pg_restore [OPTION]... [FILE]
General options:
-d, --dbname=NAME connect to database name
-f, --file=FILENAME output file name
-F, --format=c|d|t backup file format (should be automatic)
-l, --list print summarized TOC of the archive
-v, --verbose verbose mode
--help show this help, then exit
--version output version information, then exit
Options controlling the restore:
-a, --data-only restore only the data, no schema
-c, --clean clean (drop) database objects before recreating
-C, --create create the target database
-e, --exit-on-error exit on error, default is to continue
-I, --index=NAME restore named index
-j, --jobs=NUM use this many parallel jobs to restore
-L, --use-list=FILENAME use table of contents from this file for
selecting/ordering output
-n, --schema=NAME restore only objects in this schema
-O, --no-owner skip restoration of object ownership
-P, --function=NAME(args)
restore named function
-s, --schema-only restore only the schema, no data
-S, --superuser=NAME superuser user name to use for disabling triggers
-t, --table=NAME restore named table
-T, --trigger=NAME restore named trigger
-x, --no-privileges skip restoration of access privileges (grant/revoke)
-1, --single-transaction
restore as a single transaction
--disable-triggers disable triggers during data-only restore
do not restore data of tables that could not be
--no-security-labels do not restore security labels
--no-tablespaces do not restore tablespace assignments
use SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION commands instead of
ALTER OWNER commands to set ownership
Connection options:
-h, --host=HOSTNAME database server host or socket directory
-p, --port=PORT database server port number
-U, --username=NAME connect as specified database user
-w, --no-password never prompt for password
-W, --password force password prompt (should happen automatically)
--role=ROLENAME do SET ROLE before restore
If no input file name is supplied, then standard input is used.
Report bugs to <>.
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