- import pymongo
- import threading
- import time
- from lxml import etree
- import requests
- from queue import Queue
- index_url='https://m.lianjia.com/gz/ershoufang/pg{}/'
- detail_url='https://m.lianjia.com{}'
- # 设置爬取主页的页数
- # 定义一个类
- # 0定义主页url队列、主页html队列、详情页url队列、html队列、内容队列
- # 1获取首页url并解析详情页url
- # 2获取详情页的内容
- # 3保存内容
- # 4设置多线程调用方法
- # 设置mongodb
- client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost')
- # 设置数据库名
- db = client['ershoufang']
- # 指定集合名
- index = 'index_info'
- detail = 'detail_info'
- class lianJia():
- def __init__(self):
- self.index_url_queue=Queue()
- self.html_index_queue=Queue()
- self.index_content_queue=Queue()
- self.detail_content_queue = Queue()
- # 获取主页的url和html内容并解析出index页内容和详情页url
- def get_index(self):
- for i in range(INDEX_PAGE_NUM):
- # print(index_url.format(i+))
- url=index_url.format(i+)
- self.index_url_queue.put(url)
- # index=requests.get(index_url.format(i+)).content.decode()
- # self.html_index_queue.put(index)
- # 获取主页html
- def get_index_html(self):
- while True:
- url=self.index_url_queue.get()
- index = requests.get(url).content.decode()
- self.html_index_queue.put(index)
- self.index_url_queue.task_done()
- def parse_index(self):
- while True:
- # 获取队列里得内容
- html1=self.html_index_queue.get()
- xml=etree.HTML(html1)
- pingjie_list=xml.xpath('''//ul[@class='lists']/li[position()>1]''')
- # 将 pingjie_list拼接在xpath前,少写xpath语句
- index_content_list=[]
- for pj in pingjie_list:
- index_infor={}
- # #判空炒作,如果为空则显示none if len(index_infor['title']) > else None
- index_infor['title']=pj.xpath('''./div/div[@class='item_list']/div[1]/text()''')
- index_infor['title']=index_infor['title'][] if len(index_infor['title']) > else None
- index_infor['detail_url'] = pj.xpath('''./a/@href''')[]
- index_infor['index_detail']=pj.xpath('''./div/div[2]/div[2]/text()''')
- index_infor['index_detail']=index_infor['index_detail'][] if len(index_infor['index_detail'])> else None
- index_infor['total_price']=pj.xpath('''./div/div[2]/div[position()>2]/span[1]/em/text()''')
- index_infor['total_price']= index_infor['total_price'][] if len( index_infor['total_price'])> else None
- index_infor['average_price']=pj.xpath('''./div/div[@class='item_list']/div[3]/span[2]/text()''')
- index_infor['average_price']=index_infor['average_price'][]if len(index_infor['average_price'])> else None
- index_content_list.append(index_infor)
- # 队列保存时不能在循环里 否之回保存很多个队列
- # self.index_content_queue.put(index_content_list)
- # 把content_list放进content_queue里面
- self.index_content_queue.put(index_content_list)
- # print(index_content_list)
- # 每从队列中获取一个数,队列则减少一个数,所以此代码必须写
- self.html_index_queue.task_done()
- # 获取详情页内容
- def get_detail(self):
- pass
- # 保存内容
- def save_content(self):
- while True:
- index_conten_list=self.index_content_queue.get()
- for i in index_conten_list:
- # print(i['title'])
- if i['title']==None or i['total_price']==None or i['average_price']==None:
- print('该数据为空,不进行保存')
- else:
- db['index_info'].insert(i)
- # db['detailDta'].insert(detail_datas)
- print('保存数据成功')
- self.index_content_queue.task_done()
- # 主线程:分配各种子线程去执行class里得每一个函数
- # 使用队列的方式得设置多线程进行调用函数,才能让程序执行速度更快
- def run(self):
- # 设置线程列表
- thread_list=[]
- # start_time=time.time()
- # .url_list
- # threading.Thread不需要传参数,参数都是从队列里面取得
- # for i in range():
- t_index_u=threading.Thread(target=self.get_index)
- thread_list.append(t_index_u)
- # .遍历,发送请求,获取响应
- for i in range():
- t_index_html=threading.Thread(target=self.get_index_html)
- thread_list.append(t_index_html)
- # .提取数据
- for i in range():
- t_parse_index=threading.Thread(target=self.parse_index)
- thread_list.append(t_parse_index)
- # .保存数据
- t_save=threading.Thread(target=self.save_content)
- thread_list.append(t_save)
- # 循环开启各子线程
- for t in thread_list:
- # 表示主线程结束,子线程(设置为true无限循环)也跟着结束(用主线程控制子线程)
- t.setDaemon(True)
- # 启动线程
- t.start()
- for q in [self.index_url_queue,self.html_index_queue,self.index_content_queue]:
- # 让主线程等待阻塞,等待队列的任务完成(即队列为空时 )之后再进行主线程
- q.join()
- # end_time=time.time()
