# coding = utf-8 # 使用列表实现栈的功能 class Stack: def __init__(self): self.items = [] # 是否为空 def is_empty(self): return self.items == [] # 进栈 def push(self, item): self.items.append(item) # 出栈 def pop(self): return self.items.pop() # 返回栈顶值,不改变栈 def peek(self): return self.items[len(self.items) - 1] # 返回栈长度 def size(self): return len(self.items) # 使用递归实现二叉树基本功能 class BinaryTree: def __init__(self, root_obj): self.key = root_obj self.left_child = None self.right_child = None def insert_left(self, new_node): node = BinaryTree(new_node) if self.left_child is None: self.left_child = node else: node.left_child = self.left_child self.left_child = node def insert_right(self, new_node): node = BinaryTree(new_node) if self.right_child is None: self.right_child = node else: node.right_child = self.right_child self.right_child = node def get_right_child(self): return self.right_child def get_left_child(self): return self.left_child def set_root_val(self, obj): self.key = obj def get_root_val(self): return self.key # 建立一个算术分析树 def build_parse_tree(fp_exp): fp_list = fp_exp.split() p_stack = Stack() e_tree = BinaryTree('') p_stack.push(e_tree) current_tree = e_tree for item in fp_list: if item == '(': current_tree.insert_left('') p_stack.push(current_tree) current_tree = current_tree.get_left_child() elif item not in ['+', '-', '*', '/', ')']: current_tree.set_root_val(int(item)) parent = p_stack.pop() current_tree = parent elif item in ['+', '-', '*', '/']: current_tree.set_root_val(item) current_tree.insert_right('') p_stack.push(current_tree) current_tree = current_tree.get_right_child() elif item == ')': current_tree = p_stack.pop() else: raise ValueError return e_tree # 匹配加减乘除规则 class DoMatch: @staticmethod def add(op1, op2): return op1 + op2 @staticmethod def sub(op1, op2): return op1 - op2 @staticmethod def mul(op1, op2): return op1 * op2 @staticmethod def true_div(op1, op2): return op1 / op2 # 算术分析式的求值 def evaluate(parse_tree): operator = DoMatch() opers = {'+': operator.add, '-': operator.sub, '*': operator.mul, '/': operator.true_div } left_c = parse_tree.get_left_child() right_c = parse_tree.get_right_child() if left_c and right_c: fn = opers[parse_tree.get_root_val()] return fn(evaluate(left_c), evaluate(right_c)) else: return parse_tree.get_root_val() # 前序遍历 def pre_order(tree): if tree: print(tree.get_root_val()) pre_order(tree.get_left_child()) pre_order(tree.get_right_child()) # 后序遍历 def post_order(tree): if tree: print(tree.get_root_val()) post_order(tree.get_left_child()) post_order(tree.get_right_child()) # 中序遍历 def in_order(tree): if tree: print(tree.get_root_val()) in_order(tree.get_left_child()) in_order(tree.get_right_child()) # 分析树打印 def print_exp(tree): s_val = '' if tree: s_val = '(' + str(print_exp(tree.get_left_child())) s_val = s_val + str(tree.get_root_val()) s_val = s_val + str(print_exp(tree.get_right_child())) + ')' return s_val pt = build_parse_tree("( ( 7 + 3 ) * ( 5 - 2 ) )") print('=========pre_order================') pre_order(pt) print('=========post_order================') post_order(pt) print('=========in_order================') in_order(pt) print('=========print_exp================') print(print_exp(pt)) print('=========evaluate================') print(evaluate(pt))
=========pre_order================ * + 7 3 - 5 2 =========post_order================ * + 7 3 - 5 2 =========in_order================ * + 7 3 - 5 2 =========print_exp================ (((7)+(3))*((5)-(2))) =========evaluate================ 30
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