本文同时发布在个人博客chinazt.cc 和 gitbook
今日看到了一个有趣的golang项目--kolpa(https://github.com/malisit/kolpa)。 这个项目可以用来生成伪造的姓名,地址,时间,User-Agent等等信息,在需要大量随机数据的测试环境中非常合适。
一查不知道,原来此项目需要依赖各个语言环境下的模板文件,而模板文件都放在项目的data目录中。 在代码中,通过硬编码来确定模板文件位置:
// Reads the file "fName" and returns its content as a slice of strings.
func (g *Generator) fileToSlice(fName string) ([]string, error) {
var res []string
path := os.Getenv("GOPATH") + "/src/github.com/malisit/kolpa/data/" + g.Locale + "/" + fName
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
res = append(res, scanner.Text())
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
//log.Println("Inteded generation is not valid for selected language. Switching to en_US.")
return g.fileToSlice(fName)
return res, nil
因为我是通过fork,然后clone到本地的方式来运行demo,本地此时packge路径已经不是上面的路径了,所以导致运行失败。 很难说这是一个bug,但的确影响到了程序运行。 所以说不良的代码风格更为恰当吧。
既然找到了问题,那下一步就是如何解决问题。 应该如何在Runtime时实时获取package位置呢?
说到Runtime,那么一定就少不了Reflect package。
Package reflect implements run-time reflection, allowing a program to manipulate objects with arbitrary types. The typical use is to take a value with static type interface{} and extract its dynamic type information by calling TypeOf, which returns a Type.
从Reflect的介绍上看,Reflect package推荐的使用方式是通过TypeOf返回一个带有interface{}所有动态类型信息的Type类型,然后通过Type类型来获取各种程序需要的信息。
type Type interface {
// Align returns the alignment in bytes of a value of
// this type when allocated in memory.
Align() int
// FieldAlign returns the alignment in bytes of a value of
// this type when used as a field in a struct.
FieldAlign() int
// Method returns the i'th method in the type's method set.
// It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumMethod()).
// For a non-interface type T or *T, the returned Method's Type and Func
// fields describe a function whose first argument is the receiver.
// For an interface type, the returned Method's Type field gives the
// method signature, without a receiver, and the Func field is nil.
Method(int) Method
// MethodByName returns the method with that name in the type's
// method set and a boolean indicating if the method was found.
// For a non-interface type T or *T, the returned Method's Type and Func
// fields describe a function whose first argument is the receiver.
// For an interface type, the returned Method's Type field gives the
// method signature, without a receiver, and the Func field is nil.
MethodByName(string) (Method, bool)
// NumMethod returns the number of exported methods in the type's method set.
NumMethod() int
// Name returns the type's name within its package.
// It returns an empty string for unnamed types.
Name() string
// PkgPath returns a named type's package path, that is, the import path
// that uniquely identifies the package, such as "encoding/base64".
// If the type was predeclared (string, error) or unnamed (*T, struct{}, []int),
// the package path will be the empty string.
PkgPath() string
// Size returns the number of bytes needed to store
// a value of the given type; it is analogous to unsafe.Sizeof.
Size() uintptr
// String returns a string representation of the type.
// The string representation may use shortened package names
// (e.g., base64 instead of "encoding/base64") and is not
// guaranteed to be unique among types. To test for type identity,
// compare the Types directly.
String() string
// Kind returns the specific kind of this type.
Kind() Kind
// Implements reports whether the type implements the interface type u.
Implements(u Type) bool
// AssignableTo reports whether a value of the type is assignable to type u.
AssignableTo(u Type) bool
// ConvertibleTo reports whether a value of the type is convertible to type u.
ConvertibleTo(u Type) bool
// Comparable reports whether values of this type are comparable.
Comparable() bool
// Bits returns the size of the type in bits.
// It panics if the type's Kind is not one of the
// sized or unsized Int, Uint, Float, or Complex kinds.
Bits() int
// ChanDir returns a channel type's direction.
// It panics if the type's Kind is not Chan.
ChanDir() ChanDir
// IsVariadic reports whether a function type's final input parameter
// is a "..." parameter. If so, t.In(t.NumIn() - 1) returns the parameter's
// implicit actual type []T.
