在查看DHC Assertions 模块说明的时候,无意间发现assert模块中JsonBody使用了 JSON Path ,兴趣使然,看了下,发现是类似解析xml用到的 XPath。通过路径来获取json对象的属性值
JSON Path提供了javascript与PHP版本
JSON Path表达式:.store.book[0].title 或则 x['store']['book'][0]['title']
同时,官网也有提到,像javascript、Python、PHP等语言已经提供了类似JSON Path的能力了。
另外,JSON Path存在以下问题
- be naturally based on those language characteristics.
- cover only essential parts of XPath 1.0.
- be lightweight in code size and memory consumption.
- be runtime efficient.
using the symbol '@' for the current object. Filter expressions are supported via the syntax ?(<boolean expr>)
as in
$.store.book[?(@.price < 10)].title
XPath | JSONPath | Description |
/ | $ | the root object/element |
. | @ | the current object/element |
/ | . or [] | child operator |
.. | n/a | parent operator |
// | .. | recursive descent. JSONPath borrows this syntax from E4X. |
* | * | wildcard. All objects/elements regardless their names. |
@ | n/a | attribute access. JSON structures don't have attributes. |
[] | [] | subscript operator. XPath uses it to iterate over element collections and for predicates. In Javascript and JSON it is the native array operator. |
| | [,] | Union operator in XPath results in a combination of node sets. JSONPath allows alternate names or array indices as a set. |
n/a | [start:end:step] | array slice operator borrowed from ES4. |
[] | ?() | applies a filter (script) expression. |
n/a | () | script expression, using the underlying script engine. |
() | n/a | grouping in Xpath |
{ "store": {
"book": [
{ "category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Herman Melville",
"title": "Moby Dick",
"isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
"price": 8.99
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
"title": "The Lord of the Rings",
"isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
"price": 22.99
"bicycle": {
"color": "red",
"price": 19.95
XPath | JSONPath | Result |
/store/book/author |
$.store.book[*].author |
the authors of all books in the store |
//author |
$..author |
all authors |
/store/* |
$.store.* |
all things in store, which are some books and a red bicycle. |
/store//price |
$.store..price |
the price of everything in the store. |
//book[3] |
$..book[2] |
the third book |
//book[last()] |
$..book[(@.length-1)] $..book[-1:] |
the last book in order. |
//book[position()<3] |
$..book[0,1] $..book[:2] |
the first two books |
//book[isbn] |
$..book[?(@.isbn)] |
filter all books with isbn number |
//book[price<10] |
$..book[?(@.price<10)] |
filter all books cheapier than 10 |
//* |
$..* |
all Elements in XML document. All members of JSON structure. |
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