源码分析 Large-Margin Softmax Loss for Convolutional Neural Networks
- caffe.proto
- largemargin_inner_product_laye.hpp
#define CAFFE_LARGEMARGIN_INNER_PRODUCT_LAYER_HPP_ #include <vector> #include "caffe/blob.hpp"
#include "caffe/layer.hpp"
#include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h" namespace caffe { /**
* @brief Also known as a "LargeMargin fully-connected" layer, computes an LargeMargin inner product
* with a set of learned weights, and (optionally) adds biases.
* TODO(dox): thorough documentation for Forward, Backward, and proto params.
template <typename Dtype>
class LargeMarginInnerProductLayer : public Layer<Dtype> {
explicit LargeMarginInnerProductLayer(const LayerParameter& param)
: Layer<Dtype>(param) {}
virtual void LayerSetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
virtual void Reshape(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top); virtual inline const char* type() const { return "LargeMarginInnerProduct"; }
virtual inline int ExactNumBottomBlobs() const { return ; }
virtual inline int MaxTopBlobs() const { return ; } protected:
virtual void Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
virtual void Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
virtual void Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);
virtual void Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom); int M_;
int K_;
int N_; LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType type_; // common variables
Blob<Dtype> x_norm_;
Blob<Dtype> w_norm_;
Blob<Dtype> cos_theta_;
Blob<Dtype> sign_0_; // sign_0 = sign(cos_theta)
// for DOUBLE type
Blob<Dtype> cos_theta_quadratic_;
// for TRIPLE type
Blob<Dtype> sign_1_; // sign_1 = sign(abs(cos_theta) - 0.5)
Blob<Dtype> sign_2_; // sign_2 = sign_0 * (1 + sign_1) - 2
Blob<Dtype> cos_theta_cubic_;
// for QUADRA type
Blob<Dtype> sign_3_; // sign_3 = sign_0 * sign(2 * cos_theta_quadratic_ - 1)
Blob<Dtype> sign_4_; // sign_4 = 2 * sign_0 + sign_3 - 3
Blob<Dtype> cos_theta_quartic_; int iter_;
Dtype lambda_; }; } // namespace caffe #endif // CAFFE_LARGEMARGIN_INNER_PRODUCT_LAYER_HPP_
- largemargin_inner_product_laye.cpp
#include <vector> #include "caffe/blob.hpp"
#include "caffe/common.hpp"
#include "caffe/filler.hpp"
#include "caffe/layer.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"
#include "caffe/layers/largemargin_inner_product_layer.hpp" namespace caffe {
//该函数主要完成参数赋值、weight Blob初始化
template <typename Dtype>
void LargeMarginInnerProductLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
CHECK_EQ(bottom[]->num(), bottom[]->num())
<< "Number of labels must match number of output; "
<< "DO NOT support multi-label this version."
<< "e.g., if prediction shape is (M X N), "
<< "label count (number of labels) must be M, "
<< "with integer values in {0, 1, ..., N-1}."; type_ = this->layer_param_.largemargin_inner_product_param().type();
iter_ = this->layer_param_.largemargin_inner_product_param().iteration();
lambda_ = (Dtype).; const int num_output = this->layer_param_.largemargin_inner_product_param().num_output();
N_ = num_output;
const int axis = bottom[]->CanonicalAxisIndex(
this->layer_param_.largemargin_inner_product_param().axis()); K_ = bottom[]->count(axis);
// Check if we need to set up the weights
if (this->blobs_.size() > ) {
LOG(INFO) << "Skipping parameter initialization";
} else {
// Intialize the weight
vector<int> weight_shape();
weight_shape[] = N_;
weight_shape[] = K_;
this->blobs_[].reset(new Blob<Dtype>(weight_shape));//weight维度为(N_,K_)
// fill the weights
shared_ptr<Filler<Dtype> > weight_filler(GetFiller<Dtype>(
} // parameter initialization
this->param_propagate_down_.resize(this->blobs_.size(), true);//weight大小设置以及初始化
} template <typename Dtype>
void LargeMarginInnerProductLayer<Dtype>::Reshape(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
// Figure out the dimensions
const int axis = bottom[]->CanonicalAxisIndex(
const int new_K = bottom[]->count(axis);
CHECK_EQ(K_, new_K)
<< "Input size incompatible with inner product parameters."; M_ = bottom[]->count(, axis);//单个样本输出维度N_,样本数M_,单个样本维度K_,请记住这三个参数的含义 vector<int> top_shape = bottom[]->shape();
top_shape.resize(axis + );
top_shape[axis] = N_;
top[]->Reshape(top_shape);//top的维度(M_,N_) // if needed, reshape top[1] to output lambda
vector<int> lambda_shape(, );
top[]->Reshape(lambda_shape);//为了加速收敛引入了指数退化项lambda // common variables
vector<int> shape_1_X_M(, M_);
vector<int> shape_1_X_N(, N_);
w_norm_.Reshape(shape_1_X_N);//norm{wi},i属于[0,N_-1] sign_0_.Reshape(top_shape);
