Sharing The Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
The most current version of this document can be obtained in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1375769.1.
There is a change log at the end of this document.
- Sharing the application tier file system is not supported on application tier server nodes running Windows.
Section 1: Overview1.1 Concepts and Terminology1.2 Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Architecture
1.3 Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 File System Layout for Shared Application TierSection 2: Planning Deployment OptionsSection 3: Configuring a Shared Application Tier File System with 12.2 Rapid Install
3.1 Install the Database Tier on Node 13.2 Install the Primary Application Tier on Node 2
3.3 Execute the Adpreclone Utility on the Run and Patch File SystemSection 4: Adding a Node to the Shared Application Tier File System
4.1 Export the Required Application Tier File System From the Primary Application Tier Node
4.2 Mount the Application Tier File System on the Secondary Application Tier Node
4.3 Add the Secondary Application Tier Nodeto the Farm
Section 1: Overview
1.1 Shared Application Tier File System Concepts and Terminology
You can configure multiple application node machines working with a single Oracle E-Business Suite database node. This creation of a "multi-node" Oracle E-Business Suite instance is frequently done to lower cost of ownership (many small machines are cheaper than one big one), increase fault tolerance (one machine fails, others do not), or scale the instance (support more users and a greater load).
When configuring Oracle E-Business Suite to use a shared application tier file system, the application tier node can be configured to perform any of the standard application tier services, such as Forms, Web, and Concurrent Processing (Batch).
Note the following definitions:
A node is a logical set of processes running on one hardware machine. Sometimes a node is also referred to as a "server" or an "instance". In a single-node installation of Oracle E-Business Suite, all the applications processes (including the database processes) run on one node, whereas in a multi-node installation, the processes are distributed across multiple nodes.
A multi-node installation of Release 12.2 supports both shared and non-shared application tier file systems. An application tier file system consists of:
- APPL_TOP file system (APPL_TOP and COMMON_TOP directories).
- Application tier technology stack file system (OracleAS 10.1.2, Oracle WebLogic Server, and WebTier Oracle Homes).
- Instance Home (INST_TOP) file system. Each application tier has a unique Instance Home file system associated with it.
- OraInventory directory, which stores information about all the components installed in various Oracle Homes
A service is a functional set of Oracle E-Business Suite application processes running on one or more nodes. Where applicable, the term 'service' replaces the more traditional term of 'server'.
Application Tier Services
The following are the major application tier services:
- Root services
- Web Entry Point services
- Web Application services
- Batch Processing services
- Other services
Primary Application Tier Node
A primary application tier node is the first (and perhaps only) application tier node where the APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, OracleAS 10.1.2 Oracle Home, WebLogic and the WebTier Oracle Home are installed and configured.
Secondary Application Tier Node
A secondary application tier node is an additional application tier node where the APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, OracleAS 10.1.2 Oracle Home, Oracle WebLogic Server and WebTier Oracle Homes are visible and configured.
The APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, OracleAS 10.1.2 Oracle Home, Oracle WebLogic Server, and WebTier Oracle Home file systems are mounted on this node either from the primary application tier node or from an NFS server.
Instance Home
The Instance Home is the top-level directory that contains all the instance specific files associated with an application tier node (APPL_TOP and OracleAS 10.1.2 Oracle Home files). In a shared file system, each application tier will have a unique Instance Home.
1.2 Shared Application Tier File System Architecture
The Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 architecture is a framework for multi-tiered, distributed computing. In this model, various services are distributed among multiple levels, or tiers, as shown in the figures below. Refer to Oracle Applications Concepts in the Oracle Applications Documentation Library to learn more about Oracle E-Business Suite architecture.
In a shared file system, all application tier files including the instance_top are installed on a shared disk resource, which is mounted on each application tier node. Any application tier node can be configured to perform any of the standard application tier services, such as Forms, Web and Concurrent Processing (Batch) services. All changes made to the shared file system are immediately accessible to all application tier nodes.
- All application tier nodes in a shared file system must be running the same operating system.
