1. create database School
  2. use School
  3. go
  4. create table Student --1.学生表
  5. (
  6. Sno varchar(20) not null primary key,--学号(主码)
  7. Sname varchar(20) not null,--学生姓名
  8. Ssex varchar(20) not null,--学生性别
  9. Sbirthday datetime,--学生出生年月
  10. Class varchar(20),--学生所在班级
  11. )
  12. go
  13. create table Teacher --4.教师表
  14. (
  15. Tno varchar(20) not null primary key,--教工编号(主)
  16. Tname varchar(20) not null,--教工姓名
  17. Tsex varchar(20) not null,--教工性别
  18. Tbirthday datetime,--教工出生年月
  19. Prof varchar(20),--职称
  20. Depart varchar(20) not null,--教工所在部门
  21. )
  22. go
  23. create table Course --2.课程表
  24. (
  25. Cno varchar(20) not null primary key,--课程号(主)
  26. Cname varchar(20) not null,--课程名称
  27. Tno varchar(20) not null references Teacher(Tno),--教工编号(外)
  28. )
  29. go
  30. create table Score --3.成绩表
  31. (
  32. Sno varchar(20) not null references Student(Sno),--学号(外)
  33. Cno varchar(20) not null references Course(Cno),--课程号(外)
  34. Degree decimal(4,1),--成绩
  35. )
  36. alter table Score add constraint Pk_Score primary key (Sno,Cno) --添加两个主键
  38. --学生信息
  39. insert into Student values('','曾华','男','1977-09-01','')
  40. insert into Student(Sno,Sname,Ssex,Sbirthday,Class)values('','匡明','男','1975-10-02','')
  41. insert into Student values('','王丽','女','1976-01-23','')
  42. insert into Student values('','李军','男','1976-02-20','')
  43. insert into Student values('','王芳','女','1975-02-10','')
  44. insert into Student values('','陆君','男','1974-06-03','')
  45. --职工信息
  46. insert into Teacher values('','李诚','男','1958-12-02','副教授','计算机系')
  47. insert into Teacher values('','张旭','男','1969-03-12','讲师','电子工程系')
  48. insert into Teacher values('','王萍','女','1972-05-05','助教','计算机系')
  49. insert into Teacher values('','刘冰','女','1977-08-14','助教','电子工程系')
  50. --课程
  51. insert into Course values('3-105','计算机导论','')
  52. insert into Course values('3-245','操作系统','')
  53. insert into Course values('6-166','数字电路','')
  54. insert into Course values('9-888','高等数学','')
  55. --成绩
  56. insert into Score values('','3-245','')
  57. insert into Score values('','3-245','')
  58. insert into Score values('','3-245','')
  59. insert into Score values('','3-105','')
  60. insert into Score values('','3-105','')
  61. insert into Score values('','3-105','')
  62. insert into Score values('','3-105','')
  63. insert into Score values('','3-105','')
  64. insert into Score values('','3-105','')
  65. insert into Score values('','6-166','')
  66. insert into Score values('','6-166','')
  67. insert into Score values('','6-166','')
  68. --1 查询Student表中的所有记录的SnameSsexClass列。
  69. select Sname,Ssex,Class from Student
  70. --2 查询教师所有的单位即不重复的Depart列。
  71. --去重 distinct
  72. select distinct Depart from Teacher
  73. --3 查询Student表的所有记录。
  74. select * from Student
  75. --4 查询Score表中成绩在6080之间的所有记录。
  76. --范围查询 比较运算符
  77. select * from Score where Degree>=60 and Degree<=80
  78. --between...and...
  79. select * from Score where Degree between 60 and 80
  80. --5 查询Score表中成绩为858688的记录。
  81. select * from Score where Degree=85 or Degree=86 or Degree=88
  82. --离散查询
  83. select * from Score where Degree in (85,86,88)
  84. --6 查询Student表中“95031”班或性别为“女”的同学记录。
  85. select * from Student where Class='' or Ssex='女'
  86. --7 Class降序查询Student表的所有记录。
  87. --排序order by 升序asc 降序desc
  88. select * from Student order by Class desc
  89. --8 Cno升序、Degree降序查询Score表的所有记录。
  90. select * from Score order by Cno asc,Degree desc
  91. --9 查询“95031”班的学生人数。
  92. --个数count(*)
  93. select Class,COUNT(*) from Student group by Class having Class=95031
  94. select count(*) from student where class=''
  95. --10 查询Score表中的最高分的学生学号和课程号。(子查询或者排序)
  96. --子查询
  97. select Sno,Cno from Score where Degree=(select max(Degree) from Score)
  98. --降序取第一条数据
  99. select top 1 Sno,Cno from Score order by Degree desc
  100. --11 查询每门课的平均成绩。
  101. --平均分用avg(列)
  102. select Cno,AVG(Degree) as '平均分' from Score group by Cno
  103. --12、查询Score表中至少有5名学生选修的并以3开头的课程的平均分数。
  104. --模糊查询 like 分组 group by...having...