cos_theta_.Reshape(top_shape);//cos(theta)的维度(M_,N_) // optional temp variables
switch (type_) {
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_SINGLE:
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_DOUBLE:
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_TRIPLE:
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_QUADRUPLE:
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown L-Softmax type.";
} template <typename Dtype>
void LargeMarginInnerProductLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
iter_ += (Dtype).;
Dtype base_ = this->layer_param_.largemargin_inner_product_param().base();
Dtype gamma_ = this->layer_param_.largemargin_inner_product_param().gamma();
Dtype power_ = this->layer_param_.largemargin_inner_product_param().power();
Dtype lambda_min_ = this->layer_param_.largemargin_inner_product_param().lambda_min();
lambda_ = base_ * pow(((Dtype). + gamma_ * iter_), -power_);
lambda_ = std::max(lambda_, lambda_min_);
top[]->mutable_cpu_data()[] = lambda_;//指数退化项,iter_很大时,lambda_趋于0 /************************* common variables *************************/
const Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[]->cpu_data();
Dtype* mutable_x_norm_data = x_norm_.mutable_cpu_data();
for (int i = ; i < M_; i++) {
mutable_x_norm_data[i] = sqrt(caffe_cpu_dot(K_, bottom_data + i * K_, bottom_data + i * K_));//norm{xi}计算,i属于M_
const Dtype* weight = this->blobs_[]->cpu_data();
Dtype* mutable_w_norm_data = w_norm_.mutable_cpu_data();
for (int i = ; i < N_; i++) {
mutable_w_norm_data[i] = sqrt(caffe_cpu_dot(K_, weight + i * K_, weight + i * K_));//norm{wi}计算,i属于N_
} Blob<Dtype> xw_norm_product_;
caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, M_, N_, , (Dtype).,
x_norm_.cpu_data(), w_norm_.cpu_data(), (Dtype)., xw_norm_product_.mutable_cpu_data());//norm{wi}乘以norm{xj},输出维度为(M_,N_)
caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, M_, N_, K_, (Dtype).,
bottom_data, weight, (Dtype)., cos_theta_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_add_scalar(M_ * N_, (Dtype)0.000000001, xw_norm_product_.mutable_cpu_data());//防止分母为0
caffe_div(M_ * N_, cos_theta_.cpu_data(), xw_norm_product_.cpu_data(), cos_theta_.mutable_cpu_data());//cos(theta),输出维度为(M_,N_) caffe_cpu_sign(M_ * N_, cos_theta_.cpu_data(), sign_0_.mutable_cpu_data()); switch (type_) {
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_SINGLE:
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_DOUBLE:
caffe_powx(M_ * N_, cos_theta_.cpu_data(), (Dtype)., cos_theta_quadratic_.mutable_cpu_data());//cos(theta)^2,输出维度为(M_,N_)
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_TRIPLE:
caffe_powx(M_ * N_, cos_theta_.cpu_data(), (Dtype)., cos_theta_quadratic_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_powx(M_ * N_, cos_theta_.cpu_data(), (Dtype)., cos_theta_cubic_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_abs(M_ * N_, cos_theta_.cpu_data(), sign_1_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_add_scalar(M_ * N_, -(Dtype)0.5, sign_1_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_cpu_sign(M_ * N_, sign_1_.cpu_data(), sign_1_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_copy(M_ * N_, sign_1_.cpu_data(), sign_2_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_add_scalar(M_ * N_, (Dtype)., sign_2_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_mul(M_ * N_, sign_0_.cpu_data(), sign_2_.cpu_data(), sign_2_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_add_scalar(M_ * N_, - (Dtype)., sign_2_.mutable_cpu_data());
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_QUADRUPLE:
caffe_powx(M_ * N_, cos_theta_.cpu_data(), (Dtype)., cos_theta_quadratic_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_powx(M_ * N_, cos_theta_.cpu_data(), (Dtype)., cos_theta_cubic_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_powx(M_ * N_, cos_theta_.cpu_data(), (Dtype)., cos_theta_quartic_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_copy(M_ * N_, cos_theta_quadratic_.cpu_data(), sign_3_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_scal(M_ * N_, (Dtype)., sign_3_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_add_scalar(M_ * N_, (Dtype)-., sign_3_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_cpu_sign(M_ * N_, sign_3_.cpu_data(), sign_3_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_mul(M_ * N_, sign_0_.cpu_data(), sign_3_.cpu_data(), sign_3_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_copy(M_ * N_, sign_0_.cpu_data(), sign_4_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_scal(M_ * N_, (Dtype)., sign_4_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_add(M_ * N_, sign_4_.cpu_data(), sign_3_.cpu_data(), sign_4_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_add_scalar(M_ * N_, - (Dtype)., sign_4_.mutable_cpu_data());
