i = 0 To Ubound(ArrFolder)
If i = 0 then
Folder = Folder & ArrFolder(i) & "/"
Folder = Folder & ArrFolder(i) & "/"
End If

If Fso.folderExists(Server.MapPath(Folder)) = False then
response.Write server.MapPath(folder)
End If

Set Fso = nothing

If Err.Number <> 0 then
CreateFolder = False
CreateFolder = True
End If
End function

Function getFile(paramFilePath)
Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Fso_Read = fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(paramFilePath),1,false,-2)
getFile = Fso_Read.readall
Set Fso_Read = Nothing
Set Fso = Nothing
End Function

'作 用: 创建文件
'参 数:paramFileContent '文件的内容
' paramFilePath '文件名(不包括路径)
'返回值:成功 true , 失败 false
Function CreateFile(paramFileContent,paramFilePath)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Fso,fWrite

Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fWrite = Fso.CreateTextFile(Server.Mappath(paramFilePath),true)

fWrite.write paramFileContent
Set fWrite = nothing
Set Fso = nothing

If Err.number <> 0 Then
CreateFile = False
CreateFile = True
End If
End Function

'作 用: 删除文件
'参 数:FilePath '文件路径 多个文件用"|"隔开
'返回值:成功 true , 失败 false
Function DelFile(FilePath)
On Error Resume Next
Dim fso,arrFile,i

If GetSafeStr(FilePath,"")="" then
CreateFolder = false
Exit Function
End If

arrFile = Split(FilePath,"|")
Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

for i=0 to UBound(arrFile)
FilePath = arrFile(i)
If Fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(FilePath)) then
Fso.DeleteFile Server.MapPath(FilePath)
End If
Set fso = nothing

If Err then
DelFile = false
DelFile = true
End If
End Function

'作 用: 删除目录
'参 数:FolderPath '目录路径 '多个目录用"|"分隔
'返回值:成功 true , 失败 false
Function DelFolder(FolderPath)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Fso,arrFolder,i

If GetSafeStr(FolderPath,"")="" then
DelFolder = false
Exit Function
End If

arrFolder = Split(FolderPath,"|")
Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

For i=0 to UBound(arrFolder)
FolderPath = arrFolder(i)
If Fso.folderexists(Server.MapPath(FolderPath)) then
Fso.deleteFolder Server.MapPath(FolderPath)
End If

If Err then
DelFolder = false
'ShowError "删除目录失败",""
DelFolder = true
End If
End Function

'作 用: 判断文件或目录是否存在
'参 数:FilePath '文件路径 多个文件用"|"隔开
'返回值:成功 true , 失败 false
Function IsExistFile(FilePath)
On Error Resume Next
Dim fso,arrFile,i

If GetSafeStr(FilePath,"")="" then
IsExistFile = false
End If

arrFile = Split(FilePath,"|")
Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

for i=0 to UBound(arrFile)
FilePath = arrFile(i)
If Fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(FilePath)) then
IsExistFile = True
End If
If Fso.folderexists(Server.MapPath(FilePath)) then
IsExistFile = True
End If
Set fso = nothing

If Err then
IsExistFile = false
'ShowError "判断文件或目录是否存在失败",""
IsExistFile = true
End If
End Function

'作 用: 删除文件或目录
'参 数:FilePath '文件路径 多个文件用"|"隔开
'返回值:成功 true , 失败 false
Function DelFile(FilePath)
On Error Resume Next
Dim fso,arrFile,i

If GetSafeStr(FilePath,"")="" then
CreateFolder = false
End If

arrFile = Split(FilePath,"|")
Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

for i=0 to UBound(arrFile)
FilePath = arrFile(i)
If Fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(FilePath)) then
Fso.DeleteFile Server.MapPath(FilePath)
End If
If Fso.folderexists(Server.MapPath(FilePath)) then
Fso.deleteFolder Server.MapPath(FilePath)
End If
Set fso = nothing

If Err then
DelFile = false
'ShowError "删除文件或目录失败",""
DelFile = true
End If
End Function

'作 用: 重命名文件或目录
'参 数:strOldName '原文件名 多个用"|"隔开
' strNewName '新文件名 多个用"|"隔开
' 上面两个参数请保持一致
'返回值:成功 true , 失败 false
Function ReNameFile(strOldName,strNewName)
On Error Resume Next
Dim fso,arrOld,arrNew,i,oldName,newName

old = GetSafeStr(strOldName,"")
Newfile = GetSafeStr(strNewName,"")

If old ="" or Newfile = "" then
ReNameFile = false
Exit Function
End If

arrOld = Split(strOldName,"|")
arrNew = Split(strNewName,"|")

If UBound(arrOld)<> UBound(arrNew) then
ReNameFile = false
Exit Function
End If

Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
for i=0 to UBound(arrOld)
oldName = Server.MapPath(arrOld(i))
newName = Server.MapPath(arrNew(i))
If Fso.FileExists(oldName) and not Fso.FileExists(newName) then
fso.MoveFile oldName,newName
'ReNameFile = True
End If
Set fso = nothing

