Spring MVC参数封装传递
在Spring MVC中,前端JSP页面可以传递 基本类型(int,String)、实体类型、包装类型、数组类型、集合类型(List、map )等。
假如在传递的类型中有 Date类型的字段,需要在 Controller 通过 initBinder() 进行处理,代码如下:
public class userController { /*
* 添加用户
* 通过基本参数封装获取参数
@RequestMapping(value = "/user/addUser2", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView addUser2(String username,String usercode,Date birthday,String address) {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
userModel model = new userModel();
modelAndView.addObject("user", model);
return modelAndView;
} //处理日期类型参数
protected void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(dateFormat, true));
1、HttpServletRequest 获取参数
<div style="width: 28%; float: left;">
<legend>普通提交-request.getParameter(args) 获取参数</legend>
<form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/user/addUser"
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>名字:</label> <input name="username" id="username"
placeholder="请输入名字" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>编号:</label> <input name="usercode" id="usercode"
placeholder="请输入编号" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>生日:</label> <input name="birthday" id="birthday"
placeholder="请输入生日" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>地址:</label> <input name="address" id="address"
placeholder="请输入地址" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<button type="reset">重置</button>
<button type="submit">提交</button>
* 添加用户
* 通过 request.getParameter(args) 获取参数
@RequestMapping(value = "/user/addUser", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView addUser(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
userModel model = new userModel();
modelAndView.addObject("user", model);
return modelAndView;
<div style="width: 28%; float: left;">
<form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/user/addUser2"
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>名字:</label> <input name="username" id="username"
placeholder="请输入名字" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>编号:</label> <input name="usercode" id="usercode"
placeholder="请输入编号" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>生日:</label> <input name="birthday" id="birthday"
placeholder="请输入生日" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>地址:</label> <input name="address" id="address"
placeholder="请输入地址" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<button type="reset">重置</button>
<button type="submit">提交</button>
* 添加用户
* 通过基本参数封装获取参数
@RequestMapping(value = "/user/addUser2", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView addUser2(String username,String usercode,Date birthday,String address) {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
userModel model = new userModel();
modelAndView.addObject("user", model);
return modelAndView;
public class userModel { @Override
public String toString() {
return "userModel [userName=" + userName + ", userCode=" + userCode + ", account=" + account + ", pwd=" + pwd
+ ", address=" + address + ", birthday=" + birthday + ", Memo=" + Memo + "]";
} private String userName;
private String userCode;
private String account;
private String pwd;
private String address;
private Date birthday;
private String Memo; public String getAccount() {
return account;
} public void setAccount(String account) {
this.account = account;
} public String getPwd() {
return pwd;
} public void setPwd(String pwd) {
this.pwd = pwd;
} public String getMemo() {
return Memo;
} public void setMemo(String memo) {
Memo = memo;
} public Date getBirthday() {
return birthday;
} public void setBirthday(Date birthday) {
this.birthday = birthday;
} public String getUserName() {
return userName;
} public void setUserName(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;
} public String getUserCode() {
return userCode;
} public void setUserCode(String userCode) {
this.userCode = userCode;
} public String getAddress() {
return address;
} public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
} }
<div style="width: 28%; float: left;">
<form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/user/addUser3"
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>名字:</label> <input name="userName" id="userName"
placeholder="请输入名字" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>编号:</label> <input name="userCode" id="userCode"
placeholder="请输入编号" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>生日:</label> <input name="birthday" id="birthday"
placeholder="请输入生日" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>地址:</label> <input name="address" id="address"
placeholder="请输入地址" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<button type="reset">重置</button>
<button type="submit">提交</button>
* 添加用户
* 通过javaBean获取参数
public ModelAndView addUser3(userModel model) {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
modelAndView.addObject("user", model);
return modelAndView;
public class userModel { @Override
public String toString() {
return "userModel [userName=" + userName + ", userCode=" + userCode + ", account=" + account + ", pwd=" + pwd
+ ", address=" + address + ", birthday=" + birthday + ", Memo=" + Memo + "]";
} private String userName;
private String userCode;
private String account;
private String pwd;
private String address;
private Date birthday;
private String Memo; public String getAccount() {
return account;
} public void setAccount(String account) {
this.account = account;
} public String getPwd() {
return pwd;
} public void setPwd(String pwd) {
this.pwd = pwd;
} public String getMemo() {
return Memo;
} public void setMemo(String memo) {
Memo = memo;
} public Date getBirthday() {
return birthday;
} public void setBirthday(Date birthday) {
this.birthday = birthday;
} public String getUserName() {
return userName;
} public void setUserName(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;
} public String getUserCode() {
return userCode;
} public void setUserCode(String userCode) {
this.userCode = userCode;
} public String getAddress() {
return address;
} public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
} }
public class userModelArray {
private userModel model; private String code; public userModel getModel() {
return model;
} public void setModel(userModel model) {
this.model = model;
} public String getCode() {
