


            lookUpEdit.Properties.ValueMember = 实际要用的字段;   //相当于Editvalue
            lookUpEdit.Properties.DisplayMember =要显示的字段;    //相当于Text
            lookUpEdit.Properties.DataSource = 数据源;


Popupwidth 下拉框宽度
          Nulltxt    空时的值
          DropDownRows 下拉框行数
          AllowNullInput =True,可用Ctrl+Delete清空選擇內容

             if(this.lookUpEdit.Editvalue==null ||this.lookUpEdit.Editvalue.tostring()=="nulltext")

          变量=this.lookUpEdit.Editvalue.Tostring() //是LookUpEdit.Properties.ValueMember的值
          变量=this.lookUpEdit.Text.Trim() //是LookUpEdit.Properties.DisplayMember 的值


lookUpEdit.Itemindex=0;   //选择第一项

lookUpEdit.Itemindex=-1; //无选项,此时显示的是nullText值 其实这个地方只要Editvalue==null,lookUpEdit就显示nullText

lookUpEdit1.Editvalue=value;//自动搜索datasouse,选择与之匹配的值,没有的情况下赋值null ,value的值必须与Valuemember的数据类型一致。

1. LookUpEdit.Properties.ImmediatePopup 在输入框按任一可见字符键时立即弹出下拉窗体。
2. LookUpEdit.Properties.AutoSearchColumnIndex 设置自动搜索的栏位序号,下拉窗体第一个栏位为0,依此类推,此属性配合SearchMode=OnlyInPopup时有效。
3. LookUpEdit.Properties.SearchMode 自动搜索定位模式


C# Code: 
// Summary:
// Enumerates search modes for a lookup edior. 
public enum SearchMode 

// Summary:
// The incremental search is enabled only when the dropdown window is open.
// If the window is closed, the user can modify the text in the edit box. However
// these changes are ignored.
// When the dropdown is open the incremental search is performed against the
// column whose index is specified by the DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit.AutoSearchColumnIndex
// property. The header of this column contains the search icon (binoculars).
// The user can click a specific column header to perform the search against
// this column.
// The following screenshot shows a sample lookup editor. The incremental search
// is performed against the second column. 
OnlyInPopup = 0, 
// Summary:
// Enables the automatic completion feature. In this mode, when the dropdown
// is closed, the text in the edit box is automatically completed if it matches
// a DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemLookUpEditBase.DisplayMember
// field value of one of dropdown rows.
// When the dropdown is open, the automatic completion feature is disabled but
// the editor allows you to perform an incremental search in the same manner
// as when DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.SearchMode.OnlyInPopup mode is active. 
AutoComplete = 1, 
// Summary:
// Enables the incremental filtering feature. When you type within the edit
// box, the editor automatically opens the dropdown window and displays only
// records whose DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemLookUpEditBase.DisplayMember
// field value starts with the characters typed. Other records are not displayed.
// If you enter a value that does not match any record, the dropdown window
// will not contain any rows.
// The following image shows a lookup editor when AutoFilter mode is enabled. 
AutoFilter = 2, 

OnlyInPopup : 配合ImmediatePopup=True时使用,当用户在输入框按任一可见字符键时立即弹出下拉窗体,并跟据输入的字符从头部开始匹配AutoSearchColumnIndex属性指定栏位字段的值,第一个栏位为0.


AutoComplete: 配合ImmediatePopup=True时使用,当用户在输入框按任一可见字符键时立即弹出下拉窗体,并在输入框自动完成您想要输入的数据,同时下拉窗体自动匹配最佳记录。AutoComplete模式仅匹配DisplayMember对应字段的值。

AutoFilter: 配合ImmediatePopup=True时使用,当用户在输入框按任一可见字符键时立即弹出下拉窗体,并在输入框自动完成您想要输入的数据,同时下拉窗体自动过滤掉不匹配的记录。



The LookUp editor allows a user to enter values which cannot be found in the lookup list. A programmer should handle this situation, otherwise a new value is lost. The LookUp editor provides a ProcessNewValue event for this.

First of all, you should set the SearchMode property to OnlyInPopup and TextEditStyle to Standard to enable free text entry.

There are two common approaches for handling the ProcessNewValue event:
1. Immediately insert the new record in the lookup table and generate a new ID for it.
2. Display a dialog, where a user can set values for a new data row.


List<std_MetaInfo> source = DataHelper.MetaInfos;//数据源
EditorHelper.BindLookUpEdit(lueStdNO, source, "StdNO", "StdNO");// lueStdNO.ProcessNewValue += lue_ProcessNewValue;
private void lue_ProcessNewValue(object sender, ProcessNewValueEventArgs e)
RepositoryItemLookUpEdit edit = ((LookUpEdit)sender).Properties;
if (e.DisplayValue == null || edit.NullText.Equals(e.DisplayValue) || string.Empty.Equals(e.DisplayValue))
std_MetaInfo meta = new std_MetaInfo();
meta.StdNO = e.DisplayValue.ToString();
e.Handled = true;
} public class EditorHelper
public static void BindLookUpEdit(LookUpEdit lue, object source, string value, string displayName)
lue.Properties.DataSource = source;
lue.Properties.DisplayMember = displayName;
lue.Properties.ValueMember = value; lue.Properties.NullText = "";
lue.Properties.TextEditStyle = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.TextEditStyles.Standard;//要使用户可以输入,这里须设为Standard
lue.Properties.SearchMode = SearchMode.AutoFilter;//自动过滤掉不需要显示的数据,可以根据需要变化

        private void LookUpEdit1_ProcessNewValue(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ProcessNewValueEventArgs e)
DataRow Row;
RepositoryItemLookUpEdit Edit = ((LookUpEdit)sender).Properties;
if (e.DisplayValue == null || Edit.NullText.Equals(e.DisplayValue) || string.Empty.Equals(e.DisplayValue))
using (Form2 f = new Form2())
f.ItemID = "(Auto Number)";
f.ItemName = e.DisplayValue.ToString();//ItemName是Form2中的一个属性,return Form2中一个文本框的值
if (f.ShowDialog(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
e.DisplayValue = f.ItemName;
Row = LookupTable.NewRow();
Row["Name"] = f.ItemName;
e.Handled = true;






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