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown L-Softmax type.";
} /************************* Forward *************************/
Dtype* top_data = top[]->mutable_cpu_data();
caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, M_, N_, K_, (Dtype).,
bottom_data, weight, (Dtype)., top_data);//top = XW’,X为bottom data维度为(M_,K_),W'为权重矩阵、维度为(K_,N_)
const Dtype* label = bottom[]->cpu_data();
const Dtype* xw_norm_product_data = xw_norm_product_.cpu_data();
switch (type_) {
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_SINGLE: {
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_DOUBLE: {
const Dtype* sign_0_data = sign_0_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_quadratic_data = cos_theta_quadratic_.cpu_data();
for (int i = ; i < M_; i++) {
const int label_value = static_cast<int>(label[i]);
top_data[i * N_ + label_value] = xw_norm_product_data[i * N_ + label_value] *
((Dtype). * sign_0_data[i * N_ + label_value] *
cos_theta_quadratic_data[i * N_ + label_value] - (Dtype).);
caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, M_, N_, K_, lambda_,
bottom_data, weight, (Dtype)., top_data);//引入lambda_,加速收敛
caffe_scal(M_ * N_, (Dtype)./((Dtype). + lambda_), top_data);
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_TRIPLE: {
const Dtype* sign_1_data = sign_1_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* sign_2_data = sign_2_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_data = cos_theta_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_cubic_data = cos_theta_cubic_.cpu_data();
for (int i = ; i < M_; i++) {
const int label_value = static_cast<int>(label[i]);
top_data[i * N_ + label_value] = xw_norm_product_data[i * N_ + label_value] *
(sign_1_data[i * N_ + label_value] * ((Dtype). *
cos_theta_cubic_data[i * N_ + label_value] -
(Dtype). * cos_theta_data[i * N_ + label_value]) +
sign_2_data[i * N_ + label_value]);
caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, M_, N_, K_, lambda_,
bottom_data, weight, (Dtype)., top_data);
caffe_scal(M_ * N_, (Dtype)./((Dtype). + lambda_), top_data);
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_QUADRUPLE: {
const Dtype* sign_3_data = sign_3_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* sign_4_data = sign_4_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_quadratic_data = cos_theta_quadratic_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_quartic_data = cos_theta_quartic_.cpu_data();
for (int i = ; i < M_; i++) {
const int label_value = static_cast<int>(label[i]);
top_data[i * N_ + label_value] = xw_norm_product_data[i * N_ + label_value] *
(sign_3_data[i * N_ + label_value] * ((Dtype). *
cos_theta_quartic_data[i * N_ + label_value] -
(Dtype). * cos_theta_quadratic_data[i * N_ + label_value] +
(Dtype).) + sign_4_data[i * N_ + label_value]);
caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, M_, N_, K_, lambda_,
bottom_data, weight, (Dtype)., top_data);
caffe_scal(M_ * N_, (Dtype)./((Dtype). + lambda_), top_data);
default: {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown L-Softmax type.";
} //在反向传播中,我只简单介绍一下核心的误差传递,忽略导数的计算公式分析。计算公式参考论文是很好理解的
template <typename Dtype>
void LargeMarginInnerProductLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
const vector<bool>& propagate_down,
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {
Blob<Dtype> inv_w_norm_;
Blob<Dtype> xw_norm_ratio_;
caffe_add_scalar(N_, (Dtype)0.000000001, w_norm_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_set(N_, (Dtype)., inv_w_norm_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_div(N_, inv_w_norm_.cpu_data(), w_norm_.cpu_data(), inv_w_norm_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, M_, N_, , (Dtype).,
x_norm_.cpu_data(), inv_w_norm_.cpu_data(), (Dtype)., xw_norm_ratio_.mutable_cpu_data()); const Dtype* top_diff = top[]->cpu_diff();
const Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[]->cpu_data();
const Dtype* label = bottom[]->cpu_data();
const Dtype* weight = this->blobs_[]->cpu_data(); if (this->param_propagate_down_[]) {
Dtype* weight_diff = this->blobs_[]->mutable_cpu_diff();//请注意:weight和weight_diff含义不同
