var util = {};

 util.indexOf = function (array, item) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] === item) {
return i;
return -1;
}; util.isFunction = function (source) {
return '[object Function]' ===;
}; util.isIE = function () {
var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return (myNav.indexOf('msie') != -1) ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : false;
}; util.extend = function (dst, obj) {
for (var i in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
dst[i] = obj[i];
}; util.getName = function (prefix) {
return prefix + Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substr(0, 5);
}; util.createScript = function (url, charset) {
var script = document.createElement_x('script');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/;
charset && script.setAttribute('charset', charset);
script.setAttribute('src', url);
script.async = true;
return script;
}; util.jsonp = function (url, onsuccess, onerror, charset) {
var callbackName = util.getName('tt_player');
window[callbackName] = function () {
if (onsuccess && util.isFunction(onsuccess)) {
var script = util.createScript(url + '&callback=' + callbackName, charset);
script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (!script.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(script.readyState)) {
script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
// 移除该script的 DOM 对象
if (script.parentNode) {
// 删除函数或变量
window[callbackName] = null;
script.onerror = function () {
if (onerror && util.isFunction(onerror)) {
}; util.json = function (options) {
var opt = {
url: '',
type: 'get',
data: {},
success: function () {},
error: function () {},
util.extend(opt, options);
if (opt.url) {
var xhr = XMLHttpRequest
? new XMLHttpRequest()
: new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
var data =,
url = opt.url,
type = opt.type.toUpperCase(),
dataArr = [];
for (var k in data) {
dataArr.push(k + '=' + data[k]);
if (type === 'GET') {
url = url + '?' + dataArr.join('&');, url.replace(/\?$/g, ''), true);
if (type === 'POST') {, url, true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xhr.onload = function () {
if (xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 304) {
var res;
if (opt.success && opt.success instanceof Function) {
res = xhr.responseText;
if (typeof res ==== 'string') {
res = JSON.parse(res);, res);
} else {
if (opt.error && opt.error instanceof Function) {, res);
}; util.crc32 = function (url) {
var a = document.createElement_x('a');
a.href = url;
var T = (function () {
var c = 0,
table = new Array(256);
for (var n = 0; n != 256; ++n) {
c = n;
c = ((c & 1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c & 1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c & 1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c & 1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c & 1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c & 1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c & 1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c & 1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
table[n] = c;
return typeof Int32Array !=== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(table) : table;
var crc32_str = function (str) {
var C = -1;
for (var i = 0, L = str.length, c, d; i < L;) {
c = str.charCodeAt(i++);
if (c < 0x80) {
C = (C >>> 8) ^ T[(C ^ c) & 0xFF];
} else if (c < 0x800) {
C = (C >>> 8) ^ T[(C ^ (192 | ((c >> 6) & 31))) & 0xFF];
C = (C >>> 8) ^ T[(C ^ (128 | (c & 63))) & 0xFF];
} else if (c >= 0xD800 && c < 0xE000) {
c = (c & 1023) + 64;
d = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 1023;
C = (C >>> 8) ^ T[(C ^ (240 | ((c >> 8) & 7))) & 0xFF];
C = (C >>> 8) ^ T[(C ^ (128 | ((c >> 2) & 63))) & 0xFF];
C = (C >>> 8) ^ T[(C ^ (128 | ((d >> 6) & 15) | ((c & 3) << 4))) & 0xFF];
C = (C >>> 8) ^ T[(C ^ (128 | (d & 63))) & 0xFF];
} else {
C = (C >>> 8) ^ T[(C ^ (224 | ((c >> 12) & 15))) & 0xFF];
C = (C >>> 8) ^ T[(C ^ (128 | ((c >> 6) & 63))) & 0xFF];
C = (C >>> 8) ^ T[(C ^ (128 | (c & 63))) & 0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
var r = a.pathname + '?r=' + Math.random().toString(10).substring(2);
if (r[0] != '/') {
r = '/' + r;
var s = crc32_str(r) >>> 0;
var is_web = location.protocol.indexOf('http') > -1;
return (is_web ? [location.protocol, a.hostname] : ['http:', a.hostname]).join('//') + r + '&s=' + s;
}; export default util;


其实完全不用: (Warning由于 PHP 的整数是带符号的,所以在 32 位系统上许多 crc32 校验码将返回负整数。 尽管在 64 位上所有 crc32() 的结果将都是正整数。)