- # print('总耗时%.2f秒'%(end_time-start_time))
- if __name__=='__main__':
- sk = time.clock()
- func=lianJia()
- func.run()
- ek = time.clock()
- print('程序总耗时:',ek-sk)
- # coding=utf-
- import requests
- from lxml import etree
- import threading
- from queue import Queue
- # https://docs.python.org/3/library/queue.html#module-queue
- # 队列使用方法简介
- # q.qsize() 返回队列的大小
- # q.empty() 如果队列为空,返回True,反之False
- # q.full() 如果队列满了,返回True,反之False
- # q.full 与 maxsize 大小对应
- # q.get([block[, timeout]]) 获取队列,timeout等待时间
- # q.get_nowait() 相当q.get(False)
- # q.put(item) 写入队列,timeout等待时间
- # q.put_nowait(item) 相当q.put(item, False)
- # q.task_done() 在完成一项工作之后,q.task_done() 函数向任务已经完成的队列发送一个信号
- # q.join() 实际上意味着等到队列为空,再执行别的操作
- class QiubaiSpdier:
- def __init__(self):
- self.url_temp = "https://www.qiushibaike.com/8hr/page/{}/"
- self.headers = {"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36"}
- self.url_queue = Queue()
- self.html_queue = Queue()
- self.content_queue = Queue()
- def get_url_list(self):
- # return [self.url_temp.format(i) for i in range(,)]
- for i in range(,):
- # 把13个索引页面的Url放进url_queue队列里
- self.url_queue.put(self.url_temp.format(i))
- def parse_url(self):
- while True:
- # get方法和task_done搭配使用
- # 在put是队列+,get和task_done一起使用时队列才会-
- url = self.url_queue.get()
- print(url)
- response = requests.get(url,headers=self.headers)
- # 然后把索引页的响应页面放进html_queue队列里
- self.html_queue.put(response.content.decode())
- self.url_queue.task_done()
- def get_content_list(self): #提取数据
- while True:
- # 先从索引页响应页面html_queue队列里面取出索引页面
- html_str = self.html_queue.get()
- html = etree.HTML(html_str)
- div_list = html.xpath("//div[@id='content-left']/div") #分组
- content_list = []
- for div in div_list:
- item= {}
- item["content"] = div.xpath(".//div[@class='content']/span/text()")
- item["content"] = [i.replace("\n","") for i in item["content"]]
- item["author_gender"] = div.xpath(".//div[contains(@class,'articleGender')]/@class")
- item["author_gender"] = item["author_gender"][].split(" ")[-].replace("Icon","") if len(item["author_gender"])> else None
- item["auhtor_age"] = div.xpath(".//div[contains(@class,'articleGender')]/text()")
- item["auhtor_age"] = item["auhtor_age"][] if len(item["auhtor_age"])> else None
- item["content_img"] = div.xpath(".//div[@class='thumb']/a/img/@src")
- item["content_img"] = "https:"+item["content_img"][] if len(item["content_img"])> else None
- item["author_img"] = div.xpath(".//div[@class='author clearfix']//img/@src")
- item["author_img"] = "https:"+item["author_img"][] if len(item["author_img"])> else None
- item["stats_vote"] = div.xpath(".//span[@class='stats-vote']/i/text()")
- item["stats_vote"] = item["stats_vote"][] if len(item["stats_vote"])> else None
- content_list.append(item)
- # 把content_list放进content_queue里面
- self.content_queue.put(content_list)
- self.html_queue.task_done()
- def save_content_list(self): #保存
- while True:
- content_list = self.content_queue.get()
- for i in content_list:
- print(i)
- pass
- self.content_queue.task_done()
- def run(self): #实现主要逻辑
- thread_list = []
- #.url_list
- # threading.Thread不需要传参数,参数都是从队列里面取得
- t_url = threading.Thread(target=self.get_url_list)
- thread_list.append(t_url)
- #.遍历,发送请求,获取响应
- for i in range(): # 添加20个线程
- t_parse = threading.Thread(target=self.parse_url)
- thread_list.append(t_parse)
- #.提取数据
- for i in range(): # 添加2个线程
- t_html = threading.Thread(target=self.get_content_list)
- thread_list.append(t_html)
- #.保存
- t_save = threading.Thread(target=self.save_content_list)
- thread_list.append(t_save)
- for t in thread_list:
- t.setDaemon(True) #把子线程设置为守护线程,该线程不重要,主线程结束,子线程结束(子线程是while true不会自己结束)
- t.start()
- for q in [self.url_queue,self.html_queue,self.content_queue]:
- q.join() #让主线程等待阻塞,等待队列的任务完成(即队列为空时 )之后再进行主线程
- print("主线程结束")
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- qiubai = QiubaiSpdier()
- qiubai.run()
- # 所没有tast_done方法,程序最终会卡着不动,无法终止
- # 线程的设计注意:耗时的操作要分配一些线程
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