What is Docker?
By Tim Butler • 14 May 2015 •
Unless you’ve been living without internet access for the last two years, it would be hard not to at least heard of Docker. But, as an emerging technology not everyone has taken the time to work out what Docker is, where it fits in and how it can benefit you.
So, what exactly is Docker? Here’s what Docker themselves describe it as:
Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins of distributed applications.
Essentially, Docker is a container based system for your applications. If you’re used to the concept of virtual servers, Docker provides further levels of abstraction for your application. Here’s a visual representation of how it differs:
Rather than just being one part of the puzzle, Docker provides a number of components and tools to assist with the entire lifecycle management of the application. This includes the container environment, image management and orchestration.
不局限于功能单一的工具,Docker为应用的整个管理生命周期提供了相当多的组件和工具。包括:容器环境、镜像环境 和编配(注5)。
Docker started it’s life as an internal project within a hosting company called dotCloud, but quickly took off once they open sourced it in early 2013. Since then, it's benefited from over 15,000 software commits from over 900 contributors.
Why use Docker?
Now that you have a basic understanding of Docker, there are a number of great reasons to start using it.
It’s very fast. Start a Docker container can be complete in as little as 50ms. That’s not a typo, it really can be this quick! This is the advantage of having such high levels of abstraction, you reduce the number of components you need to run. This also means that there's very little to no overhead in it's implementation.
One command deployments. It really is as simple as installing an application with one line. Want to install MySQL? One command. Want WordPress, MySQL, Nginx and Memcache all installed and configured? Yep, it’s one command.
一键(单命令)部署。它是真的简单到安装一个应用只需输入一行命令。想要安装MySQL?一行命令。想到一下子把WordPress, MySQL, Nginx and Memcache全部安装并且配置完成?还是一行命令。
Pre-configured Apps. At last count, there were over 13,000 applications already packaged as a Docker image. Chances are, if you’re using a common application then most of the initial work has already been done for you. But, it doesn't end there. You can take the existing image, make your own changes and push it to your own repository for ease of re-deployment.
Resource Isolation. Previously, if you ran all of your services on the one server then there’s a chance one of them could exhaust all of the server resources. Docker allows you to set, monitor and adjust these on a per application or service basis.
Consistency. Docker really is the “write once deploy anywhere” type environment. It removes all of the hassles going from a development to a production environment or similar. Each set of libraries is very tightly coupled to the docker image to ensure the consistency.
A complete platform. Rather than just being one part of the puzzle, Docker is shaping up to be a complete platform. There’s the base Engine for the containers, the Registry for image management, Compose to orchestrate complex deployments, Swarm for clustering and Machine for provisioning. This is what’s made Docker different from other container implementations, you can manage the entire lifecycle quite easily.
一个完整的平台。Docker正逐渐发展成为一个提供完整功能的平台,而不局限于功能单一的工具。包括:base Engine,容器的基础引擎;Compose,整合编排复杂的部署(注1);Swarm,用以管理Docker集群(注2);Machine,负责供给(注3)。这就是Docker区别于其他容器类型工具的地方,你可以非常轻松地管理系统的整个生命周期。
Scale. This is one area where Docker really shines, especially if you have a micro-service based application. Compose and Swarm assist with deploying scalable applications and there’s then third party tools like Kubernetes and Mesos, which both take it to the next level. We’re talking the ability to manage the entire lifecycle with up to millions of containers, so scale isn’t a problem!
扩展性。这也是Docker很亮眼的特性之一,特别是,如果你的项目是基于微服务的。Compose and Swarm用来部署可扩展的应用系统,加上Kubernetes、Mesos等第三方应用,这两方面使服务器的扩展性提高到了更高的层级。我们这里在讨论的“管理整个生命周期”是基于多达数百万级数量的容器的管理能力,所以说,扩展性不会是问题!扩展性。这也是Docker很亮眼的特性之一,特别是,如果你的项目是基于微服务的。Compose and Swarm用来部署可扩展的应用系统,加上Kubernetes、Mesos等第三方应用,这两方面使服务器的扩展性提高到了更高的层级。我们这里在讨论的“管理整个生命周期”是基于多达数百万级数量的容器的管理能力,所以说,扩展性不会是问题!
Why not to use Docker
This probably seems like a strange topic to cover, but like any system it’s important to understand the limitations and alternatives.
If it’s not broken then don’t fix it. Are you having issues with your current application deployment? Does it deploy perfectly each time? Do both developers and sysadmins get along perfectly without any blame or bouncing issues back and forth? If you answered yes to all of the questions, then Docker probably isn’t for you.
Docker is an emerging platform. This means that there are constant changes and the toolset is constantly evolving. It also means that the “best practices” are also constantly changing, so you need to stay up-to-date with what’s going on. If you want to learn something once and never deal with change, then Docker probably isn’t for you.
You may need to change your architecture design. Docker containers are immutable by design, you need to think about and store persistent data in a separate volume. While this is a good thing when dealing with infrastructure at scale, it also means you need to carefully consider it. There’s also the networking side of things, the IP addresses and hostnames allocated to the container are done so at runtime. You need to design your Docker environment around this and use service discovery to handle it.