const Dtype* xw_norm_ratio_data = xw_norm_ratio_.cpu_data();
switch (type_) {
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_SINGLE: {
caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_, K_, M_, (Dtype).,
top_diff, bottom_data, (Dtype)., this->blobs_[]->mutable_cpu_diff());
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_DOUBLE: {
const Dtype* sign_0_data = sign_0_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_data = cos_theta_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_quadratic_data = cos_theta_quadratic_.cpu_data();
for (int i = ; i < N_; i++) {
for (int j = ; j < M_; j++) {// dL/dwij = sum{dL/dfni*dfni/dwij},求和范围n属于[0,M_)
const int label_value = static_cast<int>(label[j]);
if (label_value != i) {
caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[j * N_ + i],
bottom_data + j * K_, (Dtype)., weight_diff + i * K_);
} else {
caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[j * N_ + i] *
(Dtype). * sign_0_data[j * N_ + i] * cos_theta_data[j * N_ + i],
bottom_data + j * K_, (Dtype)., weight_diff + i * K_);
caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[j * N_ + i] *
(-xw_norm_ratio_data[j * N_ + i]) * ((Dtype). * sign_0_data[j * N_ + i] *
cos_theta_quadratic_data[j * N_ + i] + (Dtype).),
weight + i * K_, (Dtype)., weight_diff + i * K_);
caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_, K_, M_, lambda_/((Dtype). + lambda_),
top_diff, bottom_data, (Dtype)., this->blobs_[]->mutable_cpu_diff());
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_TRIPLE: {
const Dtype* sign_1_data = sign_1_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* sign_2_data = sign_2_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_quadratic_data = cos_theta_quadratic_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_cubic_data = cos_theta_cubic_.cpu_data();
for (int i = ; i < N_; i++) {
for (int j = ; j < M_; j++) {
const int label_value = static_cast<int>(label[j]);
if (label_value != i) {
caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[j * N_ + i],
bottom_data + j * K_, (Dtype)., weight_diff + i * K_);
} else {
caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[j * N_ + i] *
sign_1_data[j * N_ + i] * ((Dtype). * cos_theta_quadratic_data[j * N_ + i] -
bottom_data + j * K_, (Dtype)., weight_diff + i * K_);
caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[j * N_ + i] *
(-xw_norm_ratio_data[j * N_ + i]) * ((Dtype). * sign_1_data[j * N_ + i] *
cos_theta_cubic_data[j * N_ + i] - sign_2_data[j * N_ + i]),
weight + i * K_, (Dtype)., weight_diff + i * K_);
caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_, K_, M_, lambda_/((Dtype). + lambda_),
top_diff, bottom_data, (Dtype)., this->blobs_[]->mutable_cpu_diff());
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_QUADRUPLE: {
const Dtype* sign_3_data = sign_3_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* sign_4_data = sign_4_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_data = cos_theta_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_quadratic_data = cos_theta_quadratic_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_cubic_data = cos_theta_cubic_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_quartic_data = cos_theta_quartic_.cpu_data();
for (int i = ; i < N_; i++) {
for (int j = ; j < M_; j++) {
const int label_value = static_cast<int>(label[j]);
if (label_value != i) { caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[j * N_ + i],
bottom_data + j * K_, (Dtype)., weight_diff + i * K_);
} else { caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[j * N_ + i] *
sign_3_data[j * N_ + i] * ((Dtype). * cos_theta_cubic_data[j * N_ + i] -
(Dtype). * cos_theta_data[j * N_ + i]),
bottom_data + j * K_, (Dtype)., weight_diff + i * K_); caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[j * N_ + i] *
(-xw_norm_ratio_data[j * N_ + i]) * (sign_3_data[j * N_ + i] *
((Dtype). * cos_theta_quartic_data[j * N_ + i] -
(Dtype). * cos_theta_quadratic_data[j * N_ + i] - (Dtype).) -
sign_4_data[j * N_ + i]),
weight + i * K_, (Dtype)., weight_diff + i * K_);
} caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, N_, K_, M_, lambda_/((Dtype). + lambda_),
top_diff, bottom_data, (Dtype)., this->blobs_[]->mutable_cpu_diff());
default: {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown L-Softmax type.";
} // Gradient with respect to bottom data
if (propagate_down[]) {
Dtype* bottom_diff = bottom[]->mutable_cpu_diff();