  105. select Cno,AVG(Degree) as '平均分' from Score group by Cno having COUNT(Cno)>=5 and Cno like'3%'
  106. select avg(degree) from score where cno like'3%' group by cno having count(*)>=5
  107. --13、查询分数大于70,小于90Sno列。
  108. --范围查询
  109. select Sno from Score where Degree>70 and Degree<90
  110. select Sno from Score where Degree between 70 and 90
  111. --14、查询所有学生的SnameCnoDegree列。
  112. --连接查询
  113. select Student.Sname,Cno,Degree from Student,Score where Score.Sno=Student.Sno
  114. --join...on...
  115. select Sname,Cno,Degree from Student join Score on Student.Sno=Score.Sno
  116. --15、查询所有学生的SnoCnameDegree列。
  117. select Sno,Cname,Degree from Course,Score where Score.Cno=Course.Cno
  118. select Sno,Cname,Degree from Score join Course on Score.Cno=Course.Cno
  119. --16、查询所有学生的SnameCnameDegree列。
  120. select Sname,Cname,Degree from Student,Course,Score where Student.Sno=Score.Sno and Course.Cno=Score.Cno
  121. --17 查询“95033”班学生的平均分。
  122. select Class='',AVG(degree) as '平均分' from Score join Student on Score.Sno=Student.Sno and Class=''
  123. select avg(degree) from score where sno in(select sno from student where class='')
  124. --18 假设使用如下命令建立了一个grade表:
  125. create table grade
  126. (
  127. low int,
  128. upp int,
  129. rank varchar(1)
  130. )
  131. insert into grade values(90,100,'A')
  132. insert into grade values(80,89,'B')
  133. insert into grade values(70,79,'C')
  134. insert into grade values(60,69,'D')
  135. insert into grade values(0,59,'E')
  136. --现查询所有同学的SnoCnorank列。
  137. select Sno,Cno,Degree,rank from grade join Score on Score.Degree between low and upp
  138. select sno,cno,rank from score,grade where degree between low and upp
  139. --19、查询选修“3-105”课程的成绩高于“109”号同学成绩的所有同学的记录。
  140. select * from Score where Degree>(select Degree from Score where Cno='3-105' and Sno='') and Cno='3-105'
  141. select * from Student join Score on Student.Sno=Score.Sno where Cno='3-105' and Degree>(select Degree from Score where Cno='3-105' and Sno='')
  142. --20、查询score中选学多门课程的同学中分数为非最高分成绩的记录。
  143. --反向查询没有出现过得值not in
  144. select * from score a where sno in (select sno from score group by sno having count(*)>1) and degree <(select max(degree) from score b where b.cno=a.cno)
  145. select * from Score where Sno in(select Sno from Score group by Sno having COUNT(Sno)>=2 )and Degree not in( select max(Degree) from Score group by Cno)
  146. --21、查询成绩高于学号为“109”、课程号为“3-105”的成绩的所有记录。
  147. select * from Score where Degree>(select Max(Degree) from Score where Sno='')and Cno='3-105'
  148. --22、查询和学号为108的同学同年出生的所有学生的SnoSnameSbirthday列。
  149. --获取年year(时间日期)
  150. select Sno,Sname,Sbirthday from Student where YEAR(Sbirthday)=(select year(Sbirthday) from Student where Sno='')
  151. select Sno,Sname,Sbirthday from Student where year(Sbirthday)=(select year(Sbirthday) from Student where Sno='')
  152. --23、查询“张旭“教师任课的学生成绩。
  153. select * from Score where Cno=(select Cno from Course where Tno=(select Tno from Teacher where Tname='张旭'))
  154. --24、查询选修某课程的同学人数多于5人的教师姓名。
  155. select Tname from Teacher where Tno=(select Tno from Course where Cno=(select Cno from Score group by Cno having COUNT(Cno)>5))
  156. select Teacher.Tno,Tname,Cno,Cname from Teacher join Course on Teacher.Tno=Course.Tno where Tname in (select Tname from Teacher where Tno in (select Tno from Course where Cno in (select Cno from Score group by Cno having count(Cno)>=5)))
  157. --25、查询95033班和95031班全体学生的记录。
  158. --与 or
  159. select * from Student where Class='' or Class=''
  160. --26、查询存在有85分以上成绩的课程Cno.
