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<div class="shelves-title">


        <c:when test="${model.isAbroad=='N'}">
            <div class="shelves-t-left">我的订单</div>

            <div class="shelves-t-left">我的海外订单</div>

    <div class="shelves-t-right"></div>
<div class="wxts">温馨提示:收货完成后给予评价,即可获得额外积分</div>

<!--订单弹窗  -->
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    .cp-1 {
        width: 100px;
        padding-left: 20px;
        border-right: 1px solid #e2e2e2;
        padding-bottom: 20px;

    function sealedOrderList(){

        var sealedMemberId=$('#sealedAcc').val();

        if(sealedMemberId==null || sealedMemberId ==0){



    <style >
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            width: 100%;
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            width: 190px;
        .order_price span {
            display: block;
            width: 139px;
            text-align: left;
            padding-left: 24px;
            width: 173px;
        .order_handle {
            width: 144px;
        .order_handle span,.order_handle a{
            display: block;

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            color: #4c89c5;
            color: #fff;
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            background: #fc8524;
            border: none;
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            width: 100%;
            text-align: center;
            padding-top: 20px;
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            padding: 40px 35px 65px 35px;
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            float: left;
        .order_mode {
            height: auto;
        .mode_content select {
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            width: 200px;
            height: 26px;
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        .mode_content span{

            display: none;
            margin-left: 150px;

<div class="coupons-body">
    <div class="coupons-title">
        <div class='order_nav'>
                <li class='tp-tab-checked' id="0">
                <li id="1">
                <li id="2">
                <li id="3">
                <li id="4">
                <li id="6">
        <select id="menu1" name="menu1" onchange="checkMounth()" style="float: right; margin-top: 3px;">
            <option value="0" <c:if test="${model.sel == 's'}">selected="selected"</c:if>>最近一个月订单</option>
            <option value="1" <c:if test="${model.sel == 'b'}">selected="selected"</c:if>>一个月前订单</option>

            <c:when test="${!empty model.sealedMemberList}">

                    <select id="sealedAcc" name="sealedAcc" onchange="sealedOrderList()" style="float:right; margin-right: 20px;margin-top:4px;">
                        <option value="0" <c:if test="${sels == '0'}">selected="selected"</c:if>>请选择</option>
                        <c:forEach var="row" items="${model.sealedMemberList}">

                            <option value=${row.memberId} <c:if test="${model.sealedMemberId == row.memberId}"> selected="selected"</c:if>>${row.loginName}</option>


                    <div style="float: right; margin-right: 10px;">已封存账户:</div>

        <div class="clear"></div>

    <form id="orderConfirm" name="orderConfirm" method="post" action="${urlPrefix.j1Web}/myec/myecOrderCommit.html">

                <c:when test="${model.pagination.data == null}">
                        <td colspan="6" align="center" class="process-td process-bottom">无相关记录</td>
                    <c:forEach var="row" items="${model.pagination.data}">
                        <c:if test="${row.memberId eq sessionScope.memberId  or row.memberId == model.sealedMemberId }">
                        <table width='100%' class='order_box'>
                           <tbody width="100%">
                                    <tr width="100%" class='order_title'>
                            <tr class='order_date'>
                                <td colspan="5" >
                                    <span>下单时间:<cite>${row.commitTime }</cite></span>
                                    <span>订单号: <cite>${row.orderId}</cite></span>
                                    <span>收货人: <cite>${row.receiveUser }</cite></span>
                                    <c:if test="${not empty row.orderItems}">
                                        <c:set var="len" value="${fn:length(row.orderItems)}"/>
                                        <c:if test="${len > 2}">
                                            <c:set var="td_cls" value="bian-b"/>
                                        <c:forEach varStatus="st" begin="0" step="1" var="orderItem"
                                            <tr class='order_list'>
                                                <td class="order_img_box"><a href="${urlPrefix.j1Web}/product/${orderItem.productId }-${orderItem.goodsId }.html" target="_blank" class="pic_01"><img
                                                        src="${orderItem.proImageUrl}" alt=""/></a>

                                                    <div class="desc">
                                                        <p><a href="${urlPrefix.j1Web}/product/${orderItem.productId }-${orderItem.goodsId }.html" target="_blank">${orderItem.goodsName}</a></p>
                                                <!-- 出现2行以上td添加类 bian-b -->
                                                <td class="cp-3 ${td_cls}">×${orderItem.goodsAmount}
                                                <c:if test="${st.index == 0}">
                                                    <!-- 有几行数字就是几rowspan="2" -->
                                                    <td rowspan="${len}" class="order_price"><p>商品总价:¥<fmt:formatNumber
                                                            value="${empty row.skuFee ?0.00:row.skuFee}"/></p>

                                                        <p>运费金额:¥<fmt:formatNumber pattern="#0.00#"
                                                                                   value="${empty row.deliveryFee ?0.00:row.deliveryFee}"/></p>
                                                        <c:set var="disFee"
                                                        <p>优惠金额:¥<fmt:formatNumber pattern="#0.00#"
                                                                                   value="${empty disFee ?0.00:disFee}"/></p>

