Access control is often referred to as implementation hiding. Wrapping data and methods
within classes in combination with implementation hiding is often called encapsulation.
  The result is a data type with characteristics and behaviors


  1. Java Basic - Encapsulation

    *** 封装 *** 面向对象特征 - 封装 封装的基本原则 将你的实例变量标记为私有的,比如提供公有的get与set方法来控制存取动作 有些get和set 可能什么事情也没做, 只是把值设给变量而已 ...

  2. Geneve: Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation

    Earlier this year, VMware, Microsoft, Red Hat and Intel published an IETF draft on Generic Network V ...

  3. Encapsulation and Requiring Files

    By encapsulating all the logic for an object, whether it’s a Dog or a User or an IceCreamShop, you a ...

  4. [Angular 2] Controlling how Styles are Shared with View Encapsulation

    Style and View Encapsulation is best understood by seeing how each option (Emulated, Native, and Non ...

  5. Java基础-面向对象第一特性之封装(Encapsulation)

    Java基础-面向对象第一特性之封装(Encapsulation) 作者:尹正杰 版权声明:原创作品,谢绝转载!否则将追究法律责任. 一.理解什么是面向过程和面向对象 面向过程与面向对象都是我们编程中 ...

  6. [HTML5] Avoiding CSS Conflicts via Shadow DOM CSS encapsulation

    Shadow DOM is part of the web components specification. It allows us to ship self contained componen ...

  7. java abstraction and encapsulation

    How is Abstraction different from Encapsulation? Abstraction happens at class level design. It resul ...

  8. Objective-C Data Encapsulation

    All Objective-C programs are composed of the following two fundamental elements: Program statements ...

  9. Python面向对象三要素-封装(Encapsulation)

    Python面向对象三要素-封装(Encapsulation) 作者:尹正杰 版权声明:原创作品,谢绝转载!否则将追究法律责任. 一.封装概述 将数据和操作组织到类中,即属性和方法 将数据隐藏起来,给 ...


  1. Internship

    zoj2532: 题意:有n个发射点,m个中继站,然后发射点会发射一些信息 ...

  2. Django Sqlite3 数据库向MySQL迁移

    整合了两个URL而来.. 1, 2,http://www.ziqia ...

  3. -AC自动机-题表

    2016-07-13 09:59:42

  4. utf8_to_utf16

    17down voteaccepted Here's some code. Only lightly tested and there's probably a few improvements. C ...

  5. ‘char *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'

    这个问题是有与和系统变量重名导致的,如 char* ans = (char*) malloc(10);系统变量是一个int.

  6. HBase学习笔记之HFile格式

    主要看Roger的文档,这里作为文档的补充 HFile的格式-HFile的基本结构 Trailer通过指针找到Meta index.Data index.File info. Meta index保存 ...

  7. LeetCode解题报告:Reorder List

    Reorder List Given a singly linked list L: L0→L1→…→Ln-1→Ln,reorder it to: L0→Ln→L1→Ln-1→L2→Ln-2→… Yo ...

  8. Android-补间动画效果

    Android的SDK提供了三种类型的动画,分别是补间动画.逐帧动画和插值属性动画.下面先介绍第一种动画效果-补间动画. 补间动画可以应用于View,让开发者可以定义一些关于大小.位置.旋转和透明度的 ...

  9. gitweb安装

    gitweb安装: 1. 简介 Gitweb提供了git版本库的图形化web浏览功能.可以到网站体验下效果,如下图所示. Gitweb界面 它既可以通过配置 ...

  10. BZOJ3715: [PA2014]Lustra

    3715: [PA2014]Lustra Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 237  Solved: 149[Submit][Status ...