return code;
} public void setCode(String code) {
this.code = code;
} @Override
public String toString() {
return "userModelArray [model=" + model + ", code=" + code + "]";
<div style="width: 28%; float: left;">
<form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/user/addUser4"
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>名字:</label> <input name="model.userName" id="userName"
placeholder="请输入名字" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>编号:</label> <input name="code" id="code"
placeholder="请输入编号" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>生日:</label> <input name="model.birthday" id="birthday"
placeholder="请输入生日" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>地址:</label> <input name="model.address" id="address"
placeholder="请输入地址" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<button type="reset">重置</button>
<button type="submit">提交</button>
* 添加用户
* 通过包装类获取参数
public ModelAndView addUser4(userModelArray model) {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
modelAndView.addObject("user", model);
return modelAndView;
<div style="width: 28%; float: left;">
<form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/user/addUser5"
<div style="width: 200px">
张三<input name="id" id="id" type="checkbox" value="1" />
李四<input name="id" id="id" type="checkbox" value="2" />
王五<input name="id" id="id" type="checkbox" value="3" />
赵六<input name="id" id="id" type="checkbox" value="4" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<button type="reset">重置</button>
<button type="submit">提交</button>
* 添加用户
* 数组类型获取参数
public ModelAndView addUser5(Integer[] id) {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
modelAndView.addObject("user", new userModel());
return modelAndView;
7、包装类-List集合 获取参数传递
<div style="width: 28%; float: left;">
<form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/user/addUser6" method="post">
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>名字:</label> <input name="userList[0].userName" id="userList[0].userName" placeholder="请输入名字" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>编号:</label> <input name="userList[0].userCode" id="userList[0].userCode" placeholder="请输入编号" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>生日:</label> <input name="userList[0].birthday" id="birthday" placeholder="请输入生日" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>地址:</label> <input name="userList[0].address" id="address" placeholder="请输入地址" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>名字:</label> <input name="userList[1].userName" id="userList[0].userName" placeholder="请输入名字" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>编号:</label> <input name="userList[1].userCode" id="userList[0].userCode" placeholder="请输入编号" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>生日:</label> <input name="userList[1].birthday" id="birthday" placeholder="请输入生日" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>地址:</label> <input name="userList[1].address" id="address" placeholder="请输入地址" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<button type="reset">重置</button>
<button type="submit">提交</button>
* 包装类 - 包装 List<userModel>
public class UserModelCustom {
// 集合
private List<userModel> userList; public List<userModel> getUserList() {
return userList;
public void setUserList(List<userModel> userList) {
this.userList = userList;
* userModel 类
public class userModel {
private String userName;
private String userCode;
private String account;
private String pwd;
private String address;
private Date birthday;
private String Memo; public String getAccount() {
return account;
} public void setAccount(String account) {
this.account = account;
} public String getPwd() {
return pwd;
} public void setPwd(String pwd) {
this.pwd = pwd;
} public String getMemo() {
return Memo;
} public void setMemo(String memo) {
Memo = memo;
} public Date getBirthday() {
return birthday;
} public void setBirthday(Date birthday) {
this.birthday = birthday;
} public String getUserName() {
return userName;
} public void setUserName(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;
} public String getUserCode() {
return userCode;
} public void setUserCode(String userCode) {
this.userCode = userCode;
} public String getAddress() {
return address;
} public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
* 添加用户
* 封装类集合获取参数
public String addUser6(UserModelCustom customModel) { return "/user/list";
8、包装类-Map集合 获取参数传递
<div style="width: 28%; float: left;">
<form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/user/addUser7" method="post">
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>名字:</label> <input name="maps['userName']" id="map['userName']" placeholder="请输入名字" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>编号:</label> <input name="maps['userCode']" id="map['userCode']" placeholder="请输入编号" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>生日:</label> <input name="maps['birthday']" id="map['birthday']" placeholder="请输入生日" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<label>地址:</label> <input name="maps['address']" id="map['address']" placeholder="请输入地址" />
<div style="width: 200px">
<button type="reset">重置</button>
<button type="submit">提交</button>
* 包装类 - 包装 List<userModel>
public class UserModelCustom {
// map
private Map<String, Object> maps; public Map<String, Object> getMaps() {
return maps;
public void setMaps(Map<String, Object> maps) {
this.maps = maps;
* userModel 类
public class userModel {
private String userName;
private String userCode;
private String account;
private String pwd;
private String address;
private Date birthday;
private String Memo; public String getAccount() {
return account;
} public void setAccount(String account) {
this.account = account;
} public String getPwd() {
return pwd;
} public void setPwd(String pwd) {
this.pwd = pwd;
} public String getMemo() {
return Memo;
} public void setMemo(String memo) {
Memo = memo;
} public Date getBirthday() {
return birthday;
} public void setBirthday(Date birthday) {
this.birthday = birthday;
} public String getUserName() {
return userName;
* 添加用户
* 封装类Map获取参数
public String addUser7(UserModelCustom customModel) { return "/user/list";
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