emqtt 试用(五)emq 的用户密码认证
MQTT 认证设置
EMQ 消息服务器认证由一系列认证插件(Plugin)提供,系统支持按用户名密码、ClientID 或匿名认证。
- ---------------- ---------------- ------------
- Client --> | Username认证 | -ignore-> | ClientID认证 | -ignore-> | 匿名认证 |
- ---------------- ---------------- ------------
- | | |
- \|/ \|/ \|/
- allow | deny allow | deny allow | deny
EMQ 2.0 消息服务器还提供了 MySQL、PostgreSQL、Redis、MongoDB、HTTP、LDAP 认证插件。
etc/emq.conf 配置启用匿名认证:
- ## Allow Anonymous authentication
- mqtt.allow_anonymous = true
EMQ 2.0 版本提供的认证插件包括:
插件 | 说明 |
emq_auth_clientid | ClientId 认证/鉴权插件 |
emq_auth_username | 用户名密码认证/鉴权插件 |
emq_auth_ldap | LDAP 认证/鉴权插件 |
emq_auth_http | HTTP 认证/鉴权插件 |
emq_auth_mysql | MySQ L认证/鉴权插件 |
emq_auth_pgsql | Postgre 认证/鉴权插件 |
emq_auth_redis | Redis 认证/鉴权插件 |
emq_auth_mongo | MongoDB 认证/鉴权插件 |
基于 MQTT 登录用户名(username)、密码(password)认证。
etc/plugins/emq_auth_username.conf 中配置默认用户:
- auth.user.$N.username = admin
- auth.user.$N.password = public
启用 emq_auth_username 插件:
- ./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_username
使用 ./bin/emqttd_ctl users 命令添加用户:
- $ ./bin/emqttd_ctl users add <Username> <Password>
ClientId 认证
基于 MQTT 客户端 ID 认证。
- auth.client.$N.clientid = clientid
- auth.client.$N.password = passwd
启用 emq_auth_clientid 插件:
- ./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_clientid
LDAP 插件认证
etc/plugins/emq_auth_ldap.conf 配置 LDAP 参数:
- auth.ldap.servers =
- auth.ldap.port = 389
- auth.ldap.timeout = 30
- auth.ldap.user_dn = uid=%u,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
- auth.ldap.ssl = false
启用 LDAP 认证插件:
- ./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_ldap
HTTP 插件认证
开启 HTTP 认证插件后,会终结认证链
etc/plugins/emq_auth_http.conf 配置 ‘super_req’, ‘auth_req’:
- ## Variables: %u = username, %c = clientid, %a = ipaddress, %P = password, %t = topic
- auth.http.auth_req =
- auth.http.auth_req.method = post
- auth.http.auth_req.params = clientid=%c,username=%u,password=%P
- auth.http.super_req =
- auth.http.super_req.method = post
- auth.http.super_req.params = clientid=%c,username=%u
启用 HTTP 认证插件:
- ./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_http
MySQL 插件认证
通过 MySQL 数据库表认证,可创建如下的 ‘mqtt_user’ 表:
- CREATE TABLE `mqtt_user` (
- `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
- `username` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
- `password` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
- `salt` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
- `is_superuser` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
- `created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
- UNIQUE KEY `mqtt_username` (`username`)
etc/plugins/emq_auth_mysql.conf 配置 ‘super_query’, ‘auth_query’, ‘password_hash’:
- ## Mysql Server
- auth.mysql.server =
- ## Mysql Pool Size
- auth.mysql.pool = 8
- ## Mysql Username
- ## auth.mysql.username =
- ## Mysql Password
- ## auth.mysql.password =
- ## Mysql Database
- auth.mysql.database = mqtt
- ## Variables: %u = username, %c = clientid
- ## Authentication Query: select password only
- auth.mysql.auth_query = select password from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1
- ## Password hash: plain, md5, sha, sha256, pbkdf2
- auth.mysql.password_hash = sha256
- ## %% Superuser Query
- auth.mysql.super_query = select is_superuser from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1
启用 MySQL 认证插件:
- ./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_mysql
Postgre 插件认证
通过 PostgreSQL 数据库表认证,可创建如下的 ‘mqtt_user’ 表:
- CREATE TABLE mqtt_user (
- id SERIAL primary key,
- is_superuser boolean,
- username character varying(100),
- password character varying(100),
- salt character varying(40)
- );
etc/plugins/emq_auth_pgsql.conf 配置 ‘auth_query’、’password_hash’:
- ## Postgre Server
- auth.pgsql.server =
- auth.pgsql.pool = 8
- auth.pgsql.username = root
- #auth.pgsql.password =
- auth.pgsql.database = mqtt
- auth.pgsql.encoding = utf8
- auth.pgsql.ssl = false
- ## Variables: %u = username, %c = clientid, %a = ipaddress
- ## Authentication Query: select password only
- auth.pgsql.auth_query = select password from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1
- ## Password hash: plain, md5, sha, sha256, pbkdf2
- auth.pgsql.password_hash = sha256
- ## sha256 with salt prefix
- ## auth.pgsql.password_hash = salt sha256
- ## sha256 with salt suffix
- ## auth.pgsql.password_hash = sha256 salt
- ## Superuser Query
- auth.pgsql.super_query = select is_superuser from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1
启用 Postgre 认证插件:
- ./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_pgsql
Redis 插件认证
Redis 认证。MQTT 用户记录存储在 Redis Hash, 键值: “mqtt_user:<Username>”
etc/plugins/emq_auth_redis.conf 设置 ‘super_cmd’、’auth_cmd’、’password_hash’:
- ## Redis Server
- auth.redis.server =
- ## Redis Pool Size
- auth.redis.pool = 8
- ## Redis Database
- auth.redis.database = 0
- ## Redis Password
- ## auth.redis.password =
- ## Variables: %u = username, %c = clientid
- ## Authentication Query Command
- auth.redis.auth_cmd = HGET mqtt_user:%u password
- ## Password hash: plain, md5, sha, sha256, pbkdf2
- auth.redis.password_hash = sha256
- ## Superuser Query Command
- auth.redis.super_cmd = HGET mqtt_user:%u is_superuser
启用 Redis 认证插件:
- ./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_redis
MongoDB 插件认证
按 MongoDB 用户集合认证,例如创建 ‘mqtt_user’ 集合:
- {
- username: "user",
- password: "password hash",
- is_superuser: boolean (true, false),
- created: "datetime"
- }
etc/plugins/emq_auth_mongo.conf 设置 ‘super_query’、’auth_query’:
- ## Mongo Server
- auth.mongo.server =
- ## Mongo Pool Size
- auth.mongo.pool = 8
- ## Mongo User
- ## auth.mongo.user =
- ## Mongo Password
- ## auth.mongo.password =
- ## Mongo Database
- auth.mongo.database = mqtt
- ## auth_query
- auth.mongo.auth_query.collection = mqtt_user
- auth.mongo.auth_query.password_field = password
- auth.mongo.auth_query.password_hash = sha256
- auth.mongo.auth_query.selector = username=%u
- ## super_query
- auth.mongo.super_query.collection = mqtt_user
- auth.mongo.super_query.super_field = is_superuser
- auth.mongo.super_query.selector = username=%u
启用 MongoDB 认证插件:
- ./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_mongo
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