  161. select distinct Cno from Score where Degree>85
  162. --27、查询出“计算机系“教师所教课程的成绩表。
  163. select * from Score where Cno in (select Cno from Course where Tno in (select Tno from Teacher where Depart='计算机系'))
  164. --28、查询“计算机系”与“电子工程系“depart不同职称prof的教师的TnameProf
  165. --联合查询
  166. select tname,prof from teacher where depart='计算机系' and prof not in(select prof from teacher where depart='电子工程系')
  167. union
  168. select tname,prof from teacher where depart='电子工程系' and prof not in(select prof from teacher where depart='计算机系')
  169. --相关子查询
  170. select Tname,prof from Teacher a where Prof not in (select Prof from Teacher b where a.Depart!=b.Depart)
  171. --29、查询选修编号为“3-105“课程且成绩至少高于选修编号为“3-245”的同学的CnoSnoDegree,并按Degree从高到低次序排序。
  172. select Cno,Sno,Degree from Score where Cno='3-105' and Degree >(select MAX(Degree) from Score where Cno='3-245') order by Degree desc
  173. --any 列表中任意一个相当于max
  174. select * from score where cno='3-105' and degree>any(select degree from score where cno='3-245')
  175. --30、查询选修编号为“3-105”且成绩高于选修编号为“3-245”课程的同学的CnoSnoDegree.
  176. select * from Score where Cno='3-105' and Degree >(select MAX(Degree) from Score where Cno='3-245')
  177. --31、查询所有教师和同学的namesexbirthday.
  178. --联合查询
  179. select Tname as name,Tsex as sex,Tbirthday as birthday from Teacher
  180. union
  181. select Sname,Ssex,Sbirthday from Student
  182. --32、查询所有“女”教师和“女”同学的namesexbirthday.
  183. --联合查询 条件查询
  184. select Tname as name,Tsex as sex,Tbirthday as birthday from Teacher where Tsex='女'
  185. union
  186. select Sname,Ssex,Sbirthday from Student where Ssex='女'
  187. --33、查询成绩比该课程平均成绩低的同学的成绩表。
  188. select * from Score a where Degree <(select AVG(Degree) from Score b where a.Cno=b.Cno)
  189. --34、查询所有任课教师的TnameDepart.
  190. select Tname,Depart from Teacher
  191. --35、查询所有未讲课的教师的TnameDepart.
  192. select Tname,Depart from Teacher where Tno not in (select Tno from Course where Cno in (select distinct Cno from Score))
  193. --36、查询至少有2名男生的班号。
  194. select Class from Student where Ssex='男' group by Class having COUNT(*)>1
  195. --37、查询Student表中不姓“王”的同学记录。
  196. --不像not like
  197. select * from Student where Sname not like'王%'
  198. select * from Student where Sname not in (select Sname from Student where Sname like '王%')
  199. --38、查询Student表中每个学生的姓名和年龄。
  200. --当前系统时间getdate(),获取数据库时间sysdatetime()
  201. select Sname as '姓名',YEAR(GETDATE())-YEAR(Sbirthday) as '年龄' from Student
  202. --39、查询Student表中最大和最小的Sbirthday日期值。
  203. --最大值max(列)最小值min(列)
  204. select MAX(Sbirthday) as '大',MIN(Sbirthday) as '小' from Student
  205. --40、以班号和年龄从大到小的顺序查询Student表中的全部记录。
  206. --多个条件进行排序用,连接
  207. select * from Student order by Class desc,Sbirthday desc
  208. --41、查询“男”教师及其所上的课程。
  209. select Teacher.Tno,Tname,Tsex,Cno,Cname from Teacher,Course where Teacher.Tno=Course.Tno and Tsex='男'
  210. --42、查询最高分同学的SnoCnoDegree列。
  211. select * from Score where Degree=(select MAX(Degree) from Score)
  212. --43、查询和“李军”同性别的所有同学的Sname.
  213. select Sname from Student where Ssex=(select Ssex from Student where Sname='李军')
  214. --44、查询和“李军”同性别并同班的同学Sname.
  215. select Sname from Student where Ssex in (select Ssex from Student where Sname='李军') and Class in (select Class from Student where Sname='李军')
  216. --45、查询所有选修“计算机导论”课程的“男”同学的成绩表。
  217. select * from Score where Cno in (select Cno from Course where Cname='计算机导论') and Sno in (select Sno from Student where Ssex='男')

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