- Shared Application Tier File System can not be a read-only-file system unlike in the previous releases.
Note for customers using OCFS2 File System:
- It is recommended to format the OCFS2 file system for the application tier with the default block size and not use larger block sizes supported by OCFS2. Refer to OCFS2 Best Practices Guide for more information.
General Three Tier Architecture
Application/Database Tier Components
Release 12.2 Dual File System Setup on a Single Tier
1.3 Shared Application Tier File System Layout
When setting up Oracle E-Business Suite to use a shared application tier file system, an application tier node can be configured to perform any of the standard application tier services, such as Forms, Web, or Concurrent Processing (Batch).
An application tier will have a unique Instance Home associated with it. The instance home can be placed at the default shared location as configured by rapid install/rapid clone or can be relocated to a local disk on the respective application tier. Oracle recommed the instance home to be configured on the shared disk.
Note: The following must all be true In a shared file system:
- User ID and Group ID should be consistent across all nodes to avoid file access permission issues.
- The same absolute path must be retained for the shared file system mount points on each node.
- The value for the context variable "s_atName" must be same across all the application tier node context files.
Section 2: Planning Deployment Options
Shared Application Tier File System is the preferred deployment model for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.
In Release 12.2, two application tier file systems are installed on the primary application tier node. Provided to support online patching, they are known as the run file system and the patch file system. The run file system is where the application tier processes are run from. The patch file system is used by the adop (AD Online Patching) utility to update Oracle E-Business Suite code and configuration during an online patching cycle.
For more information about online patching, refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts and Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide.
Section 3: Configuring Shared Application Tier File System with Release 12.2 Rapid Install
This section describe the steps an administrator need to perform to prepare for a shared file system installation. The Rapid Install utility only lay out a primary application tier . The subsequent nodes that share the file must be added using the add node utility as described in the section 4 of this document.
The 12.2 Rapid Install utility can be used to install a new, fully configured Oracle E-Business Suite system, including the latest certified Oracle E-Business Suite technology stack and all patches, product family release update packs, release update packs, and other updates available at the time of this Oracle E-Business Suite release. Rapid Install employs a wizard (RapidWiz) that guides you through the screens used to carry out the selected task. On the wizard screens, you enter configuration values for your system.
The Rapid Install utility supports single node installations (where the database and the application tier are installed and configured on one machine), and multinode installations (where the database and the application tier nodes are spread across different machines). Refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Running Rapid Install for more information.
This document describes a two node installation scenario, where the database tier is installed on node 1 (primary database tier node) and the application tier is installed on node 2 (primary application tier node). The steps below show the sequence needed to complete the installation.
3.1 Install the Database Tier on Node 1
Start the RapidWiz utility on node 1. The first screen lists the components that are included in, or supported by, this release of Oracle E-Business Suite. You can see from this list that a new installation includes a fresh Oracle 11g Release 2 (11gR2) database. Enter the appropriate values as prompted by the Installer for the database and the application tier nodes, and complete the database tier installation.
3.2 Install the Primary Application Tier on Node 2
Start RapidWiz on node 2. The database and associated database tier processes must be running to complete this installation successfully. The first screen lists the components that are included in, or supported by, this release of Oracle E-Business Suite. You can see from the list that a new installation of the application tier includes the Oracle Fusion Middleware Stack (which includes Oracle WebLogic Server and the Web Tier), and the Oracle Application Server stack, which includes the forms and reports and the Oracle E-Business Suite application tier code.
A successful completion of application tier installation on node 2 configures the following services:
- Root Service, comprising the Node Manager.
- Web Administration Service, comprising WebLogic Administration Server and TNS Listener for FNDFS.
- Web Entry Point Services, comprising the Oracle Process Notification Server (OPMN) and the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS).
- Web Application Services, comprising the Managed Servers oacore, forms, oafm and form-c4ws.
- Batch Processing Services, comprising the concurrent processing services, ICSM and JTF fullfillment server.
- Other Services, comprising the Forms services and mobile web application services.
