下面这个列表中的免费 JavaScript 插件都是今年发布的,没有臃肿的一体化的框架,它们提供轻量级的解决方案,帮助 Web 开发过程更容易和更快。提供的插件可以创建滑块、响应式菜单、模态窗口、相册和许多其他常见的组件。



baguetteBox.js 一个简单和易于使用的响应式的图像 Lightbox 插件,支持滑动手势在移动设备上使用。纯 JavaScript 实现,不依赖第三方库和插件。


创建和管理元素进入可视区域时的动画效果,帮助你的网站增加吸引力。只需要给元素增加 data-scrollreveal 属性,当元素进入可视区域的时候会自动被触发设置好的动画。


Bricks.js is a ‘blazing fast’ masonry layout generator for fixed width elements.


Available as either a jQuery plugin or as vanilla JavaScript, the Philter gives you the means to control CSS filters with HTML attributes.


List.js is a lightweight and fast vanilla JavaScript script that adds search, sort, filters and flexibility to lists, tables, or anything HTML.


Datedropper.js is a jQuery plugin that gives you a an easy way to manage dates for input fields.


jfMagnify is a jQuery plugin that creates a magnify glass effect on any HTML element, not just images.

jQuery formBuilder

jQuery formBuilder is a new jQuery plugin for quick, drag & drop form creation.


Popper.js is a lightweight (4kb minified) library for managing poppers, tooltips and popovers. You can quickly and easily position tooltips with just a single line code.


iMissYou.js is a handy little jQuery plugin for changing the title & favicon of the page when the user moves away from your website.


SweetAlert2 is a beautiful and customizable replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes.


Turntable.js is a responsive jQuery slider that will flip through a selection of images as your mouse moves across a container.


Force.js is a JavaScript library that makes it simple to animate HTML elements and navigate around a web page.


Bideo.js is a JavaScript library that makes it very easy to add fullscreen background videos to web pages.


Written in vanilla JavaScript, flatpickr is lightweight datetimepicker and calendar solution.


Slidebars is a jQuery Framework for adding off-canvas menus and sidebars to your website or web application.


anime.js is a flexible and lightweight JavaScript animation library. It works with CSS, Individual Transforms, SVG, DOM attributes and JS Objects.


Cleave.js – Format your <input/> content when you are typing.


Skippr is a super simple and lightweight slideshow plugin for jQuery


iziModal.js is an elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight modal jQuery plugin.


Lightgallery.js is a fully featured JavaScript lightbox gallery with no dependencies.


本文链接:2017年1月份20个轻量的 JavaScript 库和插件

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源

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