1. 定义一个契约(接口)


namespace App\Contracts; interface SuperModuleContract
public function activate(array $target);

2. 一个实现这个接口的类


namespace App\Services; use App\Contracts\SuperModuleContract; class FlyPower implements SuperModuleContract
public function activate(array $target)
//..可以根据$target 参数进行一些操作 $ability = 'fly ability';
return $ability;

3. 创建服务提供者


namespace App\Providers; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use App\Services\FlyPower; class SuperPowerProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
public function register()
return new FlyPower();
}); //bind绑定实例到接口以便依赖注入
// 如何使用:在类构造方法中实例化,并指定接口类型
return new FlyPower();

4. 注册服务提供者


'providers' => [

5. 创建facades


namespace App\Facades;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class FlyPower extends Facade
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'fly_power';

6. 再然后需要到配置文件config/app.php中注册门面类别名:

'aliases' => [
'FlyPower' => App\Facades\FlyPower::class,

7. 写一个控制器进行测试


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Contracts\SuperModuleContract;
use App;
use FlyPower; class TestController extends Controller
{ protected $superower; public function __construct(SuperModuleContract $super_power)
$this->super_power = $super_power;
} public function getPower(Request $request){
//实现超人的几种方式 # 使用make方式
$superman1 = App::make('fly_power')->activate(array()); # 使用facades
$superman2 = FlyPower::activate(array()); # 构造函数,类型提示,依赖注入
$superman3 = $this->super_power->activate(array()); dd($superman1, $superman2, $superman3);
} }


"fly ability"
"fly ability"
"fly ability"


8. 进一步分析


8.1 定义一个获取超能力的接口


namespace App\Contracts; interface GetPowerContract
public function init();

8.2 一个实现获取超能力接口的类


namespace App\Services; use App\Contracts\GetPowerContract;
use App; class GetPower implements GetPowerContract
public function init()
$config = config('power');
$ability = $config['ability']; $ability = App::make($ability);
return $ability;

8.3 创建配置文件



return [
'ability' => 'fly_power',

8.4 增加一个超能力类,需要实现超能力接口


namespace App\Services; use App\Contracts\SuperModuleContract; class ShotPower implements SuperModuleContract
public function activate(array $target)
//..可以根据$target 参数进行一些操作 $ability = 'shot ability';
return $ability;

8.5 修改服务提供器



namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use App\Services\FlyPower;
use App\Services\ShotPower;
use App\Services\GetPower; class SuperPowerProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Bootstrap the application services.
* @return void
public function boot()
} /**
* Register the application services.
* @return void
public function register()
return new FlyPower();
}); $this->app->singleton('shot_power',function(){
return new ShotPower();
}); //bind绑定实例到接口以便依赖注入
// 如何使用:在类构造方法中实例化,并指定接口类型
return new FlyPower();
}); $this->app->bind('App\Contracts\GetPowerContract',function(){
//return new FlightPower();
return new GetPower();

8.6 修改控制器测试代码



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
//use App\Services\XPower;
use App\Contracts\SuperModuleContract;
use App\Contracts\GetPowerContract;
use App;
use FlyPower; class TestController extends Controller
{ protected $superower; //public function __construct(XPower $XPower)
// $this->XPower = $XPower;
//} //public function __construct(SuperModuleContract $super_power)
// $this->super_power = $super_power;
//} public function __construct(GetPowerContract $super_power)
$this->super_power = $super_power;
} public function getPower(Request $request){
$superman1 = App::make('fly_power')->activate(array());
$superman2 = FlyPower::activate(array());
$superman3 = $this->super_power->init()->activate(array());
$superman4 = App::make('shot_power')->activate(array()); d($superman1, $superman2, $superman3, $superman4);
} }


"fly ability"
"fly ability"
"fly ability"
"shot ability"




return [
'ability' => 'shot_power',


"fly ability"
"fly ability"
"shot ability"
"shot ability"



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