3.3 Execute adpreclone Utility on the Run and Patch File System
The adpreclone utility shipped with Oracle E-Business Suite packages the required application tier components to a staging directory for subsequent clone and add node operations. You mustrun this utility before proceeding to Section 4 of this document.
The adpreclone utility requires the WebLogic Administration process to be running from the file system where the utility is run. This is required to package the Oracle Fusion Middleware components and its configuration. Perform the commands shown below on both the run and patch file systems:
On the run file system:
$ cd <inst-top-run-fs>/admin/scripts
$ ./ start
$ ./ appsTier
Once the utility completes, shut down the application tier processes:
$ ./ <apps-user-name>/<apps-password>
On the patch file system:
$ cd <inst-top-patch-fs>/admin/scripts
$ ./ start forcepatchfs
$ ./ appsTier
Once the utility completes, shut down the application tier processes.
$ ./ <apps-user-name>/<apps-password>
Follow section 4 after completing the installation of the database tier node and the primary application tier node.
Please note that an administrator can also use the Rapid Clone utlity to lay down the file system, configure the primary application tier node and subsequently add secondary application tier nodes using the share file system.
Section 4: Adding a Node to the Shared Application Tier File System
The tasks listed in this section assume that you have completed Section 3 of this document. The node to be added now will be known as the secondary application tier node. This node can be configured to run all services except for the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server
- The fully qualified hostname of the application tier node to be added must be present in the sqlnet.ora file in the <Database_Oracle_ Home>/network/admin/<context-name> directory. (See tcp.invited_nodes parameter.)
- The database and TNS listener must be running before the steps listed below are performed.
- In a shared file system, User ID and group ID should be consistent across all nodes to avoid file access permission issues.
- The same absolute path must be used for the shared file system mount points on each node.
- Ensure that value of the AutoConfig variable "s_atName" is same across all the application tier node context files.
- Ensure that value of the AutoConfig variable " s_shared_file_system" is set to "true" ( without the quote) on the primary application tier node. This variable will be automatically set to "true" if the shared file system option was chosen during the Rapid Install.
- The oraInventory directory from the primary application tier and the oraInst.loc file must be accessible to all nodes sharing the application tier file system.
- It is recommended to keep the Instance Top ( INST_TOP) on the shared file system for 1) Ease of maintenance 2) The number of application tier processes writing to this location is limited when compared with the previous releases.
The following example will be used to explain the provisioning process better.
- Database tier is installed on:
- Primary Application tier is installed on:
- Secondary Application tier to be added:
- Directory location of the application tier file system on the primary Node: /u01/12.2
- Primary Application tier run file system: /u01/12.2/fs1
- Primary Application tier patch file system: /u01/12.2/fs2
- OraInventory Directory: /u01/12.2/oraInventory
Before proceeding with the instructions given below, ensure that steps listed in section 3.3 Execute the Adpreclone Utility on the Run and Patch File System of this document is successfully completed.
4.1 Export the Required Application Tier File System From the Primary Node
The following application tier file systems need to be exported from the primary application tier:
- /u01/12.2/fs1: The file system configured to be the run file system on install
- /u01/12.2/fs2: The file system configured to be the patch file system on install
- /u01/12.2/fs_ne: The file system configured to be the non-edition file system on install
- /u01/12.2/oraInventory: The OraInventory directory
On a Linux system, execute the following commands as the root user to mount the application tier file system on to the secondary node.
- Add the following lines to the /etc/exports file:
/u01/12.2/oraInventory,sync,no_root_squash)Note: The export options described above may need to be adjusted according to the security requirements of your organization. Also, the available options may differ on other platforms. - Check whether the NFS daemons are running:
$ /sbin/service nfs status
- If the NFS daemons are not running, execute the following command to start them:
$ /sbin/service nfs start
- Once the NFS daemons are running, execute the following command to export the application tier file system:
$ $ /usr/sbin/exportfs -a
- Ensure the application tier file systems are exported by executing the following command:
$ /usr/sbin/exportfs
4.2 Mount the Application Tier File System on the Secondary Node
The following application tier file system need to be mounted on the secondary application tier node from the primary node.