// For concreteness, if t represents func(x int, y ... float64), then
// t.NumIn() == 2
// t.In(0) is the reflect.Type for "int"
// t.In(1) is the reflect.Type for "[]float64"
// t.IsVariadic() == true
// IsVariadic panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
IsVariadic() bool
// Elem returns a type's element type.
// It panics if the type's Kind is not Array, Chan, Map, Ptr, or Slice.
Elem() Type
// Field returns a struct type's i'th field.
// It panics if the type's Kind is not Struct.
// It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumField()).
Field(i int) StructField
// FieldByIndex returns the nested field corresponding
// to the index sequence. It is equivalent to calling Field
// successively for each index i.
// It panics if the type's Kind is not Struct.
FieldByIndex(index []int) StructField
// FieldByName returns the struct field with the given name
// and a boolean indicating if the field was found.
FieldByName(name string) (StructField, bool)
// FieldByNameFunc returns the struct field with a name
// that satisfies the match function and a boolean indicating if
// the field was found.
// FieldByNameFunc considers the fields in the struct itself
// and then the fields in any anonymous structs, in breadth first order,
// stopping at the shallowest nesting depth containing one or more
// fields satisfying the match function. If multiple fields at that depth
// satisfy the match function, they cancel each other
// and FieldByNameFunc returns no match.
// This behavior mirrors Go's handling of name lookup in
// structs containing anonymous fields.
FieldByNameFunc(match func(string) bool) (StructField, bool)
// In returns the type of a function type's i'th input parameter.
// It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
// It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumIn()).
In(i int) Type
// Key returns a map type's key type.
// It panics if the type's Kind is not Map.
Key() Type
// Len returns an array type's length.
// It panics if the type's Kind is not Array.
Len() int
// NumField returns a struct type's field count.
// It panics if the type's Kind is not Struct.
NumField() int
// NumIn returns a function type's input parameter count.
// It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
NumIn() int
// NumOut returns a function type's output parameter count.
// It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
NumOut() int
// Out returns the type of a function type's i'th output parameter.
// It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
// It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumOut()).
Out(i int) Type
// contains filtered or unexported methods
在Type接口定义中,和Package Path有关的有两个函数:
- PkgPath()
- String()
PkgPath 返回指定类型的import package path,也就是说,如果代码中有import encoding/base64这样的语句, 那么通过PkgPath()就会返回encoding/base64,而不是base64package所在的实际路径。 反言之,PkgPath()返回的是import package path。
而如果继续使用上例中的encoding/base64来说,String()返回的是base64,而不是encoding/base64。 String()返回的是实际使用的package name。
- PkgPath() 返回import package path
- String() 返回import package name
显然,PkgPath()更适合我们的需求。 简单改造代码如下:
1.增加 Pkg path
// Generator struct to access various generator functions
type Generator struct {
Locale string
Pkg string
// C is the creator function, initiates kolpa with or without locale
// setting. The default locale setting is "en_US".
// Returns a generator type that will be used to call generator methods.
func C(localeVar ...string) Generator {
newGenerator := Generator{}
if len(localeVar) > 0 {
newGenerator.Locale = localeVar[0]
} else {
newGenerator.Locale = "en_US"
// newGenerator.populateFunctions()
newGenerator.Pkg = reflect.TypeOf(newGenerator).PkgPath()
return newGenerator
// Reads the file "fName" and returns its content as a slice of strings.
func (g *Generator) fileToSlice(fName string) ([]string, error) {
var res []string
path := os.Getenv("GOPATH") + "/src/" + g.Pkg + "/data/" + g.Locale + "/" + fName
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
res = append(res, scanner.Text())
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
//log.Println("Inteded generation is not valid for selected language. Switching to en_US.")
return g.fileToSlice(fName)
return res, nil
⋊> ~/S/g/g/s/t/kopla ./kopla
最后提一句,有的地方曾经说到尽量少使用Reflect package。 因此反射使用多了,影响效率。 我想这种想法应该是从Java VM那里流传出来的吧。 因为Java VM负责将字节码翻译成机器码,因此频繁调用反射会加重VM切换上下文的代价,也就是把装载期做的事情搬到了运行期,势必降低运行效率。 golang的反射减少了翻译环节,同时借助于编译器进行了代码优化,虽然同样在反射时需要进行额外的安全检查和类型检查,但不会降低太多效率。 而且上面,我们也看到只有在调用时也只发生了一次反射调用,影响几乎可忽略不计。
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