Go中没有class的概念。Go 语言中使用组合实现对象特性的描述。对象的内部使用结构体内嵌组合对象应该具有的特性,对外通过接口暴露能使用的特性。
Go 语言的接口设计是非侵入式的,接口不知道接口被哪些类型实现。而实现不用指明具体实现哪一个接口。编译时时编译器会指明使用哪个类型实现哪个接口。




 package main

 import (
) // interface
type Animal interface {
Cry(data interface{}) error
} // stuct
type Cat struct {
} func (cat *Cat) Cry(data interface{}) error {
fmt.Println("Mi:", data)
return nil
func main() {
cat := new(Cat)
var animal Animal
animal = cat




 // A type, typically a collection, that satisfies sort.Interface can be
// sorted by the routines in this package. The methods require that the
// elements of the collection be enumerated by an integer index.
type Interface interface {
// Len is the number of elements in the collection.
Len() int
// Less reports whether the element with
// index i should sort before the element with index j.
Less(i, j int) bool
// Swap swaps the elements with indexes i and j.
Swap(i, j int)



 package main

 import (
) type IntList []int func (i IntList) Len() int {
return len(i)
func (i IntList) Less(a, b int) bool {
return i[a]% < i[b]%
func (i IntList) Swap(a, b int) {
i[a], i[b] = i[b], i[a]
func main() {
ints := IntList{, , , , , , , }
for _, v := range ints {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", v)




sort.Slice() 函数进行更为简便的排序方法,把上面的代码稍微整理之后:

 package main

 import (
) type IntList []int func main() {
ints := IntList{, , , , , , , }
sort.Slice(ints, func(i, j int) bool { return ints[i]% < ints[j]%
for _, v := range ints {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", v)


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  6. Go 接口(interface)

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  7. golang的interface剖析

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  8. Go语言学习笔记(四)结构体struct & 接口Interface & 反射reflect

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