- /u01/12.2/fs1: The file system configured to be the run file system on install
- /u01/12.2/fs2: The file system configured to be the patch file system on install
- /u01/12.2/fs_ne: The file system configured to be the non-edition file system on install
- /u01/12.2/oraInventory: The OraInventory directory
- Check whether the NFS daemons are running:
$ /sbin/service nfs status
- If the NFS daemons are not running, execute the following command to start them:
$ /sbin/service nfs start
- Create directories as follows:
$ /bin/mkdir -p /u01/12.2/fs1
$ /bin/mkdir -p /u01/12.2/fs2
$ /bin/mkdir -p /u01/12.2/fs_ne$ /bin/mkdir -p /u01/12.2/oraInventory
- Change the ownership and group permissions of these directories to be the same as that from the primary application tier node. For example if oracle is the owner of the file system and is in the group dba, you need to execute the commands shown below:
$ /bin/chown -R oracle /u01/12.2/fs1
$ /bin/chown -R oracle /u01/12.2/fs2
$ /bin/chown -R oracle /u01/12.2/fs_ne
$ /bin/chown -R oracle /u01/12.2/oraInventory
$ /bin/chgrp -R dba /u01/12.2/fs1
$ /bin/chgrp -R dba /u01/12.2/fs2
$ /bin/chgrp -R dba /u01/12.2/fs_ne
$ /bin/chgrp -R dba oraInventory
- Use the following commands to mount the application tier file system from the primary node to the secondary node:
$ cd /u01/12.2/fs1
$ /bin/mount -t nfs -o rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=65536,rsize=65536,nfsvers=3,tcp .
$ cd /u01/12.2/fs2
$ /bin/mount -t nfs -o rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=65536,rsize=65536,nfsvers=3,tcp .
$ cd /u01/12.2/fs_ne
$ /bin/mount -t nfs -o rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=65536,rsize=65536,nfsvers=3,tcp
.$ cd /u01/12.2/oraInventory
$ /bin/mount -t nfs -o rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=65536,rsize=65536,nfsvers=3,tcp .
Note: Be sure to include the space and period at the end of each mount command, the period denoting that the current directory is to be used as the mount point.Refer to Appendix A: Mount Options For Network File Systems for the mount option to be used for mounting the application tier file system.
- Prepare to add file system information to the /etc/fstab file, so that the primary application tier file system will be automatically mounted on reboot:
$ cd /etc
$ vi fstab
- In
(or an equivalent editor), add lines as per the following
/u01/12.2/fs1 nfs rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=65536,rsize=65536,nfsvers=3,tcp 0 0
/u01/12.2/fs2 nfs rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=65536,rsize=65536,nfsvers=3,tcp 0 0
/u01/12.2/fs_ne nfs rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=65536,rsize=65536,nfsvers=3,tcp 0 0
/u01/12.2/oraInventory nfs rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=65536,rsize=65536,nfsvers=3,tcp 0 0
4.3 Add the Secondary Application Tier Node to the Farm
The primary decision that an administrator need to make before proceeding with the steps given below is to decide what services are going to be configured on the secondary node. The new node that you are planning to add can run any service except for WebLogic Administration Server, which is only configured on the primary application tier node. Follow the steps given below to add a node.
4.3.1 Prepare the PairsFile for Configuring the Run File System
DELTA 6 Code Level Flow
A sample pairsfile for the run file system is instantiated into the relevant instance home on the primary application tier node. The name of the file is<SID>_<primary_node_name>_<file_edition_type>.txt
, located in the <INST_TOP>/appl/admin/ directory. For a configuration with an instance name of VIS, the pairsfile will be/u01/12.2/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_appstier1/appl/admin/VIS_appstier1_run.txt
Carry out the instructions below to prepare the pairsfile for configuring the run file system.