$g = "";
printf("%u", crc32($g));


function uright($a, $n)
$c = 2147483647>>($n-1);
return $c&($a>>$n);
function JS_charCodeAt($str, $index){
//not working! $char = mb_substr($str, $index, 1, 'UTF-8');
if (mb_check_encoding($char, 'UTF-8'))
$ret = mb_convert_encoding($char, 'UTF-32BE', 'UTF-8');
return hexdec(bin2hex($ret));
} else {
return null;
function modulo($a, $b) {
return $a - floor($a/$b)*$b;
function ToUint32($x) {
return modulo(intval($x), pow(2, 32));
} function pcrc32()
for ($d = 0, $f = array(256), $g = 0; 256 != $g; ++$g) {
$d = $g;
$d = 1 & $d ? -306674912 ^ uright($d, 1) : uright($d, 1);
$d = 1 & $d ? -306674912 ^ uright($d, 1) : uright($d, 1);
$d = 1 & $d ? -306674912 ^ uright($d, 1) : uright($d, 1);
$d = 1 & $d ? -306674912 ^ uright($d, 1) : uright($d, 1);
$d = 1 & $d ? -306674912 ^ uright($d, 1) : uright($d, 1);
$d = 1 & $d ? -306674912 ^ uright($d, 1) : uright($d, 1);
$d = 1 & $d ? -306674912 ^ uright($d, 1) : uright($d, 1);
$d = 1 & $d ? -306674912 ^ uright($d, 1) : uright($d, 1);
$f[$g] = $d;
//return "undefined" != typeof Int32Array ? new Int32Array($f) : $f;
return $f;
} function pcrc32_str($g,$c)
for ($j = -1, $k = -1, $h = -1, $f = 0, $d =strlen($g); $f < $d;)
//开始的代码⑴ j = g.charCodeAt(f++),
//$j = $g.charCodeAt($f++); //js代码
$j = JS_charCodeAt($g, $f++); //php代码
//开始的代码⑵ j < 128 ? h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ j)] :
if($j < 128)
$h = uright($h, 8) ^ $c[255 & ($h ^ $j)]; }
//开始的代码⑶ j < 2048 ? (h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (192 | j >> 6 & 31))], h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (128 | 63 & j))]) :
if($j < 2048)
$h = uright($h, 8) ^ $c[255 & ($h ^ (192 | $j >> 6 & 31))];
$h = uright($h, 8) ^ $c[255 & ($h ^ (128 | 63 & $j))];
//开始的代码⑷ j >= 55296 && j < 57344 ? (j = (1023 & j) + 64, k = 1023 & g.charCodeAt(f++), h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (240 | j >> 8 & 7))], h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (128 | j >> 2 & 63))], h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (128 | k >> 6 & 15 | (3 & j) << 4))], h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (128 | 63 & k))]) : (h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (224 | j >> 12 & 15))], h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (128 | j >> 6 & 63))], h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (128 | 63 & j))]);
if($j >= 55296 && $j < 57344)
$j = (1023 & $j) + 64;
//$k = 1023 & $g.charCodeAt($f++); //js代码
$k = 1023 & JS_charCodeAt($g, $f++); //php代码
$h = uright($h, 8) ^ $c[255 & ($h ^ (240 | $j >> 8 & 7))];
$h = uright($h, 8) ^ $c[255 & ($h ^ (128 | $j >> 2 & 63))];
$h = uright($h, 8) ^ $c[255 & ($h ^ (128 | $k >> 6 & 15 | (3 & $j) << 4))];
$h = uright($h, 8) ^ $c[255 & ($h ^ (128 | 63 & $k))];
$h = uright($h, 8) ^ $c[255 & ($h ^ (224 | $j >> 12 & 15))];
$h = uright($h, 8) ^ $c[255 & ($h ^ (128 | $j >> 6 & 63))];
$h = uright($h, 8) ^ $c[255 & ($h ^ (128 | 63 & $j))];
} }
return $h ^ -1; } $g = "";
$c = pcrc32();
$res = pcrc32_str($g,$c);
echo ToUint32($res); //js 的代码res >>> 0 翻译过来的 (很深奥) ?>

function test01(a) {
var c = function() {
for (var d = 0, f = new Array(256), g = 0; 256 != g; ++g) {
d = g, d = 1 & d ? -306674912 ^ d >>> 1 : d >>> 1, d = 1 & d ? -306674912 ^ d >>> 1 : d >>> 1, d = 1 & d ? -306674912 ^ d >>> 1 : d >>> 1, d = 1 & d ? -306674912 ^ d >>> 1 : d >>> 1, d = 1 & d ? -306674912 ^ d >>> 1 : d >>> 1, d = 1 & d ? -306674912 ^ d >>> 1 : d >>> 1, d = 1 & d ? -306674912 ^ d >>> 1 : d >>> 1, d = 1 & d ? -306674912 ^ d >>> 1 : d >>> 1, f[g] = d
return "undefined" != typeof Int32Array ? new Int32Array(f) : f
b = function(g) {
for (var j, k, h = -1, f = 0, d = g.length; f < d;) {
j = g.charCodeAt(f++),j < 128 ? h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ j)] : j < 2048 ? (h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (192 | j >> 6 & 31))], h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (128 | 63 & j))]) : j >= 55296 && j < 57344 ? (j = (1023 & j) + 64, k = 1023 & g.charCodeAt(f++), h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (240 | j >> 8 & 7))], h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (128 | j >> 2 & 63))], h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (128 | k >> 6 & 15 | (3 & j) << 4))], h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (128 | 63 & k))]) : (h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (224 | j >> 12 & 15))], h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (128 | j >> 6 & 63))], h = h >>> 8 ^ c[255 & (h ^ (128 | 63 & j))])
return h ^ -1
return b(a) >>> 0
} var g = "";
ss = test01(g);
console.log(ss); </script>



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