100 ms
65536 kB
16000 B

Behind the scenes in the computer's memory, color is always talked about as a series of 24 bits of information for each pixel. In an image, the color with the largest proportional area is called the dominant color. A strictly dominant color takes more than half of the total area. Now given an image of resolution M by N (for example, 800x600), you are supposed to point out the strictly dominant color.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains 2 positive numbers: M (<=800) and N (<=600) which are the resolutions of the image. Then N lines follow, each contains M digital colors in the range [0, 224). It is guaranteed that the strictly dominant color exists for each input image. All the numbers in a line are separated by a space.

Output Specification:

For each test case, simply print the dominant color in a line.

Sample Input:

5 3
0 0 255 16777215 24
24 24 0 0 24
24 0 24 24 24

Sample Output:

using namespace std;
int main()
int n,m;
map<int,int> mm;
for(int i = ;i<m*n;i++)
int tem;
} int MAX = -;
map<int,int>::iterator it;
int index;
for(it = mm.begin();it != mm.end();it ++)
if(it->second > MAX)
MAX = it ->second;
index = it ->first;
} printf("%d\n",index);
return ;

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