You are given a m x n 2D grid initialized with these three possible values.

  1. -1 - A wall or an obstacle.
  2. 0 - A gate.
  3. INF - Infinity means an empty room. We use the value 231 - 1 = 2147483647 to represent INF as you may assume that the distance to a gate is less than 2147483647.

Fill each empty room with the distance to its nearest gate. If it is impossible to reach a gate, it should be filled with INF.

For example, given the 2D grid:

INF  -1  0  INF
INF -1 INF -1
0 -1 INF INF

After running your function, the 2D grid should be:

  3  -1   0   1
2 2 1 -1
1 -1 2 -1
0 -1 3 4

这道题类似一种迷宫问题,规定了 -1 表示墙,0表示门,让求每个点到门的最近的曼哈顿距离,这其实类似于求距离场 Distance Map 的问题,那么先考虑用 DFS 来解,思路是,搜索0的位置,每找到一个0,以其周围四个相邻点为起点,开始 DFS 遍历,并带入深度值1,如果遇到的值大于当前深度值,将位置值赋为当前深度值,并对当前点的四个相邻点开始DFS遍历,注意此时深度值需要加1,这样遍历完成后,所有的位置就被正确地更新了,参见代码如下:


class Solution {
void wallsAndGates(vector<vector<int>>& rooms) {
for (int i = ; i < rooms.size(); ++i) {
for (int j = ; j < rooms[i].size(); ++j) {
if (rooms[i][j] == ) dfs(rooms, i, j, );
void dfs(vector<vector<int>>& rooms, int i, int j, int val) {
if (i < || i >= rooms.size() || j < || j >= rooms[i].size() || rooms[i][j] < val) return;
rooms[i][j] = val;
dfs(rooms, i + , j, val + );
dfs(rooms, i - , j, val + );
dfs(rooms, i, j + , val + );
dfs(rooms, i, j - , val + );

那么下面再来看 BFS 的解法,需要借助 queue,首先把门的位置都排入 queue 中,然后开始循环,对于门位置的四个相邻点,判断其是否在矩阵范围内,并且位置值是否大于上一位置的值加1,如果满足这些条件,将当前位置赋为上一位置加1,并将次位置排入 queue 中,这样等 queue 中的元素遍历完了,所有位置的值就被正确地更新了,参见代码如下:


class Solution {
void wallsAndGates(vector<vector<int>>& rooms) {
queue<pair<int, int>> q;
vector<vector<int>> dirs{{, -}, {-, }, {, }, {, }};
for (int i = ; i < rooms.size(); ++i) {
for (int j = ; j < rooms[i].size(); ++j) {
if (rooms[i][j] == ) q.push({i, j});
while (!q.empty()) {
int i = q.front().first, j = q.front().second; q.pop();
for (int k = ; k < dirs.size(); ++k) {
int x = i + dirs[k][], y = j + dirs[k][];
if (x < || x >= rooms.size() || y < || y >= rooms[].size() || rooms[x][y] < rooms[i][j] + ) continue;
rooms[x][y] = rooms[i][j] + ;
q.push({x, y});

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