const Dtype* xw_norm_ratio_data = xw_norm_ratio_.cpu_data();
caffe_set(M_ * K_, (Dtype)., bottom_diff);
switch (type_) {
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_SINGLE: {
caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, M_, K_, N_, (Dtype).,
top_diff, this->blobs_[]->cpu_data(), (Dtype).,
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_DOUBLE: {
const Dtype* sign_0_data = sign_0_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_data = cos_theta_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_quadratic_data = cos_theta_quadratic_.cpu_data();
for (int i = ; i < M_; i++) {
const int label_value = static_cast<int>(label[i]);
for (int j = ; j < N_; j++) {// dL/dxij = sum{dL/dfin*dfin/dxij},求和范围n属于[0,N_)
if (label_value != j) { caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[i * N_ + j],
weight + j * K_, (Dtype)., bottom_diff + i * K_);
} else { caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[i * N_ + j] *
(Dtype). * sign_0_data[i * N_ + j] * cos_theta_data[i * N_ + j],
weight + j * K_, (Dtype)., bottom_diff + i * K_); caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[i * N_ + j] /
(-xw_norm_ratio_data[i * N_ + j]) * ((Dtype). * sign_0_data[i * N_ + j] *
cos_theta_quadratic_data[i * N_ + j] + (Dtype).),
bottom_data + i * K_, (Dtype)., bottom_diff + i * K_);
} caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, M_, K_, N_, lambda_/((Dtype). + lambda_),
top_diff, this->blobs_[]->cpu_data(), (Dtype).,
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_TRIPLE: {
const Dtype* sign_1_data = sign_1_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* sign_2_data = sign_2_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_quadratic_data = cos_theta_quadratic_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_cubic_data = cos_theta_cubic_.cpu_data();
for (int i = ; i < M_; i++) {
const int label_value = static_cast<int>(label[i]);
for (int j = ; j < N_; j++) {
if (label_value != j) {
caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[i * N_ + j],
weight + j * K_, (Dtype)., bottom_diff + i * K_);
} else { caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[i * N_ + j] *
sign_1_data[i * N_ + j] * ((Dtype). * cos_theta_quadratic_data[i * N_ + j] -
weight + j * K_, (Dtype)., bottom_diff + i * K_); caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[i * N_ + j] /
(-xw_norm_ratio_data[i * N_ + j]) * ((Dtype). * sign_1_data[i * N_ + j] *
cos_theta_cubic_data[i * N_ + j] - sign_2_data[i * N_ +j]),
bottom_data + i * K_, (Dtype)., bottom_diff + i * K_);
} caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, M_, K_, N_, lambda_/((Dtype). + lambda_),
top_diff, this->blobs_[]->cpu_data(), (Dtype).,
case LargeMarginInnerProductParameter_LargeMarginType_QUADRUPLE: {
const Dtype* sign_3_data = sign_3_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* sign_4_data = sign_4_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_data = cos_theta_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_quadratic_data = cos_theta_quadratic_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_cubic_data = cos_theta_cubic_.cpu_data();
const Dtype* cos_theta_quartic_data = cos_theta_quartic_.cpu_data();
for (int i = ; i < M_; i++) {
const int label_value = static_cast<int>(label[i]);
for (int j = ; j < N_; j++) {
if (label_value != j) {
caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[i * N_ + j],
weight + j * K_, (Dtype)., bottom_diff + i * K_);
} else { caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[i * N_ + j] *
sign_3_data[i * N_ + j] * ((Dtype). * cos_theta_cubic_data[i * N_ + j] -
(Dtype). * cos_theta_data[i * N_ + j]),
weight + j * K_, (Dtype)., bottom_diff + i * K_); caffe_cpu_axpby(K_, (Dtype). / ((Dtype). + lambda_) * top_diff[i * N_ + j] /
(-xw_norm_ratio_data[i * N_ + j]) * (sign_3_data[i * N_ + j] *
((Dtype). * cos_theta_quartic_data[i * N_ + j] -
(Dtype). * cos_theta_quadratic_data[i * N_ + j] - (Dtype).) -
sign_4_data[i * N_ + j]),
bottom_data + i * K_, (Dtype)., bottom_diff + i * K_);
caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, M_, K_, N_, lambda_/((Dtype). + lambda_),
top_diff, this->blobs_[]->cpu_data(), (Dtype).,
default: {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown L-Softmax type.";
} #ifdef CPU_ONLY
#endif INSTANTIATE_CLASS(LargeMarginInnerProductLayer);
REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(LargeMarginInnerProduct); } // namespace caffe
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