


  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <utility>
  3. #include <cmath>
  4. using namespace std;
  5. #define lb long double
  6. #define fi first
  7. #define se second
  8. pair<int , int > a, b;
  9. int n, tot;
  10. const lb eps = 1e-10;
  11. int floor2 (lb x)
  12. {
  13. if (ceil (x) - x < eps) return ceil (x);
  14. return floor (x);
  15. }
  16. int ceil2 (lb x)
  17. {
  18. if (x - floor (x) < eps) return floor (x);
  19. return ceil (x);
  20. }
  21. int main() {
  22. cin >> a.fi >> a.se >> b.fi >> b.se >> n;
  23. if (a.fi == b.fi || a.se == b.se) cout << "no solution";
  24. else {
  25. lb x = a.fi, y = a.se, lx = a.fi, ly = a.se;
  26. lb k = ( (lb) b.se - (lb) a.se) / ( (lb) b.fi - (lb) a.fi);
  27. //↗方向
  28. if (a.fi < b.fi && a.se < b.se) {
  29. while (fabs (x - b.fi) > eps && fabs (y - b.se) > eps) {
  30. lb dtx = min ( (floor2 (y) + 1 - y) / k, floor2 (x) + 1 - x);
  31. x += dtx, y += dtx * k;
  32. tot++;
  33. if (tot == n) break;
  34. lx = x, ly = y;
  35. }
  36. }
  37. //↙方向
  38. else if (a.fi > b.fi && a.se > b.se) {
  39. while (fabs (x - b.fi) > eps && fabs (y - b.se) > eps) {
  40. lb dtx = min ( (y - ceil2 (y) + 1 ) / k, x - ceil2 (x) + 1 );
  41. x -= dtx, y -= dtx * k;
  42. tot++;
  43. if (tot == n) break;
  44. lx = x, ly = y;
  45. }
  46. }
  47. //↘方向
  48. else if (a.fi < b.fi && a.se > b.se) {
  49. while (fabs (x - b.fi) > eps && fabs (y - b.se) > eps) {
  50. lb dtx = min ( (ceil2 (y) - 1 - y) / k, floor2 (x) + 1 - x);
  51. x += dtx, y += dtx * k;
  52. tot++;
  53. if (tot == n) break;
  54. lx = x, ly = y;
  55. }
  56. }
  57. //↖方向
  58. else if (a.fi > b.fi && a.se < b.se) {
  59. while (fabs (x - b.fi) > eps && fabs (y - b.se) > eps) {
  60. lb dtx = min ( (y - floor2 (y) - 1 ) / k, x - ceil2 (x) + 1);
  61. x -= dtx, y -= dtx * k;
  62. tot++;
  63. if (tot == n) break;
  64. lx = x, ly = y;
  65. }
  66. }
  67. if (tot < n) cout << "no solution";
  68. else
  69. cout << floor2 ( (lx + x) / 2) << ' ' << floor2 ( (ly + y) / 2);
  70. }
  71. return 0;
  72. }


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