In this article we will discuss how can we load jars residing over NFS in JBoss AS-7 classpath. In some development environment, when there are multiple jars and properties files are being used by multiple servers, it is good to put all of them in a central repository, so that if the files (jar/properties files/xmls) are modified, all the servers will pickup the latest version and there will be less overhead related to copying the latest versions to individual servers

NFS allows a user on a client computer to access files over a network in a manner similar to how local storage is accessed. I installed NFS using below link :


As JBoss AS-7 has introduced a module structure to load your custom jars. One can quickly create a custom module and put the required jars in them, with appropriate entries in module.xml . But in this case we would be needing an additional module directory, which would be residing over NFS server and we would map this to our local (client) server.

Step-1: Modify and add a separate module directory. To do this navigate to $JBOSS_HOME/bin and edit the file.

Search for keyword “module” and it should look like below :

if [ "x$JBOSS_MODULEPATH" = "x" ]; then

Edit the above section of your “” script and then add the “:” separated path of your module directories as following

JBOSS_MODULEPATH=/mnt/nfs:$JBOSS_HOME/modules #if [ "x$JBOSS_MODULEPATH" = "x" ]; then

Here /mnt/nfs/ is the directory, where our new module directory would be residing.

Step-2 : On the shared mount create below directory structure :

├── aaa
  └── bbb
  └── ccc
  └── main
  ├── module.xml
          ├── utility_JAR.jar ..


module.xml :


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="aaa.bbb.ccc">
<resource-root path="utility_JAR.jar"/>
</module> ..

Step-3 : Now lets create a simple application which would be using utility_JAR.jar (ClassLoaderTestWAR.war). The war file will have below structure :”

├── index.jsp
   ├── jboss-deployment-structure.xml
   ├── web.xml

Where :

index.jsp :

<head><title>ClassLoader Demo</title></head>
<body bgcolor="maroon" text="white">
<h1>Class Loader Demo..</h1> <%
aaa.bbb.TestUtility utility=new aaa.bbb.TestUtility();
String whichClassLoader=utility.sayWhichClassLoader();
System.out.println("\n\n\t -----> "+whichClassLoader);
%> </body>

jboss-deployment-structure.xml :


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="aaa.bbb.ccc" />
</jboss-deployment-structure> ..

web.xml :


</web-app> ..

Step-4 : Now deploy the application and start the JBoss AS-7 server.

Step-5 : Access the application using : http://localhost:8080/ClassLoaderTestWAR

You will see something like below :

If the above output comes that means the jar was loaded from our new module directory, which resides over NFS.


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