- Create the required directories, then copy the pairsfile into a directory of your choice on the secondary application tier node. For example:
$ mkdir -p /u01/12.2/pairsfiles/run
$ cd /u01/12.2/pairsfile
$ cp /u01/12.2/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_appstier1/appl/admin/VIS_appstier1_run.txt myrunpairsfile.txt
- Make necessary modifications to the pairsfile. Some of the inputs required for the Add Node API are automatically filled in. The sections that you need to fill in are the following.
[Instance Specific] - This is instance specific information for the node you are going to add. Refer to the source context file for reference.
4.3.2 Configure the Run File System on the Secondary Node
Carry out the instructions below to configure the run file system on the secondary node.
- Ensure the correct perl utility is in the $PATH. You must use the perl utility installed in the Fusion Middleware Oracle Home.
For example:
export PATH=/u01/12.2/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/perl/bin:$PATH
- Ensure the WebLogic Administration Server from the run file system is running on the primary application tier node.
- Execute the Clone Context Utility to configure the run file system. For example:
$ cd /u01/12.2/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin
$ /u01/12.2/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/perl/bin/perl ./ \
addnode contextfile=/u01/12.2/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_appstier1/appl/admin/VIS_appstier1.xml \
pairsfile=/u01/12.2/pairsfile/run/myrunpairsfile.txt \
outfile=/u01/12.2/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_appstier2/appl/admin/VIS_appstier2.xml - Review the EBSProvisioner.log file created in the current directory to ensure the add node program completed without any errors.
4.3.3 Prepare the PairsFile for Configuring the Patch File System
Carry out the instructions given below to prepare the pair files for configuring the patch file system.
- A sample pairsfile each for the patch file system is instantiated into the respective instance home on the primary application tier node. The file is called
, and located in the<inst_top>/appl/admin/
directory. For a configuration with an instance name of VIS, the pairsfile will be /u01/12.2/fs2/inst/apps/VIS_appstier1/appl/admin/VIS_appstier1_patch.txt. - Create the required directories and copy the pairsfile into a directory of your choice on the secondary application tier node. For example:
$ /bin/mkdir -p /u01/12.2/pairsfiles/patch
$ cd /u01/12.2/pairsfile
$ /bin/cp /u01/12.2/fs2/inst/apps/VIS_appstier1/appl/admin/VIS_appstier1_patch.txt mypatchpairsfile.txt
- Make necessary modifications to the pairsfile. Some of the inputs required for the Add Node API are automatically filled in. The sections that you need to fill in are the following:
[Instance Specific] - This is instance specific information for the node you are going to add. Refer to the source context file for more information.
4.3.4 Configure the Patch File System on the Secondary Node
Carry out the instructions given below to configure the patch file system on the secondary node:
- Ensure the correct perl utility is in the $PATH. You must use the perl utility installed in the Fusion Middleware Oracle Home.
For example:
export PATH=/u01/12.2/fs2/FMW_Home/webtier/perl/bin:$PATH
- Ensure the WebLogic Administration Server from the patch file system is running on the primary application tier node.
- Execute the Clone Context Utility to configure the patch file system. For example:
$ cd /u01/12.2/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin
$ /u01/12.2/fs2/FMW_Home/webtier/perl/bin/perl ./ \
addnode contextfile=/u01/12.2/fs2/inst/apps/VIS_appstier1/appl/admin/VIS_appstier1.xml \
pairsfile=/u01/12.2/pairsfile/patch/mypatchpairsfile.txt \
outfile=/u01/12.2/fs2/inst/apps/VIS_appstier2/appl/admin/VIS_appstier2.xml - Review the EBSProvisioner.log file created in the current directory to ensure the add node program completed without any errors.
- Shutdown any application tier processes that may have been started while configuring the patch file system.
DELTA 7 Code Level Flow
The AD/TXK D7 patch introduce a new flow that adds both the run and patch edition file system with a single command. The steps given below configures both Run and Patch edition file system for a new node that is going to be added to the farm.
1. Ensure the correct perl utility is in the $PATH. You must use the perl utility installed in the Fusion Middleware Oracle Home.