                                                        <p>税费金额:¥<fmt:formatNumber pattern="#0.00#"
                                                                                   value="${empty row.taxFee ?0.00:row.taxFee}"/></p>

                                                        <p>积分抵扣金额:¥<fmt:formatNumber pattern="#0.00#"
                                                                                     value="${empty row.orderPoints ?0.00:row.orderPoints}"/></p>


                                                            <fmt:formatNumber pattern="#0.00#" value="${empty row.orderFee ?0.00:row.orderFee}" />元

                                                                <c:when test="${not empty row.paymentTypeName}">(${row.paymentTypeName })</c:when>

                                                    <td rowspan="${len}" class="cp-5">
                                                        <p id="stateSpan_${row.orderId}" onmousemove="showRz(this.id)"
                                                           onmouseout="hideRz(this.id)"> ${row.codeValue }</p>

                                                                <c:when test="${row.isPaid eq 'Y' }">

                                                        <div id="ddrz_${row.orderId}" style="display: none"
                                                            <div class="address-relative-body">

                                                                <div class="address-absolute"></div>
                                                                <table id="tb_${row.orderId}" width="100%" border="0"
                                                                       cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="address-tip">
                                                                        <td class="address-bottom">处理时间</td>
                                                                        <td class="address-bottom">处理意见</td>
                                                                    <c:forEach var="orderLog" items="${row.orderLogList}">
                                                                            <td class="address-bottom">${orderLog.logTime}</td>
                                                                            <td class="address-bottom">${orderLog.logContent}</td>

                                                    <td rowspan="${len}" class="cp-6">
                                                            <%--<a href="" class="buy">立即支付</a>
                                                            <p><a href="" target="_blank" class="cb">评价</a></p>--%>
                                                        <!--  已完成     -->
                                                        <c:if test="${row.codeNo eq 'finish'}">
                                                            <a href="${urlPrefix.j1Web}/myec/view/${row.orderId }/queryOrderDetail.html" class="blue">订单详情</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                                            <c:if test="${model.isSealedMember eq 'N'}">
                                                                    <c:when test="${row.iseval eq 'Y' }">
                                                                        <c:if test="${row.isTc eq 'N' }">
                                                                            <p><a href="javaScript:void(0);"
                                                                        <c:if test="${row.isTc eq 'N' }">
                                                                                <a href="${urlPrefix.j1Web}/comment/view/evaluations.html"
                                                            <c:if test="${row.isPaid eq 'Y'}">
                                                                <c:forEach items="${prizeList}" var="pp">
                                                                    <c:if test="${pp.ORDER_ID == row.orderId && pp.PRIZE_COUNT == 0 && pp.PAID_FEE >= 85}">
                                                                        <p><a style="margin-left: 10px; color: red"
                                                            <c:if test="${row.isHcwCj eq 'Y'}">
                                                                <p><a class="blue" href="#"
                                                        <!--  已发货     -->
                                                        <c:if test="${row.codeNo eq 'delivering' && row.codeNo ne 'finish' && model.isSealedMember eq 'N'}">
                                                            <c:if test="${row.paymentMode eq 'KDFH' }">
                                                                <p><a href="#" class="blue"
                                                            <div class="clear"></div>
                                                            <a href="${urlPrefix.j1Web}/myec/view/${row.orderId }/queryOrderDetail.html" class="blue">订单详情</a>
                                                            <c:if test="${row.isPaid eq 'Y'}">
                                                                <c:forEach items="${prizeList}" var="pp">
                                                                    <c:if test="${pp.ORDER_ID==row.orderId && pp.PRIZE_COUNT==0 && pp.PAID_FEE >= 85}">
                                                                        <p><a style="margin-left: 10px; color: red"
                                                        <!-- 已取消 -->
                                                        <c:if test="${row.codeNo eq 'cancel' && row.codeNo ne 'finish'}">
                                                            <c:if test="${model.isSealedMember eq 'N'}"><p>订单已取消</p></c:if>
                                                            <div class="clear"></div>
                                                            <a href="${urlPrefix.j1Web}/myec/view/${row.orderId }/queryOrderDetail.html" class="blue">订单详情</a>
                                                            <c:if test="${row.isPaid eq 'Y'}">
                                                                <c:forEach items="${prizeList}" var="pp">
                                                                    <c:if test="${pp.ORDER_ID eq row.orderId && pp.PRIZE_COUNT eq 0 && pp.PAID_FEE >= 85}">
                                                                        <p><a style="margin-left: 10px; color: red"
                                                        <!--  -->
                                                        <c:if test="${row.codeNo ne 'cancel' && row.codeNo ne 'delivering'  && row.codeNo ne 'finish'}">
                                                            <c:if test="${row.paymentMode eq 'KDFH' || row.paymentMode eq 'ZTFK' }">
                                                                <c:if test="${row.isPaid ne 'Y' && row.orderPayFee > 0  && model.isSealedMember eq 'N'}">
                                                                    <a onclick="commitMyecOrder('${row.orderId }')"
                                                                    <input name="" type="button" class="pay-btn" style="margin: 0 auto; margin-bottom: 5px; float: none; cursor: pointer;" onclick="commitMyecOrder('${row.orderId }')" />
                                                                    <div class="clear"></div>

