Winform 实现像菜单一样弹出层
namespace PopupApplication
public class Student
public int SId { get; set; }
public string SCode { get; set; }
public string SName { get; set; }
public int SAge { get; set; }
public string SAddress{get;set;}
5、在用户控件中添加一个DataGridView命名:dgvStudentList 和TextBox命名:txtKeys,DataGridView是用来显示数据列表的,TextBox是用来让用户输入关键字用来检索信息用的
private List<Student> _dataList = new List<Student>();
private TextBox _txtBox; public StudentListControl(TextBox txtBox)
_txtBox = txtBox;
_dataList = GetDataList();
} private void StudentListControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
dgvStudentList.DataSource = _dataList;
} /// <summary>
/// 构造数据源
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private List<Student> GetDataList()
List<Student> stList = new List<Student>();
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "张阳", SAge = , SCode = "zy", SAddress = "广东省中山市9999999" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "欧阳新文", SAge = , SCode = "oyxw", SAddress = "广东省广州市99" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "宇文化及", SAge = , SCode = "ywhj", SAddress = "广东省湛江市2222" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "温斯特梅拉", SAge = , SCode = "wstml", SAddress = "广东省茂名市" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "唐兵", SAge = , SCode = "tb", SAddress = "四川省阆中市555555555555" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "杨红军", SAge = , SCode = "yhj", SAddress = "四川省乐山市22222222222222222222" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "张翠山", SAge = , SCode = "zcs", SAddress = "四川省南充市7777777777777777" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "张三丰", SAge = , SCode = "zsf", SAddress = "广东省中山市555" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "何月", SAge = , SCode = "hy", SAddress = "广东省中山市88888" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "何宝生", SAge = , SCode = "hbs", SAddress = "广东省中山市77" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "王家新", SAge = , SCode = "wjx", SAddress = "广东省茂名市8" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "肖月伦", SAge = , SCode = "xyl", SAddress = "广东省茂名市7777777" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "王岳伦", SAge = , SCode = "wyl", SAddress = "广东省中山市888888888888" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "紫阳红玉", SAge = , SCode = "zyhy", SAddress = "四川省南充市2" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "雷小兵", SAge = , SCode = "lxb", SAddress = "广东省中山市999999999999999" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "张郭老", SAge = , SCode = "zgl", SAddress = "四川省南充市333333333333333333333333" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "汤小雨", SAge = , SCode = "txy", SAddress = "四川省乐山市333333333333" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "吴志胜", SAge = , SCode = "wzs", SAddress = "四川省乐山市33" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "伍国天", SAge = , SCode = "wgt", SAddress = "四川省阆中市6666" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "朱新朝", SAge = , SCode = "zxz", SAddress = "四川省阆中市666666666666666" }); return stList;
private void txtKeys_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
} var resultList = _dataList.FindAll(std=>std.SName.Contains(txtKeys.Text) || std.SAddress.Contains(txtKeys.Text));
dgvStudentList.DataSource = resultList;
private void dgvStudentList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (dgvStudentList.RowCount > && dgvStudentList.SelectedRows.Count > )
DataGridViewCell nameCell= dgvStudentList.CurrentRow.Cells["ColumnSName"];
DataGridViewCell addressCell = dgvStudentList.CurrentRow.Cells["ColumnSAddress"]; string strName = nameCell != null && nameCell.Value != null ? nameCell.Value.ToString() : "";
string strAddress = addressCell != null && addressCell.Value != null ? addressCell.Value.ToString() : "";
_txtBox.Text = string.Format("{0},{1}",strName,strAddress);
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
} private void txtSelectValue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
StudentListControl uc = new StudentListControl(txtSelectValue);
Popup pop = new Popup(uc);
pop.Show(txtSelectValue, false);
至此 功能实现了,全部代码:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PopupTool; namespace PopupApplication
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
} private void txtSelectValue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
StudentListControl uc = new StudentListControl(txtSelectValue);
Popup pop = new Popup(uc);
pop.Show(txtSelectValue, false);
} using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms; namespace PopupApplication
public partial class StudentListControl : UserControl
private List<Student> _dataList = new List<Student>();
private TextBox _txtBox; public StudentListControl(TextBox txtBox)
_txtBox = txtBox;
_dataList = GetDataList();
} private void StudentListControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
dgvStudentList.DataSource = _dataList;
} /// <summary>
/// 构造数据源
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private List<Student> GetDataList()
List<Student> stList = new List<Student>();
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "张阳", SAge = , SCode = "zy", SAddress = "广东省中山市9999999" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "欧阳新文", SAge = , SCode = "oyxw", SAddress = "广东省广州市99" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "宇文化及", SAge = , SCode = "ywhj", SAddress = "广东省湛江市2222" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "温斯特梅拉", SAge = , SCode = "wstml", SAddress = "广东省茂名市" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "唐兵", SAge = , SCode = "tb", SAddress = "四川省阆中市555555555555" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "杨红军", SAge = , SCode = "yhj", SAddress = "四川省乐山市22222222222222222222" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "张翠山", SAge = , SCode = "zcs", SAddress = "四川省南充市7777777777777777" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "张三丰", SAge = , SCode = "zsf", SAddress = "广东省中山市555" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "何月", SAge = , SCode = "hy", SAddress = "广东省中山市88888" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "何宝生", SAge = , SCode = "hbs", SAddress = "广东省中山市77" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "王家新", SAge = , SCode = "wjx", SAddress = "广东省茂名市8" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "肖月伦", SAge = , SCode = "xyl", SAddress = "广东省茂名市7777777" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "王岳伦", SAge = , SCode = "wyl", SAddress = "广东省中山市888888888888" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "紫阳红玉", SAge = , SCode = "zyhy", SAddress = "四川省南充市2" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "雷小兵", SAge = , SCode = "lxb", SAddress = "广东省中山市999999999999999" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "张郭老", SAge = , SCode = "zgl", SAddress = "四川省南充市333333333333333333333333" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "汤小雨", SAge = , SCode = "txy", SAddress = "四川省乐山市333333333333" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "吴志胜", SAge = , SCode = "wzs", SAddress = "四川省乐山市33" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "伍国天", SAge = , SCode = "wgt", SAddress = "四川省阆中市6666" });
stList.Add(new Student() { SId = , SName = "朱新朝", SAge = , SCode = "zxz", SAddress = "四川省阆中市666666666666666" }); return stList;
} private void txtKeys_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
} var resultList = _dataList.FindAll(std=>std.SName.Contains(txtKeys.Text) || std.SAddress.Contains(txtKeys.Text));
dgvStudentList.DataSource = resultList;
} private void dgvStudentList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (dgvStudentList.RowCount > && dgvStudentList.SelectedRows.Count > )
DataGridViewCell nameCell= dgvStudentList.CurrentRow.Cells["ColumnSName"];
DataGridViewCell addressCell = dgvStudentList.CurrentRow.Cells["ColumnSAddress"]; string strName = nameCell != null && nameCell.Value != null ? nameCell.Value.ToString() : "";
string strAddress = addressCell != null && addressCell.Value != null ? addressCell.Value.ToString() : "";
_txtBox.Text = string.Format("{0},{1}",strName,strAddress);
效果图: 点击Textbox后弹出自定义控件
选中一条记录后 弹出界面消失,并把选中的值显示在TextBox中
以此,我另外做了个下拉列表 大家有兴趣的可以下来看看 点击下载
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