For example:
$ export PATH=/u01/12.2/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/perl/bin:$PATH
2. Ensure the WebLogic Administration Server is running from both run and Patch file system on the primary application tier node.
3. A sample pairsfile for the run/patch file system is instantiated into the instance home on the primary application tier node. The file is called <SID>_<primary_node_name>_.txt
, and located in the <inst_top>/appl/admin/
directory. For a configuration with an instance name of VIS, the pairsfile will be /u01/12.2/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_appstier1/appl/admin/VIS_appstier1.txt.
4.Create the required directories and copy the pairsfile into a directory of your choice on the secondary application tier node. For example:
$ /bin/mkdir -p /u01/12.2/pairsfiles
$ cd /u01/12.2/pairsfile
$ /bin/cp /u01/12.2/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_appstier1/appl/admin/VIS_appstier1.txt mypairsfile.txt
5. Execute adclonectx utility to configure both run and Patch file system
$ cd /u01/12.2/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin
$ /u01/12.2/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/perl/bin/perl ./ \
addnode contextfile=/u01/12.2/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_appstier1/appl/admin/VIS_appstier1.xml \
pairsfile=/u01/12.2/pairsfile/mypairsfile.txt \
4. Review the log files displayed by the add node utility to ensure that the add node operation has gone through successfully.
4.3.5 Register the new Topology [Required]
Follow the instructions given in section ( Register the new topology from the newly added application tier node) of My Oracle Support Note Knowledge document Cloning Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Rapid Clone (Doc ID 1383621.1) to register the new topology after adding the nodes.
4.3.6: SSH Connectivity Requirements for Online Patching (Required)
The 12.2 online patching tool adop requires ssh connectivity between the primary application tier node often called as the master node configured in the intranet with other application tier nodes configured in both the Intranet and in the DMZ. This connectivity is required for the remote invocation of the patching procedures on all the nodes. See Set up Secure Shell on Application tier Nodesin the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide for more information.
Section 5: References
- Rapid Clone
Rapid Clone automates and simplifies the process of cloning an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 system. For details, refer document 406982.1=""to Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide. - AutoConfig
AutoConfig is a tool to configure an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 instance. For details, refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.
Appendix A: Mount Options For Network File Systems
The recommendation given below are based on the testing performed by Oracle Development on commodity hardware running Linux operating system. The parameters listed below may not apply to Oracle Engineered systems. Please refer to Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Engineered Systems for more details on the mount options to be used.These parameters also may need to be tuned depending on various attributes related to network setup between the application tier machines , shared storage used, load on the storage server etc. Please contact your storage vendor to tune the NFS parameters for best throughput.
NFS Mount Options for Application Tier
NFS Mount Options for Database Oracle Home | NFS Mount Options for Database Files |
Linux | rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=65536,rsize=65536,nfsvers=3,tcp |
rw,intr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=32768,rsize=32768,nfsvers=3,tcp |
rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=32768,rsize=32768,nfsvers=3,tcp |
Solaris | rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=65536,rsize=65536,vers=3,proto=tcp |
rw,intr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=32768,rsize=32768,vers=3,proto=tcp |
rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=32768,rsize=32768,vers=3,proto=tcp |
IBM AIX | rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=65536,rsize=65536,vers=3,proto=tcp |
rw,intr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=32768,rsize=32768,vers=3,proto=tcp |
rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=32768,rsize=32768,vers=3,proto=tcp |
HP Itanium | rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=65536,rsize=65536,vers=3,proto=tcp |
rw,intr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=32768,rsize=32768,vers=3,proto=tcp |
rw,nointr,bg,hard,timeo=600,wsize=32768,rsize=32768,vers=3,proto=tcp |
please note that the nfs mount options " intr" and "nointr" mount options are deprecated with Oracle Linux re deprecated in Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Linux and Oracle Linux kernels, 2.6.32 and later.