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
ReNameFile = false
ReNameFile = True
End If
End Function

'作 用: 复制文件或者目录
'参 数:TempSource '源文件名 多个用"|"隔开
' TempEnd '目的文件名 多个用"|"隔开
' 注意:上面两个参数请保持一致,并且都为完整路径,
' 已经经过Server.MapPath方法处理过
'返回值:成功 true , 失败 false
Function CopyFiles(TempSource,TempEnd)
On Error Resume Next
Dim CopyFSO,arrSource,arrEnd

CopyFiles = false
Set CopyFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If TempSource ="" or TempEnd = "" then
ErrRaise "复制文件或目录","条件为空"
CopyFiles = false
Exit Function
End If

arrSource = Split(TempSource,"|")
arrEnd = Split(TempEnd,"|")
If UBound(arrSource) <> UBound(arrEnd) then
CopyFiles= false
Exit Function
End If

for i=0 to UBound(arrSource)
srcName = arrSource(i)
tarName = arrEnd(i)
IF CopyFSO.FileExists(srcName) and not CopyFSO.FileExists(tarName) then
CopyFSO.CopyFile srcName,tarName
CopyFiles = true
End If

IF CopyFSO.FolderExists(srcName) and not CopyFSO.FolderExists(tarName)then
CopyFSO.CopyFolder srcName,tarName
CopyFiles = true
End If
Set CopyFSO = Nothing

If Err then
CopyFiles = false
End If
End Function


Dim SourceFile,TargetFile
SourceFile = "test\xx.txt"
TargetFile = "test\xx"
TargetFile = TargetFile & "_" & username & ".txt"
' 文件已存在則先刪除
If IsExistFile(TargetFile) then
call DelFile(TargetFile)
End If
' 複製文件
call CopyFiles(SourceFile,TargetFile)

'作 用:複製檔或者目錄
'參 數:TempSource '原始檔案名 多個用"|"隔開
' TempEnd '目的檔案名 多個用"|"隔開?
'返回值:成功 true , 失敗 false
Function CopyFiles(TempSource,TempEnd)
On Error Resume Next
Dim CopyFSO,arrSource,arrEnd

CopyFiles = false
Set CopyFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If TempSource ="" or TempEnd = "" then
ErrRaise "複製文件或目錄","條件為空"
CopyFiles = false
Exit Function
End If

arrSource = Split(TempSource,"|")
arrEnd = Split(TempEnd,"|")
If UBound(arrSource) <> UBound(arrEnd) then
CopyFiles= false
Exit Function
End If

for i=0 to UBound(arrSource)
srcName = arrSource(i)
tarName = arrEnd(i)

IF CopyFSO.FileExists(Server.MapPath(srcName)) and not CopyFSO.FileExists(Server.MapPath(tarName)) then
CopyFSO.CopyFile Server.MapPath(srcName),Server.MapPath(tarName)
CopyFiles = true
End If

IF CopyFSO.FolderExists(Server.MapPath(srcName)) and not CopyFSO.FolderExists(Server.MapPath(tarName))then
CopyFSO.CopyFolder Server.MapPath(srcName),Server.MapPath(tarName)
CopyFiles = true
End If
Set CopyFSO = Nothing

If Err then
CopyFiles = false
End If
End Function

'作 用: 判斷文件或目錄是否存在
'參 數:FilePath '檔路徑 多個檔用"|"隔開
'返回值:成功 true , 失敗 false
Function IsExistFile(FilePath)
On Error Resume Next
Dim fso,arrFile,i

If FilePath="" then
IsExistFile = false
End If

arrFile = Split(FilePath,"|")
Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

for i=0 to UBound(arrFile)
FilePath = arrFile(i)
If Fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(FilePath)) then
IsExistFile = True
End If
If Fso.folderexists(Server.MapPath(FilePath)) then
IsExistFile = True
End If
Set fso = nothing

If Err then
IsExistFile = false
'ShowError "判斷文件或目錄是否存在失敗",""
IsExistFile = true
End If
End Function

'作 用: 刪除檔或目錄
'參 數:FilePath '檔路徑 多個檔用"|"隔開
'返回值:成功 true , 失敗 false
Function DelFile(FilePath)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Fso,arrFile,i

If FilePath="" then
CreateFolder = false
End If

arrFile = Split(FilePath,"|")
Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

for i=0 to UBound(arrFile)
FilePath = arrFile(i)
If Fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(FilePath)) then
End If
If Fso.folderexists(Server.MapPath(FilePath)) then
End If
Set Fso = nothing

If Err then
DelFile = false
'ShowError "刪除文件或目錄失敗",""
DelFile = true
End If
End Function

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