Not everything is suited to a Docker environment. Just because Docker is cool, it doesn’t mean it works with everything. It really comes into it’s element when you have a micro-service based system or single component. If your application has a lot of low level system calls or needs hardware access then Docker isn’t the platform for you.
Lastly, Docker isn’t the only application container platform. There’s already rkt (pronounced Rocket) from CoreOS which offers an alternative application container format and associated toolkits. They have a very similar amount of features but a slightly different focus. Canonical (the creators of Ubuntu) have been going down the path of LXD which although isn’t a direct replacement for Docker, it does offer a lot of container based orchestration tools.
Still excited about Docker? Excellent!
How do I get started?
When you should start learning about Docker? The answer is now! You can begin with a very basic tutorial on the Docker website, which is a neat interactive guide through the basic commands.
The next step is to get a basic development environment setup on your local machine. Docker have some basic instructions available to get you started. We’ll also be continuing our set of articles on Docker, which will step you all the way from the basics through to real life examples and advanced implementations. Keep checking back on this blog for updates, or follow us via your preferred social media platform.
At Conetix, We’re excited about Docker and where it’s heading. We have already started using it for our production systems and we’re launching a Docker optimised hosting platform within the next two months. If you’re interested, keep an eye on our main website for special offers and prizes for the launch.
Tim Butler
With nearly 20 years experience in IT, I have worked with systems scaling to many thousands of simultaneous users. My current role involves providing highly available, high performance web, email and VM platforms to larger company and Australian government entities.
作者简介(Time Butler)
Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a Compose file to configure your application’s services. Then, using a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration.
Swarm是一套较为简单的工具,用以管理Docker集群,使得Docker集群暴露给用户时相当于一个虚拟的整体。Swarm使用标准的Docker API接口作为其前端访问入口,换言之,各种形式的Docker Client(dockerclient in go, docker_py, docker等)均可以直接与Swarm通信。Swarm几乎全部用Go语言来完成开发,并且还处于一个Alpha版本,目前在github上发布的版本仅有v0.1.0-rc1。然而Swarm的发展十分快速,功能和特性的变更迭代还非常频繁。因此,可以说Swarm还不推荐被用于生产环境中,但可以肯定的是Swarm是一项很有前途的技术。
Docker Machine is a tool that lets you install Docker Engine on virtual hosts, and manage the hosts with docker-machine commands. You can use Machine to create Docker hosts on your local Mac or Windows box, on your company network, in your data center, or on cloud providers like AWS or Digital Ocean.
You can use Docker Machine to:
l Install and run Docker on Mac or Windows
l Provision and manage multiple remote Docker hosts
l Provision Swarm clusters
Docker Machine是一个工具,帮助你把Docker引擎安装在虚拟主机上,并且使用docker-machine来管理他们。借助Machine,你可以将Docker主机创建在:本地Mac或Windows系统上,你公司的网络上,你的数据中心上,云供应商(如AWS或DigitalOcean)上。
你可以用Docker Machine来:
l 在Mac和Windows上安装和运行Docker
l 提供并管理多重的远端Docker主机
l 提供Swarm集群
LXD is a container "hypervisor" and a new user experience for LXC.
Specifically, it's made of three components:
A system-wide daemon (lxd)
A command line client (lxc)
An OpenStack Nova plugin (nova-compute-lxd)
The LXD project was founded and is currently led by Canonical Ltd and Ubuntu with contributions from a range of other companies and individual contributors.
一个OpenStack Nova插件(nova-compute-lxd)
编配通常被讨论为拥有一个与生俱来的(inherent)智能或隐含的(implicitly)自主性,但这更多的是一种愿望或类比,而不是技术上的描述。事实上,编配更多的是自动化技术的影响或部署控制理论的元素的系统。“编配”的说法常常在有关面向服务的架构(Service Oriented Architecture,简称SOA)、虚拟化(virtualization)、服务开通(provisioning)和动态数据中心(dynamic datacenter)的话题的上下文中被讨论。编排在这个意义上说是关于对准与应用程序,数据,和基础设施的商务请求。它通常被作为一个时髦词来使用。一个稍有不同的用法是有关通过万维网服务(web service)交互,协调一个信息的交换的处理过程。(参见面向服务的架构和万维网服务编排(web service choreography))。将编配层(orchestration layer)从服务层(service layer)中分离出来的应用程序,有时候被称为敏捷应用程序(agile applications)。
emerging 新兴的,刚出现的
distributed applications 分布式应用程序
Essentially 基本上,本质上
concept 概念
abstract 抽象
representation 表现,描述
rather than 与其,而不是
puzzle 拼图
orchestration 编配
took off 脱(衣、帽、鞋等)
benefited from 受益于
contribute 捐献,贡献
typo 打字(或排版)错误
overhead 开销
repository 仓库,资源库
Previously 以前
hassle 日常琐事,麻烦
provision 提供,供给
alternative 替代方案
evolve 进化,逐步发展
immutable 不可变的
persistent 持久的
infrastructure 基础架构,基础设施
allocate 部署,分配
service discovery 服务发现
pronounce 发音
orchestration 编配
tutorial 教程
instruction 使用说明
optimise 优化(optimize)
launch 发起
prize 奖品
simultaneous 同时(发生或进行)的
entity 实体
specifically 具体来说
system-wide 系统级的
daemon 守护进程
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