                                                            <%-- <p><a href="#" class="blue" onclick="addMultiCart('${row.ids}')">重新加入购物车</a></p>--%>
                                                            <a href="${urlPrefix.j1Web}/myec/view/${row.orderId }/queryOrderDetail.html" class="blue">订单详情</a>
                                                            <c:if test="${row.isPaid eq 'Y'}">
                                                                <c:forEach items="${prizeList}" var="pp">
                                                                    <c:if test="${pp.ORDER_ID eq row.orderId && pp.PRIZE_COUNT eq 0 && pp.PAID_FEE >= 85}">
                                                                        <p><a style="margin-left: 10px; color: red"
                                                            <div class="clear"></div>
                                                            <c:if test="${model.isSealedMember eq 'N'}">
                                                                <c:if test="${row.isPaid eq 'N' && row.paymentMode eq 'KDFH'  && row.codeNo ne 'audit' && row.codeNo ne 'matching' && row.codeNo ne 'out_stock'  && model.isSealedMember eq 'N'}">
                                                                    <p><a href="#" class="blue"
                                                            <!-- cancelOrder -->
                                                                <c:if test="${row.isPaid eq 'N' && row.paymentMode eq 'ZTFK'  && row.codeNo ne 'audit' && row.codeNo ne 'matching' && row.codeNo ne 'out_stock'  && model.isSealedMember eq 'N'}">
                                                                    <p><a href="#" class="blue"
                                                                <c:if test="${row.paymentMode eq 'HDFK' && row.orderState eq '29' && model.isSealedMember eq 'N'}">
                                                                    <p><a href="#" class="blue"

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        <div align="right">
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<!-- 虎彩网抽奖2014-08-06到2014-09-20 -->
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    .goods-orders56 .buy:hover {
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<div class="hcbg-1"></div>
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            <!--                 <dt>卡号</dt> -->
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            <!--             </dl> -->
            <!--             <dl> -->
            <!--                 <dt>31654646445561</dt> -->
            <!--                 <dd>56464</dd> -->
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            <!--             <dl> -->
            <!--                 <dt>31654646445561</dt> -->
            <!--                 <dd>56464</dd> -->
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<!-- 订单取消原因弹窗-->
<div class="glotc-bg1" ></div>
<div class="glotc-main1 order_mode">
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                <input type="hidden" id="complaintOrderId" value="" />
                <h3>请选择取消订单的理由: </h3>
                <select name="cancelId" id="cancelId" class="bk-e2">
                    <option value="">请选择取消的原因</option>
                    <option value="1">不想要了</option>
                    <option value="2">其他原因</option>
                    <option value="3">遇到付款问题</option>
                    <option value="4">选错商品</option>
                <span class="ts-error" id="addComplaintTypeIdError"><em class="ico"></em>请选择订单取消原因</span>


        <div class="glo-bt">
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<!-- 订单列表-->
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(".order_nav li").click(function(){
        var operation = $(this).attr("id");


  1. 在Ecshop后台打印订单页面将商品按货号排序

    ECSHOP后台管理里的“打印订单" 页面里的商品排序有点乱,现在想改成按序号来排序,修改方法如下 下面是在2.7.2基础上做的修改 打开 admin/order.php  文件 找到(大约 ...

  2. Luffy之结算订单页面(订单模型表的创建,订单的生成,以及订单详情展示等)

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  3. Django电商项目---完成订单页面day5

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  4. django-用户中心订单页面

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  5. 小程序swiper实现订单页面

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  6. DJANGO-天天生鲜项目从0到1-012-订单-用户订单页面

    本项目基于B站UP主‘神奇的老黄’的教学视频‘天天生鲜Django项目’,视频讲的非常好,推荐新手观看学习 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vt41147K8?p= ...

  7. day85:luffy:购物车根据有效期不同切换价格&购物车删除操作&价格结算&订单页面前戏

    目录 1.购物车有效期切换 2.根据有效期不同切换价格 3.购物车删除操作 4.价格结算 5.订单页面-初始化 1.购物车有效期切换 1.关于有效期表结构的设计 1.course/models.py ...

  8. OnSen UI结合AngularJs打造”美团"APP"订单”页面 --Hybrid App

    1.页面效果图: 演示链接地址:http://www.nxl123.cn/bokeyuan/meiTuanDemo_order/ 2.核心代码 order.html: <ons-page id= ...

  9. 我的预约订单页面List

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    PHP04 1.HTTP(hypertext transfer protocol) 1)HTTP是端与端之间的通讯协议 chrome://net-internals/ 可查看DNS缓存 浏览器-检查- ...

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  3. [Web 前端] mobx教程(三)-在React中使用Mobx

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  4. 如何在 PhpStorm 使用 Code Generation?

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  6. exception The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986

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  7. python3 “POST data should be bytes or an iterable of bytes...”的解决方法

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  8. Python内置的urllib模块不支持https协议的解决办法

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  9. Python(字符编码)

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  10. 在 Visual Studio 2017 新建的项目中,无法设置项目版本号的通配符规则

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