How to Pronounce the Word ‘TO’
How to Pronounce the Word ‘TO’
Tagged With: TO Reduction
Study the TO reduction. There are many reductions in conversational American English. It’s important to know what they are to improve listening comprehension, but also to use the reductions in speech yourself. They are a key part to sounding natural.
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In this American English pronunciation video, I’m going to go over how to pronounce the word ‘to’ in conversation.The word ‘to’ is a preposition so it’s a function word. Function words will normally be unstressed in a sentence. And the word ‘to’ will even reduce. Reduce means a sound will change. So, ‘to’ on its own: true T with the ‘oo’ as in ‘boo’ vowel. But, in a sentence, it will become to, true T with the schwa sound. Or, it might even become to, D sound with the schwa sound. Using the flap T pronunciation will smooth out your line even more. I’ve looked at lots of examples to try to figure out: is there a rule for when it’s appropriate to use the Flap T or not? And I’ve decided you can use the flap T in the word ‘to’ any time except when the word ‘to’ follows a word that ends in a T. Now, if this rule is too confusing for you, don’t worry about it. You can always pronounce it with a true T and a schwa, and that reduction is fine. However, a flap T will smooth things out just a little bit more. So, let’s look at some examples. We went to dinner. [3x] Now you’ll notice the word before ends in T, so I’m pronouncing ‘to’ ‘to’. True T, schwa sound. I’m not pronouncing two T’s. We went to dinner. [2x]Come to my party. Here I’m pronouncing the T as a flap. Duh, duh, duh. Come to my party. [2x] Much smoother than ‘Come to my party’. Come to my party.
Let’s go to the store. Here, ‘to’ is pronounced duh, duh. Go to, go to, go to the, go to the. Let’s go to the store. I wanted to get more. Wanted to, wanted to. Notice I’m not pronouncing two D’s here. Wanted to. The first D, at the end of ‘wanted’, is a stop. Wanted to. Then I’m pronouncing ‘to’ with the flap T/schwa sound. Wanted to [3x]. I wanted to get some more.
Did you notice that I did not pronounce the T sound in the word ‘wanted’. I said wanted, I dropped the T. This is not an uncommon practice when the T follows an N. Other examples: ‘center’ becomes cenner, cenner. Or, interview can be pronounced innerview, innerview.
Dropping this true T smoothes out speech. Even though I dropped the T, the -ed ending still follows the rule for a word that ends in T or D, and is pronounced with the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’ vowel and the D consonant. Wanted is a fairly common word. Don’t be afraid to pronounce it ‘wannid’ [2x], you’ll notice many native speakers pronouncing it this way.
I wanted to get some more.I thought to myself … [2x] Here I’m pronouncing ‘to’, tt, with a true T because the word before ends in a T. Notice though, I am not pronouncing two T’s. I thought to myself. [2x]
We’re going to your play. Going to, going to: flap. We’re going to your play.
Don’t forget to reduce and link the word ‘to’. It’s a very important part of this stressed/ unstressed nature of American English.
That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.
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Don’t stop there. Have fun with my real-life English videos. Or get more comfortable with the IPA in this play list. Learn about the online courses I offer, or check out my latest video.
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