Additional Setup Requirements for NFS File Systems
- Updating the configuration Oracle HTTP Server configuration files for shared file systems
- Oracle JVM JIT mount option requirements for tmpfs file system
- Mount Options for Oracle files when used with NFS on NAS devices (Doc ID 359515.1)
Appendix B: Known Issues
Date | Known Issue | Resolution | Fixed In |
November 11, 2013 | Oracle E-Business Suite Domain creation fails on certain NFS storage with The loading of OPSS java security policy provider failed due to exception, see the exception stack trace or the server log file for root cause. If still see no obvious cause, enable the debug flag to get more information. |
The workaround is to ensure that the storage is mounted with "noacl" NFS mount option. |
Change Log
Date | Description |
MAY 21 , 2016 |
FEB 23, 2015 |
AUG 25, 2014 |
JUL 24, 2014 |
FEB 21, 2014 |
NOV 25, 2013 |
AUG 14, 2013 |
MAR 13, 2012 |
My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1375769.1 by Oracle E-Business Suite Development
Copyright © 2016, Oracle
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- Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide Release 12.2(Patching Procedures)
更多内容参考: Preparing for Patching For ...
- Log file location for Oracle E-Business Suite R12
Log file location in Oracle E-Business Suite R12 - Apache, OC4J and OPMN: $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/Apach ...
- PatentTips – EMC Virtual File System
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention generally relates to net ...
- [BZOJ]3527 力(ZJOI2014)
第一次背出FFT模板,在此mark一道裸题. Description 给出n个数qi,给出Fj的定义如下: 令Ei=Fi/qi,求Ei. Input 第一行一个整数n. 接下来n行每行输入一个数,第i ...
- ubuntu 安装 WPS for Linux(ubuntu)字体配置(字体缺失解决办法)及卸载libreoffice
从官网下载安装wps for Linux sudo dpkg -i wps-office_10.1.0.5672~a21_amd64.deb 启动WPS for Linux后,出现提示"系统 ...
- Python Django rest framework
本节内容 Django rest framework 安装 Django rest framwwork 环境配置 简单举例说明 Django中使用 rest framework 1.1 安装 Djan ...
- C语言第二次作业 ,
一:修改错题 1输出带框文字:在屏幕上输出以下3行信息. 将源代码输入编译器 运行程序发现错误 错误信息1: 错误原因:将stido.h拼写错误 改正方法:将stido.h改为stdio.h 错误信息 ...
- Windows2003无法连接远程桌面问题 解决方法!
按照以下步骤来一一排除问题吧! 步骤1.遇到这样的情况,通常情况下我们都是先检查远程有没有开启,就是右击我的电脑查看属性里的远程前面的框框有没有勾上,勾上后即可远程,metsc ...
- Servlet init()
有时候希望在servlet首次载入时,执行复杂的初始化任务,但并不想每个请求都重复这些任务的时候,用init()方法他在servlet初次创建时被调用,之后处理每个用户的请求时,则不在调用这个方法.因 ...
- jquery 引号问题
varFrozenColumns="[[{'field':'CZ','title':'操作','width':80,'align':'center','formatter':function ...
- Junit 注解 类加载器 .动态代理 jdbc 连接池 DButils 事务 Arraylist Linklist hashset 异常 哈希表的数据结构,存储过程 Map Object String Stringbufere File类 文件过滤器_原理分析 flush方法和close方法 序列号冲突问题
Junit 注解 3).其它注意事项: 1).@Test运行的方法,不能有形参: 2).@Test运行的方法,不能有返回值: 3).@Test运行的方法,不能是静态方法: 4).在一个类中,可以同时定 ...
- Java中的网络支持InetAddress&URL
针对网络通信的不同层次,Java提供的网络功能有四大类 InetAddress:用于标识网络上的硬件资源.(说白了就是IP地址的相关信息) URL:统一资源定位符,通过URL可以直接读取或写入网络上的 ...
- 剑指架构师系列-Redis集群部署
初步搭建Redis集群 克隆已经安装Redis的虚拟机,我们使用这两个虚拟机中的Redis来搭建集群. master: 端口:7001 slave: ...