WCF - WAS Hosting

To understand the concept of WAS hosting, we need to comprehend how a system is configured and how a service contract is created, enabling different binding to the hosted service.


First of all, enable WCF for non-protocols. Before we start creating the service, we need to configure the system to support WAS. Following are the steps to configure WAS:


  • Click Start Menu ≫ Control Panel ≫ Programs and Features, and click "Turn Windows Components On or Off" in the left pane.

  • Expand "Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0" and enable "Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation" and "Windows Communication Foundation Non- HTTP Activation".

  • Next, we need to add Binding to the default website. As an example, we will bind the default website to the TCP protocol. Go to Start Menu ≫ Programs ≫ Accessories. Right click on the "Command Prompt", and select "Run as administrator" from the context menu.

  • Execute the following command:


2.展开.net3.0,启用WCF HTTP Activation和WCF Non- HTTP Activation



appcmd.exe set site "Default Web Site" -+bindings.[protocol='net.tcp',bindingInformation='808:*']     //吐槽下,这个命令执行出错了,我都不知道该怎么解决

This command adds the net.tcp site binding to the default website by modifying the applicationHost.config file located in the "C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config" directory. Similarly, we can add different protocols to the default website.

Create WAS Hosted Service

Step-1: Open Visual Studio 2008 and click New → WebSite and select WCF Service from the template and Location as HTTP, as shown below:


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