python标准库介绍——32 Queue 模块详解
- Queue 模块
- ``Queue`` 模块提供了一个线程安全的队列 (queue) 实现, 如 [Example 3-2 #eg-3-2] 所示.
- 你可以通过它在多个线程里安全访问同个对象.
- ====Example 3-2. 使用 Queue 模块====[eg-3-2]
- ```
- File:
- import threading
- import Queue
- import time, random
- class Worker(threading.Thread):
- def _ _init_ _(self, queue):
- self._ _queue = queue
- threading.Thread._ _init_ _(self)
- def run(self):
- while 1:
- item = self._ _queue.get()
- if item is None:
- break # reached end of queue
- # pretend we're doing something that takes 10?00 ms
- time.sleep(random.randint(10, 100) / 1000.0)
- print "task", item, "finished"
- #
- # try it
- queue = Queue.Queue(0)
- for i in range(WORKERS):
- Worker(queue).start() # start a worker
- for i in range(10):
- queue.put(i)
- for i in range(WORKERS):
- queue.put(None) # add end-of-queue markers
- *B*task 1 finished
- task 0 finished
- task 3 finished
- task 2 finished
- task 4 finished
- task 5 finished
- task 7 finished
- task 6 finished
- task 9 finished
- task 8 finished*b*
- ```
- [Example 3-3 #eg-3-3] 展示了如何限制队列的大小. 如果队列满了,
- 那么控制主线程 (producer threads) 被阻塞, 等待项目被弹出 (pop off).
- ====Example 3-3. 使用限制大小的 Queue 模块====[eg-3-3]
- ```
- File:
- import threading
- import Queue
- import time, random
- class Worker(threading.Thread):
- def _ _init_ _(self, queue):
- self._ _queue = queue
- threading.Thread._ _init_ _(self)
- def run(self):
- while 1:
- item = self._ _queue.get()
- if item is None:
- break # reached end of queue
- # pretend we're doing something that takes 10?00 ms
- time.sleep(random.randint(10, 100) / 1000.0)
- print "task", item, "finished"
- #
- # run with limited queue
- queue = Queue.Queue(3)
- for i in range(WORKERS):
- Worker(queue).start() # start a worker
- for item in range(10):
- print "push", item
- queue.put(item)
- for i in range(WORKERS):
- queue.put(None) # add end-of-queue markers
- *B*push 0
- push 1
- push 2
- push 3
- push 4
- push 5
- task 0 finished
- push 6
- task 1 finished
- push 7
- task 2 finished
- push 8
- task 3 finished
- push 9
- task 4 finished
- task 6 finished
- task 5 finished
- task 7 finished
- task 9 finished
- task 8 finished*b*
- ```
- 你可以通过继承 //Queue// 类来修改它的行为. [Example 3-4 #eg-3-4]
- 为我们展示了一个简单的具有优先级的队列. 它接受一个元组作为参数,
- 元组的第一个成员表示优先级(数值越小优先级越高).
- ====Example 3-4. 使用 Queue 模块实现优先级队列====[eg-3-4]
- ```
- File:
- import Queue
- import bisect
- Empty = Queue.Empty
- class PriorityQueue(Queue.Queue):
- "Thread-safe priority queue"
- def _put(self, item):
- # insert in order
- bisect.insort(self.queue, item)
- #
- # try it
- queue = PriorityQueue(0)
- # add items out of order
- queue.put((20, "second"))
- queue.put((10, "first"))
- queue.put((30, "third"))
- # print queue contents
- try:
- while 1:
- print queue.get_nowait()
- except Empty:
- pass
- *B*third
- second
- first*b*
- ```
- [Example 3-5 #eg-3-5] 展示了一个简单的堆栈 (stack) 实现
- (末尾添加, 头部弹出, 而非头部添加, 头部弹出).
- ====Example 3-5. 使用 Queue 模块实现一个堆栈====[eg-3-5]
- ```
- File:
- import Queue
- Empty = Queue.Empty
- class Stack(Queue.Queue):
- "Thread-safe stack"
- def _put(self, item):
- # insert at the beginning of queue, not at the end
- self.queue.insert(0, item)
- # method aliases
- push = Queue.Queue.put
- pop = Queue.Queue.get
- pop_nowait = Queue.Queue.get_nowait
- #
- # try it
- stack = Stack(0)
- # push items on stack
- stack.push("first")
- stack.push("second")
- stack.push("third")
- # print stack contents
- try:
- while 1:
- print stack.pop_nowait()
- except Empty:
- pass
- *B*third
- second
- first*b*
- ```
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