
using namespace std; #define INF 10000000 char str[];
int len;
int d[][][][];
int action[][][][];
int pos[];
char place[] = ".LR"; int energy(int a, int ta)
if (a == ta) return ; //该脚没有移动
if (a + ta == ) return ; //该脚移动到相对箭头
return ; //该脚移动到相邻箭头
} int energy(int a, int b, int s, int f, int t, int& ta, int& tb)
ta = a;
tb = b;
if (f == ) //左脚
ta = t;
if (f == ) //右脚
tb = t; if (ta == tb) return -; //移动之后两只脚在同一位置
if (ta == && tb == ) return -; //背向跳舞机状态
if (a == && tb != b) return -; //左脚在右箭头时,不能移动右脚
if (b == && ta != a) return -; //右脚在左箭头时,不能移动左脚 int e = ;
if (f == ) //没有移动
e = ;
else if (f != s) //和上个周期移动的脚不同
e = ;
if (f == )
e = energy(a, ta);
e = energy(b, tb);
return e;
} void update(int i, int a, int b, int s, int f, int t)
int ta, tb;
int e = energy(a, b, s, f, t, ta, tb);
if (e < ) return;
int cost = d[i + ][ta][tb][f] + e;
int& ans = d[i][a][b][s];
if (ans>cost)
ans = cost;
action[i][a][b][s] = f * + t;
} int main()
//freopen("D:\\txt.txt", "r", stdin);
pos['U'] = ;
pos['D'] = ;
pos['L'] = ;
pos['R'] = ;
while (cin >> str)
if (str[] == '#') break;
len = strlen(str);
memset(d, , sizeof(d)); //逆推导
for (int i = len - ; i >= ; i--)
for (int a = ; a < ; a++)
for (int b = ; b < ; b++)
if (a == b) continue;
for (int s = ; s < ; s++)
d[i][a][b][s] = INF;
if (str[i] == '.')
update(i, a, b, s, , );
for (int t = ; t < ; t++)
update(i, a, b, s, , t);
update(i, a, b, s, , t);
update(i, a, b, s, , pos[str[i]]); //左脚移动到指定位置
update(i, a, b, s, , pos[str[i]]); //右脚移动到指定位置
int a = , b = , s = ;
for (int i = ; i < len; i++)
int f = action[i][a][b][s] / ;
int t = action[i][a][b][s] % ;
cout << place[f];
s = f;
if (f == )
a = t;
else if (f == )
b = t;
cout << endl;

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