$parse is useful when you want to parse an expression and the context is not defined yet.

For example, I have a table component which allows user to pass in all the row items and define action for each row.


What I want is only if 'shouldPay' is true when display the `ttmd-action`, if not just hide it, so there is "if" attr in the tag.

But there is one problem to make it works: Because `shouldPay` prop locates on each item, if we use ng-repeat, we would do somthing like this:

<div ng-repeat="item in items track by $index">

But I don't want to make component hard for user to use, so the problem we need to solve here is

  • parse the expression we passed in with the right context

So here is $parse come into play:


        let getter = this.$parse(this.if); // get the expression and conver it to a function
let context = this.ItemCtrl.getSelectedItem(); // Find the right context
return getter(context); // parse the expression with the right context

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